"This must be fake, I am dazzled! Or maybe he is just lucky! He is just guessing!"

"Yes, yes, yes, he guessed it! Ha, you won't be so lucky on your next shot……"

Before he could finish, Ye Yang confidently swung his second shot.

""Continuous strokes!?"

Ivy was stunned.

Even for the world's top players, it would take more than ten minutes to adjust for each stroke?

Ye Yang didn't even plan to rest and just swung the second stroke!?

Isn't this too crazy!?

"Arrogance will not lead to good results! You will definitely not get this one in! Definitely!!!"

He kept staring at the trajectory of the golf ball, muttering:"God bless you! It will definitely not get in!"

However, in China, God seemed to be out of his mind.

This ball flew straight up into the sky, resisting the wind force with its own rotational stress, and after landing, it jumped in a fancy way, as if it was calculated, and after the third rise and fall, it went into the hole in a fancy way.……


"The host was simply amazing!"

""So cool!!!"

The maids and Yu Momo cheered when they saw this.

Once was luck, twice was strength!!!

Especially the fancy goal on the second shot, it was so cool!

Even if they didn't understand the rules, they could see that this goal was really awesome!


Ivy was petrified on the spot.

Fang Han also shook his head, feeling relieved. He had never expected that Boss Ye was really a hidden talent, and was also a world-class golfer. This would not only not hurt either of them, but it would even dampen Ivy's spirit. Killing two birds with one stone.

"But... He is handsome indeed. If I were a woman, I would want to stay in his bed, right?"

Fang Han thought with a bad taste.

Then, Ye Yang swung the club casually, without making any adjustments. He put the ball on and hit it directly. He was as casual as sweeping the floor.

But, he swept the ball so casually, and scored nine goals in nine strokes!!!

The way of scoring each shot was different, and he scored in different ways!


"Impossible! Cheating! He installed a remote control in his ball!"

Ivy screamed:"This is ridiculous!!!"

But the fact happened right in front of him.

No matter how much he didn't believe it, the reality was like this.

Ye Yang looked at Ivy who was jumping in the distance and shook his head with amusement:"It seems a bit too much to bully him like this, let's give him some face! We agreed to let him win."

After that, he swung the club fiercely:"Ah! I swung it off and didn't touch the ball! This is too much of a own goal...haha……"

He casually threw the pole to the maid next to him, returned to the parasol, and patted the shoulder of Ivy, who was staring at him with his mouth wide open and eyes wide open.

"It seems that I am still too new. I only scored nine out of ten shots. I can’t help it. After all, it’s my first time playing this game today.

Ivy cried.

Is that what you call giving up the ball at the end? That’s a naked humiliation!

Your acting is too bad, isn’t it?

You played the first nine balls so well, but the last shot went straight into the air!

Are you kidding me?

Looking at Ye Yang’s sincere eyes, Ivy understood his subtext... Yes! I am kidding me~

At this time, the scoring maid in the distance also trotted back with a golf ball.

"I just heard you say that you suspected that there was a remote control in my ball?"

Ye Yang threw the golf ball to Ivy:"How about you cut it open and take a look?"

"Uh... uh, Boss Ye, I was just joking, don't take it seriously.……"

Ivy was completely convinced. As soon as he got the golf ball, with his experience, he could tell whether it was tampered with based on the lightness or heaviness of the touch.

"Are you convinced now?"

Ye Yang asked with a half-smile.

"I'm convinced... Ivy has lived for 30 years, and this is the first time I've seen a true hero like you, Boss Ye.……"

Ivy felt embarrassed and apologized repeatedly.

"How about a horse race? There happens to be a horse farm in my backyard?"

Ye Yang joked.

"No, no, no... Boss Ye, please stop humiliating me. Ivy knows I was wrong... From now on, you will be the person I admire the most! Ivy will absolutely obey your orders from now on. If there is any lawsuit, I will do my best to help you deal with it!"

Ivy admitted defeat again and again.

A golf ball was enough to make his face swollen. If he was crushed again, he might really have to find a crack in the ground to get out of the Yundingshan Villa District.


Fang Han, Caiqi, Yu Momo and others laughed at Ivy's embarrassment.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Ivy was just proud, but if he could conquer this pride, he would gain the purest respect.

"I didn't expect that Boss Ye also has such profound attainments in sports. It's really admirable!"

Caiqi looked at Ye Yang with a strange look in his eyes.

"It's okay. If I say that this is my first time playing golf, would you believe it?"

Ye Yang said truthfully.

"Boss Ye, didn't we agree not to humiliate me?……"

Ivy said with a smile:"With your level, you are more than qualified to compete for the title of World Golf King. How could this be your first time?"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

In this world, no one believes the truth.

This is really my first time playing golf, okay!?

After chatting and laughing for a while,

Ye Yang sent Fang Han and the others away.

After this meeting tonight, these three people can be regarded as all in his pocket, and they will definitely work for him wholeheartedly in the future.

It is still a sense of pride to be impressed by the top elites of society.

Standing on the attic of the villa, watching the Range Rover slowly drive out of the villa area.

Ye Yang held a glass of Lafite in his hand, and a satisfied arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.……

"I didn't expect that the master's golf skills are so good. No wonder you win so easily every time you play golf with me.……"

Yu Momo walked behind her without knowing when, put his arms around her, and smiled affectionately.

Ye Yang pinched Yu Momo's pretty face.

When a woman drives, her speed is no slower than that of a man.……

"Then tonight, I will let you experience what it means to be relaxed~"

Ye Yang smiled, next to the rooftop outdoor swimming pool...

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