Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 435: The Beautiful Lady Boss of Royal Fresh


Huang Hexing helped Huang You, who was unconscious, and left the racing track in embarrassment.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, all employees and family members of the entire Huang Group will remember Ye Yang's appearance more clearly than their own father.

"Oh my God! What kind of super distinguished guest did I receive?"

The owner of the speedway was standing by as a crowd during the whole thing, but the meal was so big that everyone’s mouths were so full that they couldn’t close their mouths.

Originally, he thought that Wang Xiaocong was the young master of Yida and should be considered the strongest among the group of people.

As a result, Mr. Ye seemed to be somehow better than Wang Xiaocong...

Even if Wang Silin comes in person, he may not be able to scare Huang Hexing of the 100 billion group into this! ?

The hidden god of racing?

The leader of the underworld?

Business tycoon! ?

Mystical and extraordinary status! ?

The labels emerged one after another, making his hands and feet numb.

Several coaches on the side were not repaired. At this time, Xie Guangqiang and the people from the Huang Group had left, and they relaxed and enjoyed themselves.

"What a shame! Not only does this Ye Shen have incredible driving skills, he also looks like he has an awesome identity!"

"Awesome, really strong!"

"Eternal God!"

Coach Lao Wang, who had thought Ye Yang was not good enough before, now became so excited that he became a professional Ye Chui.

"I finally don't have to worry about this greasy guy appearing in my life anymore!"

Mo Zhengzheng sighed.

Huang You is still very sticky.

Mo Dongshan was guarding him in the capital, and Huang You had been rejected by Mo Dongshan, so he knew enough not to pursue Mo Zhengzheng in the capital.

But once there is a good opportunity like Mo Zhengzheng leaving the capital, he will go directly to it like this time.

But after this time, I'm afraid he will never dare to harass Mo Zhengzheng again.

"Come on, Zhengzheng is in a good mood today, let's have a good meal!"

Ye Yang waved his hand and smiled.

"Obviously, boss, you want to eat it yourself!"

Yu complained silently.

Ye Yang is a foodie. She knows it very well and can find any reason to eat a super luxurious meal.

Ye Yang shrugged, not caring, and laughed.

Life is about food and sex.

The old sage Mencius summed it up more than two thousand years ago!

Food and beauty are human nature!

After you become successful and famous, if you don't eat all the delicacies in the world and see all the beauties in the world, it's hard to call yourself a cool life.

"Master, what should we eat!?"

Mo Zhengzheng asked again and again.

"There seems to be a lot of precious ingredients in that royal fresh food that we haven't eaten, right?"

Ye Yang came up with the idea of ​​​​Royal Fresh again.

Although the three beautiful chef sisters have been acquired by themselves, they will not have to worry about how to cook seafood in the future.

But the best ingredients are hard to find!

Royal Fresh is more popular.

It is rare to be able to get this kind of top-notch ingredients from all over the world.

"Let's go, Royal Freshman, let's go."

Ye Yang waved.

"Royal fresh?"

Mo Zhengzheng was a little confused. This was the first time she heard about it.

But Tan Mingqian was different. She was also very surprised at this time. It was the most expensive restaurant in Hainan!

A top-notch meal can easily cost hundreds to tens of millions!

"Haha, Brother Ye, I'll treat you this time!!!"

Wang Xiaocong said repeatedly.

"Come on, you're too poor to afford a treat, so you'd better just eat with me."

Ye Yang shrugged and said disdainfully.


Wang Xiaocong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If someone else said this, he would have to argue with them. After all, he was the son of the richest man in China!

But it was Ye Yang who said this. He had no temper at all and could only silently acquiesce.

"The female internet celebrity you brought back last seems to be the one named Jingmo, how is it going?"

Ye Yang suddenly remembered and couldn't help but ask.

"He's already at home plate."

Wang Xiaocong shrugged: "Although she is weak and weak, her skills are amazing!"

"So fast!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This Wang Xiaocong is truly a professional internet celebrity hunter.

"Eating meat and drinking wine is boring without the company of beautiful women."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "You can also find some girls to come. It's crowded and lively. You can also go to the beach to hang out after eating."

"Haha, I understand everything!"

Wang Xiaocong saluted directly, and there was never too much beach bikini.

After dinner, just in time for the sun to set on the beach, it's a good time to have some romance.

"Um, Mr. Ye, your car has not been fully maintained..."

Several coaches reminded him repeatedly.

"Is that so?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said silently to Yu: "Then let the car show bring my Aston Martin one87 over."


Yu Mo nodded repeatedly.

"Oh my god! Is this a majestic car? Koenigsegg One1 has more than 100 million, and here comes a big luxury car worth about 60 million!"

Several coaches called him a good guy.

Ye Yang obviously just came to Hainan for tourism.

The two large luxury cars on display are so impressive. How spectacular will the luxury cars in Shanghai be? ?

Thinking like this, several coaches are very greedy.

After all, for those in the racing industry, luxury cars have a fatal attraction.

Soon, Aston Martin one87 drove over.

Ye Yang led his sister and drove towards Royal Fresh.

"Hiss! These are all luxury cars!"

"I'm so jealous!"

"These luxury cars must be worth one or two hundred million yuan in total!?"

On the roadside, people who saw Ye Yang's team were envious.

"Just the one87 at the head, it's a status symbol! It's still a concept car on the market! This Hainan Auto Show is the first time that China has officially released it! He got it just after the auto show! I have to say that the owner is really capable!"

The knowledgeable person was explaining it while drooling with envy.


Zhou Zhinan and her three sisters also received the notice and returned to Royal Fresh where they had just resigned to wait for Ye Yang to come.

The boss lady of Royal Fresh also came out to wait with the three sisters.

Although there are few chefs who can cook seafood to perfection, with her connections, she can naturally find someone to replace the three sisters very quickly, but they are all rough men, and the gimmick of beautiful sisters is gone.

But the reputation of Royal Fresh has been spread, and there is no shortage of top diners.

Those who are willing to spend tens of millions on a meal are all the richest gourmets in the world. They will naturally be very happy to meet a top chef. The boss lady of Royal Fresh has long been accustomed to things like Ye Yang hiring the chef in the store.

But she is not angry, but feels very happy.

It is these actions of the super rich that make Royal Fresh famous in the world of top rich food!

It can be said that she wishes that more top rich people would come to her restaurant for dinner and take the chef away~

(Second update)

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