Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 430 This time, I must regain my face


Huang You coughed. Apparently, his second uncle's national fame also made him a little embarrassed.

But he knew that if he didn't resolve this matter today, he might be the next one to be as embarrassed as his second uncle.

"Loss money first, or bark like a dog first?"

Wang Xiaocong said with interest from the side.


Huang You's face immediately turned red: "Ahem, everyone, I just had a fever, can you withdraw..."

"Withdraw your mother's sales!"

Wang Xiaocong kicked Huang You directly: "Didn't you show off just now? Why are you so weak now!"

Ye Yang gave Wang Xiaocong a thumbs up, "There is a bright future!"


Seeing that Huang You was so soft, he just slapped his neck: "Haha, it doesn't cost you money, it costs your life! You just have to figure it out! Our Huang Group is also a super consortium with a market value of hundreds of billions, and I can't let you manipulate it. of!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Are you trying to blame me, Ye Yang?"

"What?! What's so great about you! We just made a verbal bet, and you have no evidence. Haha, I said I'd give you three billion, so I'll give you three billion!?"

The more Huang You talked, the more confident and justified he became, and he hummed, "You're making me laugh to death, Mr. Huang!"


Ye Yang smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile.

"You don't think that as long as you default on your debt, Brother Ye can't do anything to you, right?"

Wang Xiaocong was also made to laugh by Huang You's rogue behavior: "Not to mention Brother Ye's status, even I have a hundred ways to make your Huang Group pay!"

"For a hundred dollars, do you think I've never studied? I'm here to scare idiots!"

Huang has no access.

"Okay, you still know that I'm fooling a fool."

Wang Xiaocong nodded slightly, and then raised a few fingers: "First, Brother Ye has the top law firm in China. He can definitely find the old things your Huang Group has done over the years and initiate a lawsuit against your Huang Group. ”

"And Yida Group will also join forces with other industries under Brother Ye's name to carry out a commercial encirclement and suppression of your Huang Group."

"How long can you withstand a small group worth hundreds of billions?"

"By then, the loss will not be 3 billion. With such a storm, I'm afraid the Huang Group will be completely capsized if it doesn't pay attention!"

Wang Xiaocong's voice got louder and louder as he spoke: "As for you...even if you are fine now, you might disappear tomorrow for some special reason and be sunk at the bottom of the sea."

"Are you threatening me!? How dare you!!!"

Huang You glared, his face was fierce and his heart was filled with panic.

"I'm not threatening you, but things are unpredictable. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?"

Wang Xiaocong shrugged, his expression as villain-like as possible.

", you...don't be impulsive!"

Huang You, who looked like he would rather die than surrender just now, was so frightened that his pants almost got wet, and he collapsed directly on the ground, his voice filled with tears.

"If you're scared, why don't you call your home and transfer the money!"

Wang Xiaocong yelled angrily, looking exactly like a gangster with a blue dragon tattoo on his hand in a Hong Kong movie from the 1990s.

"I, I...I will fight!"

Huang You ran to the side and started dialing.


As soon as Huang You ran away, Wang Xiaocong couldn't hold back his smile anymore and burst out laughing.

"It's pretty much like that."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Wang Xiaocong patted his chest: "Professional! I also dated many girls from the acting department, and they taught me."

What he said just now about the reason behind the corpse's death was just to scare this little fool.

If there is a commercial conflict, the Huang Group will definitely surrender directly. Ye Yang does not even need to come forward at all. The presence of him, the second generation of Yida Fu, is enough to achieve the goal.

Killing someone for such an easily achieved goal would not do any good. Instead, it would cause a lot of trouble. Even smart and wealthy people would never choose to do so.

Getting the maximum benefit with the minimum loss is the smart choice.

"Hey! Dad!!! Save your son! I'm going to be buried!!!!"

Poor Huang You didn't even know that what he just said was just to scare him, a fool. As soon as he answered the phone, he burst into tears. The overbearing CEO Fan had been scared out of his mind...

"Ah!? What did you say! Who did you provoke? Who is so bold! Did you tell him that you are from the Huang Group?"

On the other end of the phone, Huang Heping asked with a frown.

"I told you, it's useless!"

Huang You was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly: "Anyway, dad, hurry up and prepare three billion to rescue me. I will send the location to you soon! Come quickly! If it's later, I won't have it!"


"Hello!? Hello?"

Huang Heping looked at the phone that had been hung up long ago, feeling confused.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

Huang Hexing on the side also looked over, inexplicably feeling that this scene was suffocatingly familiar.

"...Xiao You seems to have been kidnapped, and he threatened to break up the vote if he didn't pay 3 billion..."

Huang Heping was also a little flustered.

"???I was kidnapped, can I still give you my location?"

Huang Hexing directly confused the world.

"What did the kidnapper say!?"

"The kidnapper didn't speak to me, but this kid told me in no uncertain terms that he wanted three billion, otherwise he would be buried..."

Huang Heping scratched his head: "This unlucky son can't even speak clearly."


Huang Hexing patted the desk in front of him: "There is such a thing! It seems that the other party asked Xiaoyou to call us, which also means that they want to settle it privately. Third brother, don't panic, I have never been afraid of trouble! Find someone to deal with them!"

Huang Heping pondered: "Can it work? Will it..."

"Don't worry, I have someone in the underworld! I can definitely settle this matter! Don't worry, I guarantee that our Huang Group will not spend a penny on this matter! When the person I find goes there, he will have to pay us back!"

Huang Hexing patted his chest and promised.

"Last time Xiaoxin got into trouble, you seemed to have promised the same thing..."

Huang Heping muttered.

"Well, isn't that a special case? Who knew that Xiaoxin was spoiled like that, and even dared to offend someone like Mr. Ye!"

Huang Hexing frowned when he mentioned this.

More than a month ago, his daughter Huang Xiaoxin acted like a spoiled child in a teahouse in Magic City, which directly angered Ye Yang, a big business figure in Magic City.

He paid a lot of money to invite the second most powerful security guard in Magic City, Hei Jiutian, to go with him, but he didn't expect that he was not only the most powerful in Magic City's business world, but also had an extremely noble status in the underground world.

In the end, he had to pay a huge amount of shares to him in disgrace, and even his daughter Huang Xiaoxin was temporarily expelled from the Huang family. At this time, she was eating steamed bread in a mountain village.

"Damn it! It was so embarrassing last time. I lost my daughter and lost my soldiers. This time I must earn back my face!!!"

Huang Hexing gritted his teeth.

(First update)

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