Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 448: Money is tight lately, so I buy a 40 million yuan car to make ends meet


The door of the luxury car was closed, and a young man who was dressed casually and simply, but who looked like a famous brand at first glance, stepped out of the Pagani ZondaR.

He turned his head casually and looked back and forth.

Several young people also got out of the luxury car that came with him. Without exception, they all held beautiful girls in their arms.

"Let me see..."

The young man at the head turned his head and looked for a while, then his eyes lit up: "Yo! So here it is!"

After discovering Wang Xiaocong's trace, he raised his sunglasses and waved his hands. He looked very happy and grinned.

"Damn! This forced king..."

Wang Xiaocong covered his face, not wanting to be recognized at all, but it was obvious that he could no longer avoid it.

He had no choice but to smile uglier than crying and wave at the young man as a response.

When the beautiful security guard saw that this young man was acquainted with Wang Xiaocong, he knew better than to intercept them and let them directly enter the partitioned area.

"Hey! Brother Xiao Cong, you are so leisurely and elegant! Why don't you tell me when you come to Hainan and follow Brother Feng?"

The young man, Qin Feng, made a yo gesture to Wang Xiaocong, looking like a rapper.

"Ahem, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Wang Xiaocong squeezed out an answer from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, why am I such a picky person? Have you forgotten what we did together back then! I actually treat you, Brother Feng, as an outsider!"

Qin Feng curled his lips and smiled, but he knew very well in his heart that Wang Xiaocong knew that he had bought a new big yacht, and he was afraid that he would be pulled over to see this new treasure and show off his face.


Wang Xiaocong smiled bitterly and shrugged helplessly.

"This little brother is very unfamiliar! Where can I get the money? Isn't he still unknown?"

Qin Feng extended his hand enthusiastically.

Although Wang Xiaocong and him disliked each other when they were pretending to be each other, overall, their relationship was still very strong.

He could also see that this guy seemed to have a good relationship with Wang Xiaocong.

Friends of friends are friends. As long as you can tolerate your tendency to show off, you can still be friends.

"Ye Yang, Spring City, Ji Province."

Ye Yang also smiled lightly and shook hands with Qin Feng.

"Oh! Jilin is great! I really like chewing the corn cobs there."

Qin Feng sat on a stool nearby and drank a cup of black tea juice.


Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded, this old man is still a foodie.

"Ahem, Brother Ye, this is the Qin Feng I told you. My family, Brother Feng, is very rich and powerful."

Wang Xiaocong turned around again: "Brother Feng, this is my new good brother Ye Yang, with a great background and extraordinary financial resources."


As soon as Qin Feng relaxed, he sat up straight and looked at Ye Yang in surprise.

How amazing would it be to be described by Wang Xiaocong as "a great background" and "extraordinary financial resources"?

He knew that at least Wang Xiaocong would not describe Qin Feng like this to others outside...

In other words... this young man's energy may be higher than that of the family behind him! ?

But it doesn’t look like it, does it?


With his tight beach pants with the ruler icon on them?


He let out a low breath. He hadn't noticed it before but when he saw Ye Yang's beach shorts, he couldn't help but let out a low breath, "It's so big!" As long as you are a man, you will be extremely envious!


Several people nearby were startled by Qin Feng's surprise and asked what was wrong.

"Ahem, it's nothing, it's nothing!"

Although Qin Feng has a carefree personality, he is not so aggressive as to say anything.

What should I do if someone misunderstands me and I have a problem with my orientation? !

He scratched his forehead, and his self-confidence as a boy was hit when they first met, which aroused his competitive spirit. After chatting for a few words, he started to think carefully: "Xiao Cong, how long have you been in Hainan? "

"Only two or three days."

Wang Xiaocong said casually.


Qin Feng said melodiously and chuckled: "You must not have visited the good places in Hainan yet, right?"

"So be it."

Wang Xiaocong knew that he could not escape the fate of being pretended, so he had no choice but to nod helplessly and wait for the next step.

"Tsk, how can this work!"

Qin Feng patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "I'm telling you! In Sanya, the scenery in Ergang is very beautiful! At night, the night view is simply amazing!"

"Ah, yes, yes..."

Wang Xiaocong nodded helplessly and agreed.

"Let's go, I just bought a new yacht over there. Come to my yacht in the evening, let's have a party and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Er Harbor at night, okay?"

Qin Feng drank all the black tea in the cup with great pleasure, and it was about to come to his favorite part of showing off again!

If he loses to Big Brother, he wants to get it back with Big Baby!

"Ahem, Brother Ye, are you going?"

Wang Xiaocong blinked and looked at Ye Yang. When he came, Ye Yang said that he would never let the other party succeed in pretending!

"Let's go!"

Ye Yang laughed: "It just so happened that the new toys I bought were sent to Ergang. Wouldn't it be nice to go for a walk after dinner?"


Wang Xiaocong blinked, not sure what medicine Ye Yang was selling in his gourd.


Hearing this, Qin Feng winked: "Brother Ye, you are very good at it! This toy you are talking about...does it have positive energy?"

"That's quite positive energy!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Positive energy is good, positive energy is good!"

Qin Feng obviously thought wrongly, with a lewd smile on his face.

"Should we sunbathe here for a while or should we leave now?"

"There's no rush, let's finish enjoying it first."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

After all, the sunscreen on the girls hasn’t even dried yet, so what if they go out and people misunderstand them?

After a while, the sun sets, and the beach is left with only the last trace of warmth.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang waved his hand and smiled.


Qin Feng stood up, raised his chest and raised his head with bright eyes.

"Boss, are you leaving now?"

The fat man who was the beach manager rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Will you be back in the evening?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I won't let you make up for our money until you come back, don't worry."


Being seen through at a glance, the little fat man was extremely embarrassed and could only smile and say goodbye: "Those bosses, please go away!"

"By the way, Xiao Cong, what car are you driving now?"

Qin Feng turned his head and saw Wang Xiaocong driving out a Bugatti Veyron from the parking lot. He couldn't help but shook his head: "Brother, your Bugatti Veyron costs more than 30 million. Have you been driving it for several years? I haven’t changed it yet!”


Wang Xiaocong twitched the corner of his mouth and whispered in his heart: "It's starting again."

"Look, brother, I bought this Pagani ZondaR a few months ago. I just bought a yacht recently. Money is a little tight. I only have a budget of more than 40 million. I can barely drive it for a few days!"

Qin Feng laughed. The Pagani costing more than 40 million yuan should be the most beautiful car today, right?


But when the next car drove out of the parking lot, the smile on his lips froze...

(First update)

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