The next morning, Ye Yang washed up refreshed.

Although Yu Momo had reached maturity and had more energy than ordinary people, she was still too weak compared to Ye Yang, who was proficient in Chinese martial arts and all-around in sports. She had fought all night and had fallen into a deep sleep and hadn't woken up yet.

Ye Yang shook his head and picked up his phone to check the messages.

"Boss Ye, I'm Fang Han. We have already arranged the school district housing for you. If you see the message, please call us to discuss it in detail."

"Oh? Is it quite efficient?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

It seems that the other party went back to find a connection for him overnight.

"He is indeed a smart man."

He is so reliable that I can feel a little psychologically secure when entrusting the legal issues of my assets to him.

Ye Yang smiled and called Fang Han.

""Hello, Boss Ye!"

The phone was picked up after only one ring. Apparently, Fang Han had been waiting for Ye Yang's reply after sending the message.


Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction:"How about renting a house?"

"We contacted IKEA agency, and they sent a gold medal sales representative Fang Sijin to take over the contract with me. IKEA agency will also provide the contract, and we have reviewed and revised the contract overnight. It is definitely the best contract.

Fang Han is confident about the drafting of the contract:

"I'll send you Fang Sijin's phone number. Ask her to bring the client to the gate of your Linjiang community and wait for you."


Ye Yang was also very confident in Fang

Han's work. After hanging up the phone, he also started to contact this so-called gold medal salesperson - Fang Sijin

"Hello, Boss Ye!"

Obviously Fang Han had already told Fang Sijin about Ye Yang's information. When he saw Ye Yang calling, he kept calling him"Boss".

"Well, I want to rent a house today, you can ask those tenants to wait for me at the gate of Linjiang Community."

Ye Yang said with a smile

""Boss Ye...Excuse me, I have a lot of clients, and the demand for school district housing is huge. I wonder how many houses you have for rent?"

Fang Sijin carefully chose her words and asked

"Bring as many as you can."

Ye Yang said casually

"Um... Boss Ye, are you serious? I have at least a dozen clients who are looking for school district housing!"

"Bring all...……?!"

On the other end of the phone, Fang Sijin was completely stunned.

When she first heard Sister Xu tell her about the task, she realized that this Boss Ye was not ordinary.

But he didn't expect that the other party actually had at least a dozen school district houses in Linjiang Community! ?

That's Linjiang Community!

Not far to the east is the Magic City University Town, and not far to the west is where the Magic City Public No. 1 High School and the Private Noble High School are concentrated.

The community is close to the Magic City River, and the nearest row can be called river view houses.

The most expensive market price is 250,000 or even 350,000 per square meter, and the average unit is 120 square meters.

Ten sets of river view community school district houses, rounded off, that's 300 million!


"This is a super big customer, we must grab it!"

Fang Sijin shouted in her heart

"That's it!? Only ten?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang received such a response.

Fang Sijin almost dropped her phone in shock.……

""Sir, what do you mean?"

She asked terrified. Could it be that the other party has more than ten properties?

""Okay, okay, I didn't plan to rent them all out at once, just bring people to the gate of the community and wait for me."

Ye Yang said casually.

All ten school district houses in the entire Linjiang community belong to him.

One building has seven lobby, and each lobby has about eighteen floors, with two suites on each floor.

That's at least two thousand suites.

It doesn't include the large flats on top of each building.

The total value of these ten school district houses is tens of billions.

"Two thousand units! It seems not easy to rent all the houses."

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled.

However, it is only a matter of time.

Every year, new students in universities have to rent houses. Many middle-class and noble families in Shanghai will rent houses in Linjiang Community for their children to go to middle school.

As long as the school season starts in August and September, these houses will be almost fully rented.

""It's almost time."

Ye Yang turned around and looked at Yu Momo who was sleeping. He was the one who caused her to be so tired, so he didn't want to wake her up.

"It seems that I have to do this today by myself."

Ye Yang hummed a tune.

Considering the principle of keeping a low profile, it is better to drive a low-key car in such a crowded occasion.

After choosing for a long time, he finally chose a relatively cheap Ferrari LaFerrari worth 30 million.

"Well, this should be low-key enough."

Ye Yang nodded.

Most of the cars in his garage are worth 50 million or more.

This Ferrari LaFerrari is indeed"low-key"


Ferrari LaFerrari* suddenly drove out of Yundingshan Villa District like a red hunting shadow.

Yundingshan Villa is not far from Linjiang Villa.

It didn't take long for them to arrive.

But Fang Sijin obviously arrived earlier.

These tenants who need school district housing all look very anxious.

"Wow! Ferrari!"

Among the waiting tenants, there were obviously some who knew what they were doing. When Ye Yang's Ferrari LaFerrari drove over, they exclaimed:

"It is indeed a Ferrari! And it is a Ferrari*LaFerrari! A top luxury car, it seems to be sold for 20 to 30 million!"

"I'm jealous……"

The passers-by all looked at the luxury car parked at the gate of the community with envy.


After getting off the car, Ye Yang noticed the fiery gazes around him. He felt helpless. He clearly wanted to keep a low profile.……

"Mr. Ye!"

Fang Sijin came up and said respectfully

"Fang Sijin?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the crowd behind her with some surprise. There were at least 20 people."Didn't you say there were more than a dozen? So many people came!""

"Um, is that too much?"

��Si Jin's first reaction was this:"Don't worry, Mr. Ye! Some people bring their children to choose school district housing. In fact, there are only thirteen rental demands."


A trace of disappointment flashed through Ye Yang's heart, but he immediately waved his hand:"That's fine."

"Mr. Ye, are you sure you have enough real estate?……"

Fang Sijin came closer and asked in a low voice

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang was too lazy to explain, and just looked at these tenants:"Tell me more about the specifics."

"Some of them are renting houses for their middle school children, and most of them want a three- or six-year lease.

Fang Sijin is still very professional:"Some are rich people from other places or local areas who want to rent a house here for four years while their daughters go to college."

"Only one pair is special……"

Fang Sijin hadn't finished her words when she saw a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a hooked nose approaching her. He looked at Ye Yang with the confidence that only a second-generation rich can have. He asked,"Are you the owner we want to meet?"

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