"Hmm? Something?"

Ye Yang looked at the young man wearing luxury brands, obviously from a well-off family.

"Our Luo Luo is coming here to study at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I want you to sell me your house. The price is negotiable. I know you may not be short of money."

"But I can pay a premium, and even give you a supercar that is better than yours~" the man with gold-rimmed glasses said confidently.

"It's incomprehensible."

Ye Yang sneered:"You want to exchange my property for a broken sports car?"


The second-generation rich man was speechless:"You... no matter how expensive this school district house is, 20 million is enough, right? I'll give you a 40 million car, which is twice the premium!"

"Who told you I only have one house?"

Ye Yang glanced at the rich second generation coldly, then turned his head, leaving him standing there in a daze.

Peng Feiyu was completely stunned. He came from a well-off family and had been chasing after the goddess in his class since middle school. Now the goddess Dai Luoluo had finally graduated.

In order to show his sincerity and strength, he planned to buy her a school district house.

However, the school district house next to the university town, what a precious resource!?

As soon as the property was put on the market, it was sold out!

It was impossible to buy it! It could only be rented!

So he also had an idea and wanted to buy the house directly from the owner at a premium today.

"How many of you who are standing here today can't afford to buy a house?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at the group of tenants brought by Fang Sijin.

Except for Peng Feiyu, all of these tenants were women.

Some were young women, some were college students.

"That's right! Young man, what you did is so unkind. I thought you were a gentleman just now!"

Several rich ladies were obviously unhappy.

School district housing is a precious resource, and they would not rent it if they could buy it.

Being ridiculed by everyone, the rich second generation Peng Feiyu couldn't hold his face anymore, and shouted angrily:"I will buy your house at a ten times premium, are you going to sell it or not!"

"Hiss... Ten times the price?! Is this guy crazy?"

"Haha, what a dog licker."

There were several rich female college students watching coldly. They were also goddesses in school, so they naturally knew what Dai Luoluo felt at the moment, which was nothing more than pride and contempt.

In her heart, she only felt the pleasure of the rich second generation spending a lot of money on her and serving her like a dog. She didn't have any admiration for him.

"Do you think I'm short of money?"

Ye Yang shrugged:"Don't even mention ten times, even if you increase the price by a thousand times, I won't sell it if I'm not in a good mood.~"


Peng Feiyu laughed:"A thousand times?! Haha, you really think you are the richest man in China! ? You say you don't want hundreds of billions! ? You should have some confidence when you brag! ?"

"That's right~ you're quite arrogant. Do you think you're the only owner in Linjiang Community? If you don't sell, there are plenty of people willing to sell!"

Dai Luoluo also stood up at this time, sneering and agreeing.

Ye Yang glanced at her, and her heart trembled. This look was sharp and domineering, simply terrifying.

However, no matter how rich Ye Yang is, he is just an owner of several houses.

Peng Feiyu is a real rich second generation.

His family has hundreds of billions of assets.

She still has to fish well. She can still tell what is important.


Ye Yang smiled and said,"Well, I'm still saying this today. You really can't rent a house here!"


Fang Sijin and other tenants were shocked.

"This little brother is young, but he speaks so domineeringly.~"

"Haha, I like him. When I was a teenager, I was attracted to such a domineering, rich and handsome boy."

These young women all teased.

Only Fang Sijin had an incredible guess in her heart.

"Could it be that this Linjiang Community... No... That's too ridiculous, it's impossible!!!"

Fang Sijin shook her head repeatedly and kicked out the horrible idea in her mind:"Maybe Mr. Ye has a better relationship with other owners!"


"Wow! Look at you, you are so arrogant, you don't know how much you are worth! ? Just a few shabby houses……"

Dai Luoluo sneered.

Ye Yang simply ignored these claims. The entire community belonged to him, and he was the only owner. He would just ask the security guards to kick these two idiots out and that would be it.

"Let's follow him."

Fang Sijin organized the tenants to follow Ye Yang into the community.

At the entrance of the community, several security guards also saluted Ye Yang.

The Ferrari LaFerrari was parked there. Ye Yang must not be someone they could offend, so they naturally showed respect.

"Sir, your license plate is not registered. Please prove that you are a resident of the community... This is also the rule... Please see……"

Several security guards smiled and said

"Well, how to prove it?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"All our residents' information is recorded in the security system. As long as you report the corresponding address and identity information, you can enter the community."

"This verification is only required for the first time. After entering the system, facial recognition will be automatically used for entry in the future.

Several security guards explained

"Ha! Not even the facial information has been recorded in the system! ? You don't even have a house here, are you kidding us? ?"

Peng Feiyu said sarcastically.

The other tenants also became suspicious after hearing this. Since facial collection is only required for the first time entering the community, as the owner, how could Ye Yang not be included in the system?

"I just bought the house two days ago, and today is my first time here."

Ye Yang spread his hands and said helplessly:"Then just enter a random room number~"

"Sir, what did you say?……"

Several security guards suspected that their ears were damaged and asked repeatedly

"I said, you can win at will, and all the houses here are mine."

Ye Yang frowned, but thinking that his words were indeed a bit shocking, he patiently explained.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Peng Feiyu covered his stomach and said,"Did you hear what he said? The entire Linjiang Community belongs to him!? Did you escape from a mental hospital? Do you know how much it would cost to buy the entire Linjiang Community?"

"At least 50 billion!!!"

Originally, these rich ladies had no idea about this, but when they heard Peng Feiyu say this, they were all surprised.

They boasted that their families had some assets, at least a few hundred million.

However, hundreds of billions, that is completely different...

This also made them suspicious.

Such a young man who looks so young, really has hundreds of billions of real estate!?

This is indeed a bit incredible... Or, absurd.

Could it be that this guy is really fooling them!?

Only Fang Sijin was sweating profusely. She still remembered the tone and expression of Sister Xu when she entrusted her with Ye Yang. If Sister Xu could react like that, maybe Ye Yang...

Just as she was thinking wildly, after logging into the system and typing the two words Ye Yang, several security guards screamed:"Fuck!!! This is impossible! Is the system broken!! ?"

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