Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 433: Can we still play like this?

"Even Mr. Qian of Modutan wants to address this person as Mr. Ye, and I don't dare to offend him in the slightest!"

Huang Hexing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Master Qiang, I know your influence in this area, but I still advise you to do your best and take care of yourself!"


Master Qiang was stunned. Although these words were against him, the meaning behind them really shocked him.

Mr. Qian of Modutan can be regarded as one of the most powerful people in China.

Back then, there were Fourth Master Zhao from the Northeast, Master Qian from Modutan, Gang Leader Wolf Wei from the Northwest, and Master Gen from Nanling.

Also known as the Four Evils of China.

These four are the highest on the path in terms of seniority and influence.

When these four people were making great changes in the world, Xie Guangqiang was still an unknown gangster.

Although recent policy changes have severely cracked down on evil forces, these once most powerful road bosses have gradually retreated into the background.

However, as long as they were on the street, they would keep secrets of these four people and be in awe.

No one dares to deny face to anyone who mentions the names of these four people.

According to what Huang Hexing said, this young man in his twenties was actually a big shot that even Master Qian in the capital city couldn't afford to offend? !

How can this be!


The fierceness that was originally so arrogant and ready to say harsh things suddenly became much less intense.

"you sure?"

Master Qiang and Xie Guangqiang asked with a frown.

"It's absolutely true! It's not difficult to find out about Master Qian's personal support for Mr. Ye at the cocktail party in Magic City by asking your colleagues in Magic City."

Huang Hexing kept talking.


"Nice! Then you're still looking for me! Do you want to kill me!?"

Xie Guangqiang gritted his teeth, his face turned blue and white, and he was obviously a little scared.

However, he had just said harsh words, and now he was intimidated, which made him unable to get off the stage, and all his anger was directed towards Huang Hexing.

"I...I didn't know before that it was Mr. Ye that my idiot nephew offended!!!"

Huang Hexing was also aggrieved and directed all his anger on his nephew.

"Damn it, uncle, you..."

Huang You only studies how to act cool every day, but how can he understand this profound conversation? At this time, he listened in confusion, and at the end he was scolded, and he was dumbfounded on the spot: "In the end, it was my fault!? "

"Master Qiang! Didn't you just say that this is your territory, and anyone who comes over will have to give you some respect?"

"Yes, boss, you can't be a coward!"

The younger brothers around him all said indignantly.

"Malgobi, shut up!!! Do you want to kill me!?"

Xie Guangqiang alone gave them their favorite big mouth.

The younger brothers were immediately stunned, but seeing that the boss, who always liked to show off, was so cowardly, they knew things were really not optimistic, so they wisely chose to keep their mouths shut.

"This...Mr. Ye!"

When Xie Guangqiang turned back to look at Ye Yang, the look of resentment on his face had long since turned into a flattering look. The speed of his face change could be called the quintessence of Chinese culture: Sichuan Opera face-changing level.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What? Are you going to take action?"

"Ah ha ha ha ha... are you kidding me?"

Xie Guangqiang rubbed his hands and said repeatedly: "You are a big shot that even Mr. Qian respects. How dare I provoke you!"

"Really? Doesn't anyone from China have to give you three points of respect? Huh!?"

Ye Yang sneered and took a step forward.

"Oh, I was bragging just now! Your Excellency has a lot of..."

Xie Guangqiang slapped himself in the mouth repeatedly, not daring to be arrogant anymore.

"Isn't there no twenty-year-old boy in China that you can't afford to offend!?"

Ye Yang took a step forward again.

Xie Guangqiang slapped himself in the mouth again and again: "Look at my foul mouth! Aren't you the one I can't afford to offend?"


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Xie Guangqiang knew how to advance and retreat, and could stretch and shrink. He was not hopeless.

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, please chat with this old man Huang first, and I will withdraw first!"

Xie Guangqiang waved his hands repeatedly and wanted to turn around and run away.

"Leave? I let you go!?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and sneered.


Xie Guangqiang came to his senses in embarrassment: "Mr. Ye, do you have any other instructions..."

"Since you are here to ask for someone, why don't you just pay the money?"

Ye Yang said lightly.


Xie Guangqiang had a bitter look on his face: "Brother Ye, it's not been easy for us in the underworld these past few years! We haven't opened a business for a long time! It's not easy to take on this job. I didn't make a penny, and I was asked to repay three billion... Thirty billion Hundreds of millions! We can’t get it out even if we kill him!”

"Stop crying with me about poverty!"

Ye Yang sneered: "I don't have the habit of sympathizing with scum."

Xie Guangqiang looks down and out now. He did a lot of harm to people in his early years. This kind of scum cannot be squeezed out too much!

"Are you really kidding?"

Xie Guangqiang's face suddenly turned ugly.

Even Mr. Qian of the Magic City has been reduced to only a little over 20 billion in his books in recent years.

Although Emperor Tiangao had made a lot of money in his early years, they were still far behind in terms of size compared to super bosses like Master Qian.

The total book value is only a few billion.

"You think I'm kidding?"

A cold smile appeared on Ye Yang's face.


Xie Guangqiang's hands were trembling. Don't say anything else. If he didn't listen to the other party, with Master Qian's influence in the Tao, he could be killed from eight thousand miles away.

"I'll give it to you!"

Xie Guangqiang made up his mind and looked at Huang Hexing fiercely. No matter what, he had to collect the 3 billion first, and then ask the Huang Group for it later!

He didn't dare to offend Ye Yang, but he was not afraid of the Huang Group!

If he didn't help him make up for the loss, he would sink the bodies of the two uncles and nephews of the Huang Group on the island! ! !


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Go away, don't play tricks with me, otherwise..."

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Xie Guangqiang glared at Huang Hexing with murderous eyes again, and then he took people to the car in embarrassment and ran away in a hurry.

"Ahem, the ransom has been paid, this person..."

Huang Hexing rubbed his hands. He was scared by Ye Yang's identity last time, and he didn't dare to disobey this time.

"That's their ransom. Since your Huang family has also sent people, pay what the Huang family should have paid!"

Ye Yang said lightly.


Huang Hexing was dumbfounded: "Mr. Ye... that was not..."

"Whoever wants to take him away has to pay 3 billion. You and he both want to take him away, so you have to pay 3 billion twice. Is there any problem?"

Ye Yang frowned and asked.

"I... I, I, I... No, can you still play it like this?!"

Huang Hexing actually felt speechless.

But he knew in his heart that this was just an excuse for the other party to vent their anger on their Huang Group. If they didn't pay more than 3 billion, I'm afraid that the future losses of the Huang Group would be far more than this number...

(Second update)

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