Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 452: The legendary Parrot?

The lights of high-rise buildings near Ergang are flashing.

The neon lighthouse guides many ships traveling in the sea.

Near the port, ships pass by.

A scene that exemplifies busyness and prosperity.

Among the hurried lights and ships, Monaco Street is moving slowly.

In this rush and complexity, a leisurely beauty is added.

Ye Yang sat on the lawn of the boat, savoring the Esmeralda coffee produced in Shangri-La Manor, feeling the warm taste throughout his body.

He likes silence, but the silence he likes is not pure silence.

He only likes the unique silence in this noisy environment.

In this way, he can not only be in the prosperous world, but also enjoy the unique comfort and beauty.

"As expected of a handful of thousands of dollars, the world's top coffee beans, the coffee that comes out of the grind is fragrant."

"Just one sip of this will cost you money!"

"Yes, yes! It tastes much better than the brewed coffee I drink!"

"Hey, sister, you actually drink instant coffee. I don't even drink it from Starbucks!"

"Starbucks? Is there any obvious difference in taste between it and instant coffee?"

"Ah just different anyway!!!"



The Internet celebrities or lovers brought by the rich second generation are all chatty.

However, they were all far away from Ye Yang, and they could only vaguely hear the discussions they had never seen in the world.

As for Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng, they have naturally tasted all kinds of expensive coffee. When they heard the comments, they both laughed and shook their heads.

"I really can't stand listening to it anymore. I'm going to teach them what the real way of coffee is!"

Qin Feng stood up, forcing the king's soul to burn again.

Today, it can be said that Ye Yang crushed him to a pulp. His self-confidence needs to be regained by beating a few weaklings...

"Master, how should we decide our route? Should we circle around or explore the vast ocean?"

The beautiful first mate in the cab ran over and asked.

"Our journey is, of course, across the stars and the sea!"

Ye Yang laughed.

With such an awesome private yacht, it is really boring to just cruise around the port.

"Brother Ye, do you want to drive a little further outside?"

Qin Feng suddenly became interested, and even his interest in pretending to be cool faded a lot, and he asked again and again.

"Yes what's the matter?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with some confusion.

There is actually something that can make the other person stop his desire to show off...

"Then...Brother Ye, are you planning to go out to the high seas?"

Qin Feng rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

Now that Ye Yang has completely impressed him with the strength he has shown, he naturally does not dare to call him Brother Ye casually, but directly calls him Brother Ye.

"Brother Feng, just say it clearly if you have anything to say. Why bother? It makes me feel so itchy."

Wang Xiaocong said repeatedly.

"Ahem, didn't I say that I won hundreds of millions gambling abroad?"

Qin Feng sat back again and said excitedly: "Do you know where I won?"

"How would I know!?"

Wang Xiaocong curled his lips.

"Let him continue."

Ye Yang actually became a little interested. It was obvious that this matter had something to do with the fact that he would not be able to leave the high seas for a while.

"In fact, many international countries prohibit gambling, so those cities and regions that allow gambling have become the most popular places for the world's top gamblers."

"In addition to these cities and regions, there are also many ships on the high seas that almost never dock and whose fuel is supplied by other ships. They exist specifically for this industry."

"These ships are known in the gambling world as the 'Eternal Holy Land Floating on the Sea.' I earned several hundred million on one of these holy places - the Parrot."

"And the Parrot has recently been operating in waters outside the high seas of Hainan."

"That's why I appeared in Hainan. If it weren't for showing off... ah no, sharing my newly purchased luxury yacht, I would have won enough billions before leaving the Parrot."

Qin Feng said it all, and his eyes also showed excitement.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Naturally, he had never heard of these statements, but as a veteran in the gambling industry, it was not surprising that Qin Feng knew these.

"Ahem, to be honest with Brother Ye, I really want to go back and earn hundreds of millions."

Qin Feng rubbed his hands: "Look..."

Ye Yang laughed. With such a novelty, of course he had to experience it!

He was worried that his life of luxury was boring, so it seemed like a good choice to visit this novel and exciting gambling holy land.

"Then let's follow the route given by Qin Feng."

Ye Yang waved to the first mate.

"Hello, Master~"

The first mate agreed and turned back to the cab.

After all, they are an international team. Wang Xiaocong and Ye Yang find it novel, but they are already familiar with an existence like the Parrot.

Time passed quickly.

The coffee was also finished, and many of the refreshed rich second generation were no longer sleepy.

It's scary to be sleepy at night, and the extra energy will be useless. At this time, it's time for the lovers and Internet celebrities they brought to appear to calm the anxious hearts of the second generation...

There are enough rooms in the streets of Monaco to accommodate a few people who want to make trouble.

"Master, it's time for supper!"

Margaery put her arm on Ye Yang's shoulder and spoke affectionately.

"night snack?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What to eat?"

“Margery carefully selected the best quality abalone from Sal, England~”

Margaery blinked her blue eyes and said playfully.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What is Margaery's hometown?"

"It's the town of Sal, England!"

Margaery chuckled.


Ye Yang suddenly realized it and laughed: "Then what are you waiting for? It's supper time, let's go!"

"It's really quick and accurate to strike!"

Yu Momo gritted his teeth, but after returning to land, the boss will be mine every day and night! You little red-haired succubus can't take away too much of his time!

Thinking like this, she calmed down.

"Qianqian, do you know why the boss went to the room to eat abalone? With such a good thing, we can share the duck together on the deck!?"

Mo Zhengzheng asked doubtfully.

"Ahem, this abalone is not that abalone!"

Tan Mingqian saw that Mo Zhengzheng was even more confused: "What! Anyway, this abalone from Sal, England, can only be eaten in the room. Do you understand!"

"Oh fine!"

Mo Zhengzheng nodded honestly: "Oh, I haven't eaten such a strange abalone before... I really hope that I can be as good as Master in the future and can eat this special abalone!"


Tan Mingqian rolled her eyes: "If you want, you can do it tonight."


Mo Zhengzheng blinked.

"Hey, come with me, I will share with you the fish I have treasured for many years!"

Tan Mingqian took Mo Zhengzheng's arm and happily dragged her into another room.


Yu Mo shook his head, feeling the depression in his heart getting a little heavier...

(First update)

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