Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 454: Asset Notarization, Gold Card VIP


The Monaco street number slowly approached the Parrot.

On the deck of the Parrot, there were many mercenaries with live ammunition patrolling back and forth.

Before going on deck, you will be searched.

Before Ye Yang and the others, there were one or two small boats of tens of meters approaching. The wealthy people on board boarded the boat with their bodyguards. Some even checked out C4 and RPG in the bodyguards' carry-on boxes.

Those who are unwilling to hand over their weapons will be expelled.

After the expressions of the rich men changed, they finally nodded in agreement and boarded the boat with the leopard print girl and bodyguards.

"It's really strict."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I...I'm a little scared, Brother Ye, otherwise...let's go back first!"

Several rich second generations were so frightened by this battle that their legs weakened.

All residents in China are well protected, and few people have seen real modern weapons.

Especially these rich second generations, they have never killed a chicken.

Suddenly seeing so many mercenaries with guns and live ammunition on the ship who were obviously bloody, my face suddenly turned green with fear.

People are still subconsciously afraid when faced with weapons that can kill them with just a flick of their fingers.

"Ahem, it's actually very safe. I've been up there for several days without any problems. You'll know when you get up there."

Seeing the cowardice of the rich second generation, Qin Fengqi was worried that Ye Yang would be frightened by these boys and returned directly.

Then his small goal of making one billion yuan will be temporarily ruined.

"If you are really scared, just stay on the boat and wait for me to come back."

Ye Yang shrugged.

The skilled man is bold, possesses genetic serum and the ultimate in Chinese martial arts, and it is difficult for ordinary thermal weapons to cause any harm to him.

Moreover, the Parrot has been drifting on the high seas for decades, and has even earned a reputation as the so-called "Holy Land" in the gambling industry, so its safety should be guaranteed.

"what about you?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked several girls.

"Wherever the boss is, as his personal secretary, naturally he should be there."

Yu Momo held his chest and said.

"I...I feel safer following Master."

Mo Zhengzheng muttered.

"Ah this..."

Tan Mingqian had no choice but to nod in agreement. Although she was a bit mean, she was sincere to her best friend.

"I've wanted to see it for a long time."

Chen Qiqian, who has been active in the international seafood industry for a long time, shook her body expectantly, and suddenly the waves started to surge...


Finally, Monaco Avenue docked with the giant ship Parrot.

The already extremely large Monaco Avenue still looks a bit small in front of the Parrot giant oil tanker.

Ye Yang and Wang Xiaocong came directly to the deck of the Parrot under the guidance of Qin Feng, who was familiar with the road.

The attitude of the mercenaries responsible for the search was not very good.

"These women also need to be checked."

Several mercenaries looked at the beautiful girls brought by Ye Yang and said with unkind expressions.


Ye Yang frowned. This was the first time he had seen a guy who was so rude to guests. If these rough guys really insisted on a body search, he wouldn't mind ending the trip here and giving this so-called The holy land of gambling left a deep impression.


Several mercenaries stared, patted the AK47 on their bodies, and threatened unkindly.

"Guys, this is my certification plate. I know what the real rules are on the Parrot. Don't ask me to call you to lead the team."

Qin Feng took out an authentication card and frowned.

"Silver card."

The expressions of several mercenaries suddenly became serious, and their eyes towards Qin Feng also became kind.

Several women who were responsible for body searches were called over and checked Yu Momo and his party.

"Please, there is a special rest area for silver VIPs."

After passing the body search, Ye Yang and his party were greeted by the polite maids and waiters.

One before the other, it can be said to be a huge contrast.

"What silver card?"

Wang Xiaocong asked with a blink of an eye.

"If you have a net worth of one billion U.S. dollars, you will be eligible to board the ship, and you will be issued a bronze card. If you have a net worth of ten billion U.S. dollars, you can get a silver card, if you have a net worth of one hundred billion U.S. dollars, you can get a gold card, and if you have a net worth of one trillion U.S. dollars, you can get a black gold card."

Qin Feng shrugged: "Although my family's assets can apply for a gold card, my father only gave me an asset certificate of about ten billion US dollars."

Under the leadership of the beautiful waiter, we came to the card processing office.

"On the ship, except in the assigned rooms and in public places such as the deck, you must not stray too far from the VIPs who are following you and have the card."

"This is the class mentality on board the Parrot."

Qin Feng reminded: "For example, if the girls I brought are too far away from me and there are no card-holding VIPs around to support them when I provoke them, then they will be black households on the Parrot and will lose any human rights and be arbitrarily Dealt with it.”

"In this case……"

The corner of Ye Yang's mouth curled up, and he said to Yu Mo Mo: "Then I will apply for a silver card for all of you."


Several girls' eyes widened and they all got one! ?

Since Mo Zhengzheng and Tan Mingqian are from aristocratic families, they can still provide proof of assets.

Although Chen Qiqian has made a lot of money over the years, her assets are only assessed at three to four billion Chinese coins, not even one billion US dollars.

As for Yu Momo, although the salary given by Ye Yang was terrible, it was still a long way from getting a card.

Ye Yang shrugged and transferred 100 billion Huaxia coins to each of Yu Momo and Chen Qiqian: "Is this OK?"


Chen Qiqian blinked, this is too scary! Holy shit!

It was so atmospheric that it reached the sky.

Although she knew that Ye Yang was rich, she never imagined that Ye Yang would be so rich.

You can mobilize hundreds of billions of massive cash at will!

"I'll transfer you back after we get off the boat."

Chen Qiqian repeatedly said that she would not dare to accept such terrifying cash if it was really given to her for free.

"Not urgent."

Ye Yang shrugged casually, it was only 100 billion.

During this period of time, he had no idea how much more cash reserves he had than when he showed off his balance at Baoli High School. He didn't bother to calculate it. He estimated that he had at least 500 to 600 billion.

After all, there are more than one company with trillions of assets under its name than at that time.

"Sir, please show proof of your assets."

Ye Yang thought about it and decided to keep a low profile and only showed some of the trillion-dollar companies under his name.


Even so, several staff members of the Property Notary Office stood up with their mouths wide open and handed a gold card to Ye Yang with great respect.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Trillion US dollars, if all the assets under his name are counted, he can even exceed it.

Especially the trump card of Hurricane Company cannot be valued at all. However, its influence is huge internationally. If it really needs to be valued, at least for Parrot, its value is no less than that of China's top company with a market capitalization of trillions. company's.

But this way he exposed all his bottom, and he didn't like this feeling...

(First update)

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