Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 432 Why are you still protecting him?

"Well, isn't this Xiao Nanzi!"

Qiang Ye raised his eyebrows, looked at the owner of the racetrack, nodded slightly, the cigar at the corner of his mouth twitched, and then he looked at Ye Yang with his eyes drooping: "What's your background, kid? Tell me about your background? What school are you from?"

"Where are you from? Why are you pretending to be so cool!"

Wang Xiaocong didn't like Qiang Ye's tone, frowned and shouted: "You are so close to my brother Ye!? Are you worthy?"

"Boy, you are so aggressive!"

Qiang Ye frowned and looked at Wang Xiaocong: "Where are you from!"

"You don't even know me?"

Wang Xiaocong raised his eyebrows: "Where are you from!"


Qiang Ye frowned: "Except for the female star, I really don't know anyone. Why, tell me about your family?"

"Ahem, Qiang Ye, he seems to be Wang Xiaocong!"

The younger brother beside Qiang Ye reminded.


Qiang Ye frowned: "Wang Xiaocong? Who is that?"

"It's the eldest son of Wang Silin, the richest man in China."

Several younger brothers reminded him again.


Qiang Ye immediately felt something was wrong: "The son of the richest man? He still needs to be kidnapped for ransom? The richest man is having such a hard time now?"

"This, maybe it's true."

"I was wondering why our underworld has been having a hard time in recent years. It seems that the whole industry is involuntarily rolling up its sleeves, and we are not the only one!"

"Suddenly I felt mentally balanced..."

A group of fierce thugs immediately discussed with each other, and it seemed that they all felt the same way.

"Shut up! Look at you! Do you have the nerve to say that you are my subordinates!"

Qiang Ye shook his fur coat and shouted angrily.


The thugs finally quieted down.


Mr. Qiang turned around and frowned, "I don't care whose son you are. I am the leader of Hainan. Whoever comes here, you have to give me some face! Don't let me say it a second time, hand him over!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Hand him over? Okay, did you bring the 3 billion bet?"

"Damn, you dare to ask me for money!?"

Mr. Qiang laughed angrily: "You are tired of living, right?"

"You come to show off when you have no money."

Ye Yang's face turned cold: "Get lost!"


Everyone present was dumbfounded.

The owner of the racing track also came over and whispered to Ye Yang: "I say, Mr. Ye, this Mr. Qiang is indeed a local snake in Hainan. He has stained his hands with countless blood in the past few years. Recently, he has restrained himself a lot because of the policy, but he is still a ruthless man!"

"You offend him so much, maybe there will be danger!"

"He is the one who is in danger."

Ye Yang shrugged and raised his eyebrows indifferently.

"What did you say!?!"

Qiang Ye shouted in disbelief.

"I won't say the same thing for the second time."

Ye Yang's eyes were cold and sharp.

What local snake, to put it bluntly, is a big gangster!

In terms of black, he can fight a hundred people alone. If he is lazy and doesn't want to do it, a phone call will instantly bring Hurricane Security to the scene, and Qiang Ye will instantly become a weak nephew!

In terms of white, whether it is Jincheng Law Firm or the original influence of Zijie in Hainan.

It is enough to easily crush the other party.

He can't find a reason to indulge the other party's arrogance, right?

"Damn it! I haven't seen blood on my hands for several years. The young people now don't know what I do, right!"

Qiang Ye was so angry that his hair and beard stood up, and he was about to wave his hand to order to grab people.

A car drove into the racetrack.

A figure got off the car leisurely. When he saw this scene, he still had a smile on his face and thought he had done a good thing.

But when he saw who the person surrounded in the middle was.

His eyes were straight in an instant.

"Fuck! No way!!!"

He rubbed his eyes hard: "Fuck! It's true!"

This time, his carefree spirit had long been thrown out of the sky.

He ran up and hugged Mr. Qiang.

"Mr. Qiang! No, no!!!"


Mr. Qiang was confused and looked carefully at the person hugging him. Isn't this his employer?

"What's wrong with you!?"

"Brother Qiang, you have worked hard this time, please go back!"

Huang Hexing said hurriedly with cold sweat.

"Are you kidding!"

Mr. Qiang scolded.

"No, no, there may be some misunderstandings between me and them, please go home first!"

Huang Hexing begged repeatedly.

"Who do you think we are!?"

Qiang Ye laughed: "This kid's arrogant attitude has already provoked me! Even if you don't ask me to do the job, I will teach this kid a lesson today!"

Huang Hexing repeatedly blocked in front: "No, no, no! You must not! If you want to hurt Mr. Ye, you must step over me first!!!"


Except for Ye Yang, everyone present was stunned.

What the hell is this! ?

"Uncle! What are you talking about!"

Huang You was anxious.

It was not easy to see someone coming to save him, why did the uncle protect Ye Yang!

"It's strange, this is the first time I have seen an employer who hired gangsters to protect the target he wanted to solve in front of the gangsters."

Qiang Ye felt that his three views had collapsed. For the first time, he felt that the work experience accumulated over the years was not enough...

"I'm really surprised. What kind of operation is this!"

Several younger brothers also muttered.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Ye Yang looked at Huang Hexing with interest. He felt familiar with Huang You's name when he first heard it. After all, there shouldn't be many Huang Groups in China with a market value of 100 billion yuan.

Unexpectedly, the enemy met on a narrow road. When he saw it at this time, it was really him!


Huang Hexing also had a hard time. If he was really a kidnapper, it would be better. He could solve the problem by robbing the gangsters.

But the one who provoked him was Ye Yang!

A terrifying existence that almost covered the sky with one hand in the Magic City!

A big man who eats both black and white!

Mr. Qiang came to save his nephew. With a casual check, Ye Yang could find out that Mr. Qiang was hired by the Huang Group.

With the other party's revengeful character, I'm afraid that in a rage, not only Mr. Qiang will die, I'm afraid that the Huang Group will also be finished...

Today, I will not let Mr. Qiang attack Ye Yang even if I die!

Otherwise, the consequences, just thinking about it, he was terrified!

"Don't you plan to give an explanation?"

Mr. Qiang raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"Mr. Qiang... I didn't know that it was Mr. Ye who kidnapped my nephew... If I knew, I wouldn't have come to you..."

Huang Hexing said with a smile.

"What?! Do you look down on me and think I can't deal with him!?"

Mr. Qiang was angry and cursed directly.


Huang Hexing nodded honestly.


Mr. Qiang was completely angry: "Hahahaha! I laughed! In China, there is still a kid in his twenties that I can't afford to offend!?"

(First update)

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