Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 449: Rich Second Generation Port, Versailles Conference

"This is... Aston Martin one87!"

He walked around Ye Yang's sports car and exclaimed.

"Sigh... Koenigsegg's thing is too unreliable. I took it for repairs after a quick walk. Today I had no choice but to drive the one87 I just bought out for a walk."

Ye Yang shook his head and sighed.


Wang Xiaocong laughed out loud immediately.


Qin Feng's face was full of questions, and he was completely confused. Look! This is human language! ?

He has always been the one to show off to others, but today he actually failed them one after another!

"You grew up eating Versailles, right?"

He cursed inwardly.

Even if it's an Aston Martin, it's still a 5800w super luxury car!

It’s fifteen million more expensive than his! I can buy a few more ordinary Ferraris...

Turns out you said this thing was a random replacement, and you still have a Koenigsegg, and it broke down once you drove it! ?

There is no doubt about the quality of this imperial sports car. There is only one possibility that it breaks down!

The car owner didn't take the car seriously at all and drove it blindly!

"Day! After analyzing this wave, it is simply the essence of pretense!"

Qin Feng felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, thinking that he would meet his opponent today!

He suddenly became nervous and sat back in his Pagani ZondaR: "But after all, it's just a sports car. I'll arrive in Ergang soon and see my big baby. Then it will still be my home court!"

Thinking like this, he regained his confidence, tossed his hair, put on sunglasses, stepped on the accelerator, and led the way.

"Buzz buzz..."

A line of luxury cars sped away.

Soon, we arrived at Ergang.

Ergang is one of the largest ports in Sanya.

Nearby is the most prosperous bay area in Sanya.

At night, the neon lights converge, which is very beautiful.

Near the port, various ships sailed.

It seemed very busy and smoky.

Inside the port, people are also rushing back and forth, including those loading cargo, those sailing away, and those discussing business.

Of course, there is also a group of second-generation rich people who are showing off their wealth.

Luxury cars and the like are already a bit too cheap for the top rich second generation.

Among the mass-produced sports cars, Koenigsegg, the most powerful sports car emperor, only has more than 100 million, which is not enough to squander their huge money.

At this time, some more expensive big toys are needed to show their wealth and power.

Such as airplanes and yachts.

In this large tropical port, you will always see some rich second generations showing off their newly purchased yachts.

"Wow! Brother Feng is back!"

"Brother Feng just said he was looking for Brother Xiao Cong, and he really did find him."

The people present were obviously all wealthy second-generation people. When they saw the two of them, they were very familiar with each other.

"This is your Brother Ye."

Wang Xiaocong took the initiative to give up his position and introduced.

"Brother Ye!"

"Hello, Brother Ye!"

These rich second generation people all showed a sense of surprise in their hearts. Wang Xiaocong even took the initiative to give up his position and call him brother. This Ye Yang must have an extraordinary status!

But they all thought Ye Yang was unfamiliar.

However, as China is so big, there is always a problem of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

It’s really normal to see a few second-generation people who have never heard of them before but whose wealth is so rich that they can’t even imagine it.

Therefore, they don't dare to make mistakes, and most of them are obedient and call them Ye Ge.


Ye Yang didn't put on much airs, nodded slightly, and responded with a faint smile.

"Brother Feng, you said before that you wanted to show us your new yacht. Where is it?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that when we saw this yacht, we would be so surprised that we could fit two eggs in our mouths?"

"I'm also very curious, I want to see if I can fit two eggs or a duck egg!"

These second-generation rich people are obviously very passionate about yachts, and they are all looking forward to it.

"Haha, since everyone is paying attention, I won't hide it."

Qin Feng called the yacht directly and asked the other party to drive over.


In the distance, a superyacht over 70 meters broke through the water.

The height alone is nearly six meters!

Even if the draft is two meters, the height above the water is still over four meters!

This sense of oppression made everyone shout that it was awesome.

"Brother Feng, you've spent a lot of money now!"

"This is a private yacht! Damn it's so big!"


"I didn't spend much money!"

Qin Feng floated up again amidst the praise, feeling that he was so light that he could reach the sky. However, who made him like this kind of pretentious feeling?

"I just won a few hundred million in the casino outside. You said that I can travel around the world if I have nothing to do. How can I not have a better means of transportation? Didn't I just see this captain's one on the Internet and it is very beautiful, so I placed an order?"

"Let's talk about this boat! It's really good. It has a KTV, a telescope, a swimming pool... It has everything you need. It feels like a home floating on the sea!"


"This is simply a mobile mansion!"

"I envy Brother Feng! My father is so stingy. He only gives me 10 to 20 million yuan in pocket money a year. How can I live like this? Damn it, people are so irritating! When can I be like Brother Feng and be as arrogant as I want? Throw a few hundred million!”

"That's right, your dad is actually pretty good, but my mom is! She's so picky that I really want to change my mom! Over the years, they have only given me 300 million in total, which is not enough for Brother Feng to buy a yacht! Why don't you kill her?"

"Hey! That's right! Whoever wants a mother like this can have one! Haha, I feel relieved when I compare myself to you. After all, my father gave me 400 million yuan as a start-up fund for starting a business..."


Suddenly, all the second-generation rich complained about their parents and began to compete with each other in disguise...

"Are these guys holding a Versailles Conference here?"

Wang Xiaocong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These guys complained openly, but they were actually competing with each other.

Old Versailles people!

But birds of a feather flock together!

Qin Feng is a master of pretense. Those who hang out with him naturally learn a few tricks from him.

"How is it, Brother Ye?"

Qin Feng patted Ye Yang's shoulder with a laugh. Now there is no chance for you to kill me back!

Ye Yang looked up and down at the yacht, and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Overall, it's still good. It's just..."


Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat and he felt something was wrong: "What is it...?"

"Tsk... It's really too small. I can't even play golf on it..."

Ye Yang shook his head, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Fuck! You still want to play golf on a yacht! Is that a yacht? That's an aircraft carrier!!!"

Qin Feng was simply confused.

"Hey, Brother Ye, you're wrong. From the tone of your voice, it seems that you've driven a yacht that's even cooler than Brother Feng's!"

Several of Qin Feng's loyal brothers were immediately unhappy.

Ye Yang was very surprised: "Is it worth being surprised that you've driven a yacht bigger than this?"

(Second update)

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