Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 451 Red-haired Maid Margaret

"A yacht worth tens of billions!"

"Oh my god! It's so amazing!"

“This yacht is even higher than our group’s valuation!”

"Hey, it's so irritating to compare people to each other!"

"It's like a knife in my ass - it opened my eyes!"

All the second-generation rich people couldn't pretend any longer and collectively broke their defenses.

Not to mention them, even Qin Feng was completely speechless at this time.

The anger that Ye Yang felt after being forced to fight back several times disappeared instantly.

All that's left is shock, admiration and amazement!

Owning a tens of billions of yachts is a symbol of the world's top financial giants!

The young man next to me is actually... a top international financial giant! ?

this! ?

He looked at Ye Yang in confusion, and saw the calm expression on his face, as if it were taken for granted, and his heart was shocked!

No wonder Wang Xiaocong used such words when introducing Ye Yang!

Although Wang Xiaocong felt a storm in his heart at this time, after all, he had known Ye Yang for a long time. What kind of miracles had he not seen?

There are tens of billions of islands, hundreds of billions of houses, and trillions of companies lined up...

It’s not surprising that such a super boss comes up with any kind of rare gadgets.

However, to be honest, when the Monaco street was completely revealed, he still felt a heartfelt shock! ! !

That kind of visual shock cannot be overcome by being mentally prepared!

Not to mention playing golf on it, you can even drive a racing car...

"You call this a toy!?"

Qin Feng shook his head. At first hearing Ye Yang's description, he thought he had sent something indescribable, an adult inflatable toy...

As a result, they turned out to be the top ten superyachts in the world! ?

Do you have any misunderstanding about the words toys? !

"Of course, aren't you buying this just for fun?"

Ye Yang shrugged: "Otherwise, what would you call it? Office tool?"


Qin Feng couldn't laugh or cry, and found that he was speechless!

"Haha, this is the first time I've seen it since I ordered it."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Why don't you go on my yacht to visit first?"

"It's a dream come true!"

Qin Feng kept saying that he was very interested in yachts, let alone the world's top super yacht.

"I'm going to tell that girl Chu Haijiao about this when I get back, haha... She's going to have to book a flight overnight tonight and come over to find you for a py deal."

Qin Feng smiled.


The corner of Ye Yang's mouth trembled, remembering the girl on Dongxia Island who was willing to sleep with him in order to drive an F1000 and who was inspired to become the Pirate King - Chu Haijiao.

However, such a little paranoid girl still looks cute overall.

Of course, it is under the condition that you can satisfy the other party's paranoid hobby...

In the eyes of boys who can't afford a yacht, such a girl would seem a bit scary!

After all, a normal girl would at most want you to buy a brand-name bag for the Chinese New Year.

But during the Chinese New Year, this kind of girl might directly ask you to buy a world-class ship...

Who can withstand this! ?

"We can also enjoy the blessing!"

Several rich second generations were rubbing their hands together, and they all wanted to see how terrifying a tens of billions of yachts can be!


The high-tech elevator was lowered.

Everyone followed Ye Yang up.

As soon as we arrived on the deck, we were warmly greeted by several beautiful girls. Each one was dressed in a tropical style - very cool!


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

As the most famous superyacht in the world, the service team on board is naturally international.

There are girls of all skin colors.

But without exception, they all speak multiple languages, and are naturally proficient in Chinese.

Speaking in Mandarin may make some Chinese people with a local accent feel ashamed.

"Not bad, really good."

Ye Yang nodded slightly, these international foreign girls are indeed refreshing.

After all, the fresh is always the most attractive.

"You are our new master, right?"

Foreign girls are obviously more unrestrained in character. Even in front of a group of people, in public places, they can still use this title.


Ye Yang was very pleased and nodded with a smile.

"I am the leader of the Monaco Street Service Group. My name is Margaery. You can call me Xiaoli."

The woman is tall, with wonderful curves, big blue eyes, and flaming red hair like a waterfall on the back of her head, with natural curls, which looks very beautiful.

Like a mermaid princess in a fairy tale.

The only difference's not a fish tail underneath.

"Xiao Li? It's a very Chinese name."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"Master, please come with me. I will take the master and guests to browse the facilities on the ship first, so that we can better enjoy the night at night."

Margery blinked at Ye Yang and said clearly.


Yu Mo frowned on the side. She was the more daring and flirtatious person around the boss, but compared with this foreign wavy girl, she was still far behind!

She felt the gap, and the sense of crisis made her secretly determined to become better!

"Tsk, tsk, this!"

Qin Feng and the rich second generations behind him secretly swallowed.

But I didn't dare to think too much. After all, this is Ye Yang's ship, Ye Yang's private territory. Who dares to act rashly! ?

"This is a restaurant built in imitation of the Grand Hotel de Paris in Monaco. Here, you can enjoy the world's top catering services."

Margaret twisted and turned in front, teasing.

Seeing this, several rich second-generations almost had nosebleeds.

Following Margaret, I walked for a long time before I could barely see the green belt on the ship, including streets, hotels, big restaurants, hair salons, casinos, swimming pools, gyms, courtyards, gyms, libraries and cinemas.

It was so dazzling that people could only exclaim that it was awesome.

After I walked out, it was already dark, and the vicinity of Er Port had also entered its most beautiful time of the day...

(Second update)

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