Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 447 This sunscreen is not durable

"Brother Ye, you are too perverted!"

Wang Xiaocong collapsed on the ground and muttered: "What else can't you do? It's so hidden!"

Ye Yang took a sip of ice-sweet lemonade and laughed: "If you want to take advantage of your Brother Ye, you will have to practice for hundreds more years."

Wang Xiaocong was extremely emotional.

To win in volleyball, if you lead by two points or more, you must win by reaching 25 points first.

A direct handicap of 24 points means that Ye Yang cannot make the slightest mistake before their side reaches 24 points, confirming that he can at least win 24 goals in a row!

This kind of confidence is simply admirable!

"I feel that at your level, Brother Ye, if you join the men's volleyball team, you can win the Olympic gold medal with the men's volleyball team!"

Wang Xiaocong shook his head: "Brother Ye, you are so secretive! Xiao Cong is convinced! I will never compete with you in anything from now on!"

Ye Yang laughed: "No, maybe you are lucky and happen to encounter an event that I haven't practiced before?"

Wang Xiaocong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then I'm really lucky!"

"Ah! I'm so tired from exercising! Take a rest!!!"

The girls were all tired and lay down directly on the beach. They felt comfortable and started laughing and playing in the sand.

After playing for a while, Tan Mingqian looked at the sun in the sky: "As expected of Hainan, the sun is still so bright at this time!"

"Yes! Your fair and tender back has been tanned red!"

Mo Zhengzheng said in surprise.

"Boss, come and apply sunscreen for us!"

Several beauties kept talking.

"Ah this!"

Ye Yang looked at Wang Xiaocong, who had already taken advantage of the Internet celebrities he brought, and was about to ask a few girls if they wanted his help.

These girls actually took the initiative to let me help...

That would be... disrespectful!

As a handsome guy, how could he refuse such reasonable requests from beauties? ?

"Is this sunscreen you're talking about serious?"

The three sisters exclaimed with evil smiles.

"What? Don't you want your boss to apply sunscreen!"

Yu asked silently.

"Ahem, that's not true, alas! It doesn't matter if he's serious or not! The main thing is that this sunscreen looks good, don't you think?"

Zhou Zhinan chuckled.

"Yes, yes! Who can resist such a beautiful sunscreen!"

The remaining two sisters nodded wildly in agreement.

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled, these girls are really not afraid of exhausting themselves.

There is a total of 1000g of sunscreen in his hand. I don’t know if it is enough to apply it all to these girls. What if it is completely squeezed out before the application is finished? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing? ?

But now he can only bite the bullet.

"Ah! Master, you are so good! It feels so comfortable!"

"Yeah, yeah~comfortable!"

The other girls couldn't help but be envious when they saw how comfortable Mo Zhengzheng was, who had been applied with sunscreen first.

I was looking forward to letting Ye Yang go over and give them a massage, so that they would feel comfortable and refreshed.

Almost every girl was very satisfied with Ye Yang's service with just the right strength.

Everyone felt so comfortable that their faces turned red.

Suddenly, a comfortable humming sound spread all around the beach.

Not far away, the Internet celebrities who were served by Wang Xiaocong were looking at this side with great confusion. They were all obviously curious and envious, and wanted to know what it felt like to be served by the handsome Ye Yang.

Although Wang Xiaocong is wealthy, he is also relatively young.

But when it comes to handsomeness, compared with Ye Yang, he will be completely outclassed.

"Oh! I envy them so much! I really want to feel what it feels like!"

"Yeah, looking at the expressions, demeanor, and voices of these girls, it's obvious that they are enjoying themselves!"

Several Internet celebrities are extremely envious.


Ye Yang himself is obviously in place. The girl's backlight and sunscreen feel great!


By the end, he was breathing heavily in comfort.

"Not bad, really good!"

After the last girl finished applying it, the tube of sunscreen in her hand was finally completely used up, with not a drop left.

"It's not resistant to use. Use it once and it's gone."

Ye Yang shook the bottle and frowned.

However, he was too lazy to dwell on this and simply lay down on the beach: "I have served you for a long time, now it is your turn to repay the favor."


The girls were very proactive and came over directly.

Suddenly, Ye Yang was surrounded by women, a man and a woman, with beauties all over his body and a dazzling array of beautiful legs! ! !

At this moment, Wang Xiaocong, who was watching this scene, was also very envious.

It seems that the other girl's sunscreen application skills are better than his!

outside the partition area.

The tourists were so envious that Baofeng burst into tears on the spot.

“I finally found the motivation to work hard to make money!”

"Is this the life of rich people?"

"Brother, how much is your salary!?"

"Four thousand and five."

"Then you have a bright future! If you work hard for a few billion years, you will be as rich as others and enjoy the same treatment!"

"Damn! What you said is really awesome! I suddenly feel that life is full of hope!"

"Hahaha, he is applying sunscreen to the beautiful woman, he is being applied by the beautiful woman, and I am watching them touching each other's sunscreen, but we all have a bright future!!!"

"Work hard together! Fight!!!"

Everyone outside the venue was excited and excited.


After a while, the service was finally completed.

Ye Yang stretched out with satisfaction and felt comfortable sunbathing for a while.

Just get up.

Just as he was about to drink a cup of tea to replenish the water he had just lost in his body, he heard the system prompt in his head.

"Monaco Street has docked at the port. The docking port is Hainan'er Port. Please pay attention to the host to check."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling happy in his heart.

For him, this super expensive toy worth eight to nine billion is considered a very rare and rare object.

When he first signed in, he wanted to see what the real thing looked like.

I was about to leave the beach and go to Ergang.

Wang Xiaocong's expression changed: "Damn, that's terrible."

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"I was so happy just now that I sent out the picture of us playing here, and it also came with its own location. It's over. Now, Qin Feng, the naughty king, will definitely see it. He might come over and drag me away after a while. Look at his new big yacht!"

Wang Xiaocong was about to cry, but because he was so happy, he didn't think much about it when he posted it just now.

It wasn't until Qin Feng gave him a like that he realized...

"What a bastard! I don't want to be pretended by him!"

Not finished mumbling yet.

There is a small group of luxury cars parked at the entrance of the scenic spot.

Wang Xiaocong took a quick look and said: "Holy crap! I said Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here! How can I be so accurate!!!"

(Second update)

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