Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 434: Three times is the limit! Otherwise, there will be no place for you in China.

"Okay, I'll do it!"

Huang Hexing gritted his teeth and took out his phone to prepare to mobilize funds.

Ye Yang said calmly: "In addition, these three billion were lost to us in a bet by your nephew."


Huang Hexing was stunned, and then he suddenly thought: "I asked Mr. Ye, how can a high-ranking and upright person like you do such a thing as kidnapping!!!"

“It turns out that my idiot nephew is ignorant!!!”

He walked up to Huang You angrily: "Explain everything to me."


When things got to this point, even if Huang You wanted to hide it, he couldn't, so he had to lower his head and tell everything obediently.

The more he listened, the darker Huang Hexing's face turned.

"I told you to restrain yourself outside, but you just didn't listen!!!"

He was so angry that he slapped him in the face. Unable to understand his hatred, he kicked him a few times: "Let your father take care of you when you get back!"


Huang You gritted his teeth: "Is this Ye Yang really so powerful! Our Huang Group is not made up of mud! Uncle, how can you be so..."


He responded with an uppercut from Huang Hexing. Because Huang You was talking, he almost bit off his tongue.

"Hiss! Ah..."

Huang You bit his tongue, blood flowed out, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak for a while.

"Finally shut up!"

Huang Hexing let out a long breath. He knew very well that he must not let this idiot nephew say another word!

If you don't say a word, maybe another three billion will be lost...

After that, he called his third brother.

"What!? Three billion! Let me tell you, brother, if you didn't pat your chest and promise not to spend a penny just now, you would have to return my son with both hands... Are you even going to compensate us in return!!?"

Huang Heping was stunned.

When Huang Xiaoxin was rescued before, the Huang Group was already hemorrhaging money. Now it has not recovered yet and it wants to take another three billion?

Even if they have a market value of 100 billion, that's just the market value. If they actually take out 3 billion in cash directly, they will die!

"Cough cough cough..."

Huang Hexing almost spat out a mouthful of blood in depression. He had indeed been so boastful at home before.

"That's because things have changed!"

"Has the situation changed?"

Huang Heping asked repeatedly: "What's going on?"


Huang Hexing told Huang You about the bets he made in succession.

"Big idiot!!!"

Huang Heping cursed angrily.


Huang Hexing was confused.

"Ah, brother, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about my son, the idiot!"

Huang Heping explained repeatedly.


"I don't know what evil our Huang Group has done. We have offended Mr. Ye one after another..."

After Huang He calmed down for a while, he sighed.

Ye Yang's background was checked last time by the Huang Group. If there was a chance of resistance, they would not let the group pay such a terrifying amount of compensation.

But just the little information that the Huang Group found out scared them so much that they didn't dare to make any move.

This Mr. Ye has a ridiculously high status!

When the other party was provoked, it was a sign of mercy that they did not put out the fire of the Huang Group directly. Compensation? Then we can only compensate!

"What a sin! How come there are so many evil obstacles!"

He didn't dare to blame Ye Yang, so all his anger was naturally directed at his son.

What's wrong with that? You have to imitate others and show off!

It’s okay to show off! He doesn’t even have eyes yet!

He actually got into trouble with Mr. Ye! ! !

He had thoughts of hanging Huang You up and beating him to death, but Huang Heping finally understood that he had to find a way to calm down Ye Yang's anger first. After sobering up, he said: "Brother, I will ask the finance department to raise money immediately. Call us, no matter what, we can’t make Mr. Ye dissatisfied with us!”

"You don't have to say that!"

Huang Hexing angrily turned off his cell phone. Last time something happened to his daughter, many people in the family left him alone.

Now that the third brother's son has also caused huge losses to the group, he has to find an opportunity to let the third brother feel the feeling of being criticized! ! !

"Mr. Ye, the money will arrive soon!!!"

Huang Hexing kept talking.


Ye Yang nodded with slight satisfaction.

"Then I can finally leave!"

Huang You stood up excitedly.

"Hey? Why are you so anxious! You have only fulfilled half of your bet!"

Wang Xiaocong sneered and pushed Huang You back: "What are you looking at! Lie down on the ground and learn how to bark like a dog!"


Huang You was so angry that he stared angrily: "Leave a little bit of caution in your life so that we can meet each other easily in the future. I advise you not to..."


Before Wang Xiaocong could reply.

Huang Hexing kicked him first.


Huang You was kicked in the crook of his leg. His knees softened and he knelt on the ground.

"If you brag about your awesomeness, just settle it yourself! Don't think that if you get into any trouble, your family will settle it for you! Remember to restrain yourself when you go out this time! Damn it!"

Huang Hexing said coldly.


Huang You looked at the cold air in his uncle's eyes and knew that he couldn't escape today, so he had to turn around and lie down on the ground.

Facing Ye Yang and Mo Zhengzheng, they started barking like a dog: "Woof woof woof!"


Tan Mingqian showed a trace of disgust in her eyes, and she probably didn't want to see this so-called old classmate again.


Mo Zhengzheng's eyes flashed with sympathy, but she thought that Huang You had proposed the bet himself, and he was so annoying and aggressive, it was purely his own fault!

Thinking of this, the sympathy in her eyes disappeared.


Huang You was in great pain, secretly thinking that he shouldn't have pretended to be so arrogant before.

I will never be ashamed to appear in front of my former goddess again...

"Enough, aren't you tired of being a dog?"

After barking dozens of times, Ye Yang frowned and kicked her: "Remember the content of your bet. From now on, if you harass Zheng Zheng again, I will kick you into a broken-back dog!!!"


Huang You was kicked hard by this kick. After barely listening to this sentence, he fainted and lost consciousness...

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, now we can go..."

Huang Hexing rubbed his hands and came up. He even felt that he was quite lucky. After all, although Mr. Ye was cruel, he was very principled. As long as he followed his rules, he would never cause trouble in the future.


Ye Yang waved his hand casually: "Remember, three times is the limit. If the Huang Group dares to do it again, there will be no place for the Huang Group in China!"

"Yes, yes, yes!!!"

Huang Hexing nodded repeatedly and swore in his heart that when he returned, everyone in the Huang Group, from the ninety-nine to the youngest, must remember Mr. Ye's glorious and handsome image!!!

(First update)

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