Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 450: Sea legend! A super yacht worth 9 billion yuan appears


A group of second-generation rich people feel that their ears are broken. Listening to what you said, it seems that driving a yacht bigger than this is something that everyone should have experienced, and it is not a trivial matter that is not appreciated by outsiders! ?

Is there any mistake?

Looking at the expressions of the rich second generation, Ye Yang shrugged: "Oh... I misunderstood. I thought you all had it."


I bet you really think that every one of us has a super yacht over 70 meters long!

Several rich second generations almost scolded them on the spot.

Although Brother Ye has just met him, his skill in showing off is so proficient!

They all made them wonder whether Ye Yang was showing off or was feeling emotion from the bottom of his heart...

"Brother Ye, what you said is a bit too big!"

"Yes, yes, you know, there are not many super-sized private yachts in the whole of China! Fifty meters is considered very big. Brother Qin Feng's seventy meters, at least in our understanding "

"Anyway, in all these years, I have never seen a yacht more awesome than Brother Feng's super private yacht."

A group of rich second generation people are all connected.


After the younger brothers set the stage for the atmosphere, Qin Feng was the appropriate end. He smiled and patted Ye Yang on the shoulder: "Brother Ye, I know you have a higher vision, but... sometimes, you have to respect objective facts when speaking. That’s good.”

"What do you think?"

Ye Yang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "You mean, I have never seen a more powerful private yacht than this one, so to say this is a bit too ignorant, right?"

"Ah this..."

Qin Feng didn't expect that Ye Yang would dare to speak so clearly. If he can't come up with hard goods soon, he will be embarrassed. How will it end soon?

"Do you still remember that I just said that I would come to Erport to pick up a courier?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"of course I remember."

Qin Feng nodded doubtfully, and then there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes: "The express delivery you are talking about is..."

Ye Yang laughed and said: "Yes, it is a private yacht that I just bought recently. I just told me that it has arrived in Ergang. I stopped by to take a look."

"What a coincidence!?"

Qin Feng was shocked, but he was not completely panicked just yet. After all, his yacht has been one of the top yachts in the world of private yachts in the past few years. If it was any higher, it would have been driven by the world's top richest man!

The wealth of the top rich is beyond counting.

They are generally super bosses who control some important economic lifeline of the world.

Comparing him with such a big shot, it would be like a firefly competing with a bright moon!

It's simply impossible!

Do you want to say that Ye Yang is such a big boss?

Then it is even more impossible for him to believe it!

He obviously looks about the same age as himself!

He is one of the top rich second generations in China. They are both rich second generations, so how can the gap be so huge! ?

Various thoughts came and went in his mind, and finally he smiled lightly: "I wonder if Brother Ye can give us a face and let us open our eyes today and see Brother Ye's super yacht that can play golf on it?"

"Want to see it? Okay!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly. He was not a stingy person. Since everyone wanted to see it so much, he pulled it out to show off: "Hello? Yes, it's me. Bring the yacht over."

After making the call, everyone stared at the port in the distance.

After all, what Ye Yang said just now really shocked them to the point that people couldn't help but suspect that he was bragging.

It would be funny if a 50-60-meter private yacht suddenly opened up...

The ocean in the distance was covered with hazy fog due to the dusk and the water vapor kicked up by various ships.

At this time, a hazy shadow slowly appeared in the mist.

"I'm coming!"

"Is it this ship?"

The rich second generation looked at the hazy huge shadow with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

After all, that shadow... is really too big!

"Did you see it wrong? It's actually a cargo ship!"

"Can't you? When someone called here, a boat came in from the other side. It should be Brother Ye's boat..."

"Ah this! This is too big!"


Just the shadow of the ship in the mist made the second-generation people feel oppressed.


The private yacht broke through the mist, finally revealing its true appearance to everyone's eyes...

"This is……"

Qin Feng pulled away the rich second generation in front of him and stared blankly at the yacht in front of him. As an enthusiast in the private yachting circle, Qin Feng pulled away.

Naturally, the origin of the yacht can be seen at a glance!


Even Qin Feng couldn't help but exclaimed!

"This is...the streets of Monaco!"

"What Monaco streets!?"


Many second-generation rich people heard this name for the first time, and couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"This is one of the top ten famous yachts in the world!"

Qin Feng exclaimed: "Looking at the entire private yacht industry, this is a masterpiece!"

"It is the most top-notch existence among private yachts that can be called gods!"

"Is it so outrageous!?"

The thin man wearing glasses next to him pushed up his glasses.

"Outrageous? I think the size is quite outrageous!"

All the second-generation rich people nodded in agreement.

The streets of Monaco are more than 200 meters long!

This yacht is designed based on the urban structure of Monaco.

It can be called a replica of Monaco. It is built according to the country's most famous landmarks, replicating Monte Carlo Casino, Monaco's best hotel, Hotel de Paris, Café de Paris and other iconic buildings!

In other words, a yacht is a city!

There are real cafes, green belts, streets, hotels, hotels, hair salons, casinos, swimming pools, and even stadiums, courtyards, gyms, libraries and cinemas!

It can be said that it has everything and will never lose to any city!

Moreover, this yacht also has a large swimming pool and jacuzzi.

In order to facilitate the entry and exit of its owner, a unique platform was built on the yacht to accommodate small yachts entering and exiting.

The most outrageous thing is... this yacht actually moved the F1 racing track to the sea! ! !

This track is similar to the track used in the Monaco Formula One race and is also a landmark building in Monaco. In other words, if you are a racing fan, you can have a racing addiction on the sea...

But these are not its core. The core of the yacht is its atrium!

The atrium connects the upper and lower living areas...including 7 guest cabins.

Each cabin has its own living room, bathroom, dressing room, bedroom and balcony. The most amazing master suite occupies three floors!

And this is the myth of the sea, the streets of Monaco! ! !

Qin Feng clenched his fists and couldn't believe that this maritime myth appeared in front of him like this...

"This...this, this, this, this is too outrageous!"

"Fuck! Awesome!"

After listening to Qin Feng's popular science, all the second generation rich people were completely confused.

"Such an awesome private yacht costs more than a billion!"

Someone said in horror.

"More than a billion!?"

Qin Feng laughed directly: "A few years ago, when it was not so famous, the cost alone was announced to be more than 7 billion! Now the valuation is estimated to be more than 90, close to 10 billion. !”


A group of rich second-generation people opened their mouths wide. Now, not to mention two, even three or five eggs could fit in their mouths...

"Ten billions for a yacht!?"

"Watma, poverty limits my imagination!"


(First update)

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