
Ye Yang threw Margaery on the bed of Xuanruan Roche Bobois, which was worth nearly one million yuan.

This is the room with the best floor-to-ceiling windows, luxurious decoration, and comfort on the entire Monaco Street Yacht.

It is also the master bedroom in the master suite.

It’s on this yacht modeled after Monaco, the real palace of the king!

Ye Yang put his fingers on the expensive mahogany decoration, looked at Margery, and walked all the way to the retro gramophone.

Place priceless vintage film records from the 20th century in the gramophone.

The sound of cello played by female musician Annlies Schmidt de Neveu sounded in this vast bedroom.

With a simple and primitive beauty that travels through time and space.

"The voice from 1956 echoes in our ears today."

Ye Yang closed his eyes and listened for a while, and sighed, classical music, if you listen to it occasionally, is indeed very charming...

Sentiment is also very important!

Only when both parties reach the most relaxed state can they get the best feedback from each other!

The knowledge of adjusting the atmosphere in advance is the mood.

Of course, in the eyes of girls, this is called fatal romance.

"I didn't expect you, Master, to know classical music!"

Margaery blinked and asked in surprise.

"No, it's because there is a date and information next to the film."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.


Margaery shook her red wavy hair and was amused by Ye Yang's straightforwardness.

"Okay, Master, before you eat midnight snacks, pay attention to your hygiene!"

Margery walked into the gilded pool paved with roses.

Ye Yang shook his head, but it was necessary to pay attention to hygiene. He sat in without saying anything.


Wrapped in bathrobes, the two sat on the blanket.

“Master, abalone is only found in my private territory. This territory has never been occupied by anyone. Today, it will belong to you! This is the most delicious abalone in Sal Town, England, and it also belongs to you! "

Margaery chuckled.

"Really? I have to check it myself to know whether it is the most delicious."

Ye Yang laughed.


As expected of a foreign girl, everything is exaggerated.

You can feel it even more after being honest with each other.

He felt like an old man on crutches, climbing over hills, leaping over grass, and exploring deep valleys, enjoying himself.

The fiery red waves rolled up, and the room was suddenly filled with various sounds.

The sound of rushing water, the rustle of wind blowing through the grass, the whine of wild geese...

I do not know how long it has been.

Everything was restored to tranquility.

Ye Yang moved a bit and walked to the window.

The sky was polished.

I have to say that foreign girls have high endurance!

Looking at the sleeping red-haired elf-like Margaery, Ye Yang's mouth twisted. No matter how strong his endurance was, he was still completely conquered by his strength comparable to that of a superhero!


With his current physical condition, he would not feel too tired even if he continued to fight for a week without sleep.

So, I just squinted for a while, and I felt refreshed when I got up again.

At this time, the morning light on the horizon has completely brightened.

"really not bad."

Naturally, Margaery hadn't recovered yet and fell asleep.

After Ye Yang got dressed, he walked out of the bedroom and had a simple breakfast worth hundreds of thousands with the maid, Wang Xiaocong and the others.

Just came to the deck.

"Now we are beyond the high seas."

The first mate ran over and reported the progress.

"According to the route Mr. Qin gave us, we will probably reach our destination soon."

"Yeah, well done."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and gave the first mate a thumbs up.


The first mate scratched his head helpfully and smiled: "Master, I'm going back to the cab first."


Ye Yang looked at the maids next to him. Apparently they were all wondering why the leader, Margery, didn't show up today.

However, there were also a few understanding sisters who looked calm and knew exactly what was going on.

They didn't ask, and Ye Yang couldn't go into too much detail.

After breakfast and playing golf on the boat for a while, a surprised voice came to my ears.

"Look! What's that in front of you!"

"Oh my god, this is so big!"

"It seems like a ship... ah no, more like an aircraft carrier."

Several Internet celebrities were whispering and standing on the observation board, discussing in surprise.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance.

In the distance, an endless stream of steel lines appeared in the eyes.

Looks very majestic.

But he knew very well that there should be no such huge ship in the world.

After all, the longest aircraft carrier ever seen in history was only about four hundred meters.

Even the "Freedom Boat" built by the United States a few years ago shocked the world's shipping industry and is said to be the largest human-made maritime creation in the world's history. It is only 1,500 meters tall.

The flow of steel lines in front of me felt like it was nearly two thousand meters long.


As he drove closer, Ye Yang suddenly realized.

It's a whole fleet.

Similar to the chain of iron chains during the Battle of Chibi, they formed a huge fleet.

Among them, the Big Mac at the beginning is a super giant ship of more than 400 meters.

Behind the giant ship, there are more than a dozen small followers of about 100 to 200 meters.

Many of them are for the super giant ship: Parrot, which is specially used to transport fuel.

"Proof of assets is required before boarding the ship. If you are worth less than 1 billion US dollars, you can only enter those follower ships to gamble."

"Only those with a net worth of more than 1 billion US dollars are qualified to step on the Parrot."

Qin Feng introduced: "The high seas are not like the domestic. There are no laws on it. All rules are made by the emperor of the Parrot: Dai Lun VIII. When you get on the ship, you must abide by the rules, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He is a man who abides by the rules, isn't he?

"But as the emperor of the Parrot fleet, he must also ensure the personal safety of the rich people on board. Otherwise, the Parrot's reputation will be ruined, and he will have no way to make money. This is what he doesn't want to see."

Qin Feng saw that Wang Xiaocong's face was a little pale, and he was obviously backing down, so he couldn't help but add comfort.

"Ahem, okay."

Although Wang Xiaocong likes to play with Internet celebrities, he is still a very honest person in other aspects. He has never touched these things.

He has also heard about the cruelty and terror of the high seas. Deep down, he is still reluctant to approach such places.

Ye Yang doesn't care, but is full of curiosity...

(Second update)

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