Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 455: One hundred million US dollars pool, top gambling skills

"I'm actually a gold card user..."

After Ye Yang and his party left, several service staff at the notary office looked at each other in confusion.

"Go and tell the Emperor quickly."

Although in name, the highest level of Parrot is the Black Gold Card.

However, a super boss with a net worth of trillions of dollars would hardly take the risk to come to the Parrot.

It can be said that it would be good if the gambling scene between black gold members can only happen once in more than ten years on the Parrot.

Today, 80% to 90% of people on the Parrot are bronze members.

10% Silver Card Member.

There are no more than five gold card members like Ye Yang.

The arrival of such a super boss will definitely alarm the owner of the Parrot, Dai Lun VIII.

Parrot cruise ship, extremely luxurious captain's cabin.

The waiter stepped on the leather blanket and passed countless precious murals. After several inspections, he was allowed to enter the captain's rest area.

The gilded hearth burned.

The Dai Lun family made their name on the sea with the Parrot in the last century, so the decoration inside is very retro.

Next to the fireplace, the firelight danced. An old man with white hair on his temples, about fifty or sixty years old, listened to the waiter's report and gradually opened his light gray eyes: "A new gold card member? Very young... and he is still open. Came along the streets of Monaco..."

"Yes, even the Huaxia Silver Card boy who made tens of millions of dollars before leaving is back."

the waiter reported.


A sneer flashed across the corner of Dai Lun VIII's lips: "Let's all follow the rules. Let them win first, and then..."

"But... that young man with a gold card, you should pay more attention to the Monaco on the deck. It may be loaded with heavy weapons. After confirming the level of hidden dangers, we can then make plans for this person."


The waiter nodded repeatedly, raised the corners of his mouth, then turned and left...

Dai Lun VIII slowly closed his eyes again.

Having run Parrot for decades, he has long boasted that he has seen through human nature. There is no fairness in casinos, only human nature and means.

As the largest bookmaker and the macro regulator behind it.

Every win or loss on the Parrot has his shadow behind it.

It is this kind of control power that has allowed him to earn wealth that is the envy of the world's top richest people over the years. Even the military equipment and mercenary combat power on board the Parrot are enough to attack some small countries.

You know, arms are basically the most expensive industry in the world.

Without a huge economic pool, it would be impossible to support such a huge mercenary team.


"Please pay the boarding ticket and the regular fuel fee."

"How much?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"The ticket price is one hundred thousand U.S. dollars per person, and the fuel cost is based on the size of the ship you are driving. Yours is an extra-large model, which costs two hundred thousand U.S. dollars a week."

The waiter's smile was sweeter than candy.

"Are you trying to steal money?"

Mo Zhengzheng frowned and scolded.

"And we won't be here for a week. We might get bored and disembark soon. Are you going to charge us $200,000 for fuel?!"

Tan Mingqian said unwillingly.

"Rules are rules."

The waiter shrugged, and the meaning was very obvious, just get off the boat if you don't want to pay!

"Ahem, if you can play on the Parrot, the win or loss will not exceed a million dollars. There is always a charge for the operation of the Parrot!"

Qin Feng was on the side to smooth things over: "Brother Ye, I'll help you pay for the fuel..."

"No need, doesn't this make me look too stingy?"

Ye Yang sneered. Anyway, he would always get a system rebate when he spent money, so he would never lose money.

"Ding! The host is detected to be making special consumption, triggering special rewards!

Unlock a $100 million gambling pool! Unlock the top gambling skills, the effect: have the most powerful gambling skills ever before in mankind, and also have the highest level of luck within the time limit of similar activities! "

"Sure enough, the system's rewards are related to the direction of spending money, and it is also related to my own psychological appeal when spending money."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and looked at the waiter with interest.

The Parrot thought it had earned him hundreds of thousands of dollars, but in the coming time, he had to be prepared for... heavy losses!

The waiter was so frightened by Ye Yang's eyes that he quickly ran away after collecting the money.

Gold card VIPs are the most powerful celebrities in the world. They have a very high status. Especially since Ye Yang came here on a super yacht like Monaco, at least he is not something that a little waiter like him can afford to offend. Running away as soon as you finish the money is the smart choice to save your life.

"It's really too much!"

Mo Zhengzheng waved her pink fist and said angrily.

"Haha, they are the ones who think it's too much for a while."

Ye Yang rubbed Mo Zhengzheng's little head and laughed.

"I feel like I'm very lucky now. Why don't we go to the business area and try a few first?"

Qin Feng rubbed his hands and said expectantly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, wasn't it just to see what this so-called gambling holy land looks like! ?

He brought a group of beauties to the business area.

The business area is the first and second floors of the entire Parrot, which is very large.

The interior decoration is very luxurious, and there are various forms of gambling from all over the world.

There are Chinese pai gow, mahjong, and dice, as well as British bridge, Japanese shogi, and even niche cards such as tarot.

The most interesting thing is that you can also see trendy card games such as Three Kingdoms and Yu-Gi-Oh!

Those who play these are usually the second generation of the rich from various countries.

"This is not the same as the gambling scene I imagined..."

Wang Xiaocong scratched his head and muttered.

"The essence of gambling is to determine the ownership of a large amount of wealth by winning or losing. As long as there is a game of winning or losing, it can be a form of gambling."

Qin Feng obviously understood it very well, but then he approached Ye Yang's ear mysteriously: "Don't look at the first floor with a smile, the atmosphere seems to be very good, but the first and second floors are completely different worlds."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"The second floor is the real cruelty, the real gambling world, what black boxing, even playing Russian roulette, betting on death dates and various extremely perverted forms, are set up to satisfy some wealthy people with special fetishes. They are all dark acts that must not be seen in the light."

Qin Feng shuddered when he thought of the scene he glimpsed on the second floor: "Try not to get close to the second floor, those who play there are not normal people."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, he had no interest in dealing with psychopaths and perverts.

"Bet, bet! One hundred thousand dollars a time, bet on it!"

The shouts came from the dice area next to him.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. The Parrot obviously still respected China. All the languages ​​on it were played in Chinese and English.

"I just got the top gambling skills. I'll try this simplest one first."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and walked towards the dice area.

(Second update)

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