Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 456 If you lose, you can do whatever you want

"Here we come!"

There are obviously quite a few Chinese people around this place.

After all, Chinese people are naturally familiar with dice.

"Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

The dealer shook the dice and said repeatedly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, and his ears seemed to be more sensitive to the sound of the Gu Bell.

The Gu Bell was placed on the table, and the sound of the dice rolling down after landing came.

As if instinctively, the image of the dice inside appeared in Ye Yang's mind, and he counted upwards.

"Listen to the dice?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He had heard of this ability in various gambling skills decryption programs, but those who have this ability have to go through a long period of hard training.

Because he obtained the top gambling skills, he also directly possessed this ability.

"Brother Feng, you are so powerful, give me a suggestion!"

Wang Xiaocong winked at Qin Feng.

"Ahem, I'm good because mathematical probability can roughly calculate the size of the poker cards... How can I guess the size of this kind of guessing that is purely determined by luck?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes and shook his head: "I think, just bet on it randomly..." "Bet on big." Ye Yang raised his lips and put his chips in the big area. "If you want to make money, invest with me." "Okay." Mo Zhengzheng and Yu Momo naturally trusted Ye Yang unconditionally, and put down the chips in their hands directly. "Hey! One hundred thousand dollars!!! My pocket money for half a month! I must win!" Mo Zhengzheng clenched her palms nervously. "..."

Tan Mingqian pursed her lips: "Are you reliable? If not, don't pretend to be a master like others! One hundred thousand dollars is enough for me to get a world-class beauty card for a year!"

Ye Yang shrugged and wanted to say something to her, but after raising his lips, he thought of a more interesting way: "If you don't believe me, just bet the opposite of me."


Tan Mingqian snorted. After all, she has been disobedient since she was a child.

It's a rebellious character.

"You have made so much money and are so good at racing. I don't believe you can also learn gambling skills. How can there be such a great person in the world!"

Tan Mingqian gritted her teeth and said stubbornly.

"What if I really guessed it right?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and teased with interest.

"Lucky! What else can I do?"

Tan Mingqian shrugged.

"What if I guessed it right ten times in a row?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"Guessed correctly ten times!"

Tan Mingqian laughed: "You haven't been to school! Do you know that in probability theory, what is the probability of being able to guess the size correctly ten times?"

As a top student, Ye Yang naturally knows how to calculate, but he still raised his eyebrows and pretended to be puzzled and asked: "How much?"

"Hehe, one thousand and twenty-fourth!"

Tan Mingqian rolled her eyes: "Don't talk about you, even if the gambling king comes, he can't guess ten out of ten!"

"What if I happen to be a gambling god?"

Ye Yang laughed.

"If you really guess all correctly... I'll let you deal with it!"

Tan Mingqian gritted her teeth and said fiercely.

Ye Yang laughed: "Deal, but I have to add one more condition, these ten times, you must bet, and you must bet all on the opposite side of me."

"Okay! I admit defeat!"

Tan Mingqian showed her little fist.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and said to Qin Feng: "I'll accept the defeat."

Tan Mingqian, this little girl, is not very likable. After being tamed, this kind of unruly girl often has a higher degree of admiration for the person who tamed her than the ordinary tamed girls.

He will teach this girl a lesson today.


Ye Yang turned his head and found that the atmosphere seemed a little subtle. He couldn't help but look at Qin Feng: "Why are people around looking at me?"

He just teased the little girl? Is it necessary to have such a big reaction?

Qin Feng shook his head with a smile: "Brother Ye, here, the gambling king and gambling god, don't brag easily. In the gambling world, these are real and sacred words that cannot be mentioned casually."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"In the gambling world, there are recognized masters of gambling, and each of them has an incomparable status in the gambling world. The titles from low to high are: Gambler, Gambler King, Gambler Saint, and Gambler God."

"Generally, a country only produces one Gambler King every ten or twenty years!

There are very few people who can be honored as Gambler Saints in the entire world, looking at an era!

And the Gambler God... There are only three of them still alive on the entire earth!"

Qin Feng said slowly.

"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. According to the system's usual temper, since it is said to be the top gambling technique, then it should be given to him at the level of the Gambler God.

"I don't know who will win if I really go against the Gambler God, who only has three in the world."

He also had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

"Who is the most powerful of these three Gambler Gods?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"After becoming a god, everyone is careful about their reputation and won't show up easily, let alone participate in competitions."

Qin Feng shook his head: "In the gambling world, there is even a saying that 'gods don't see gods'."

Ye Yang nodded slightly. It seems that every industry has its own rules.


The dealer opened the Gu Bell, and on the table, it was 5, 6, 5, big!

"Really! Thank you Master for letting me earn an extra half month's pocket money!"

Mo Zhengzheng clapped happily.

Tan Mingqian's face turned black, frowned and muttered: "You are lucky."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at the Gu Bell that had been shaken again, and said lightly: "This time I bet on big."


Mo Zhengzheng and Yu Momo placed their bets directly.

Wang Xiaocong was a little skeptical at first, but he won last time, so he didn't hesitate and placed his bet directly.

Qin Feng was doubtful and prepared to observe again.

"Open! 6.4.6, big!!!"

"Damn! It's amazing!"

Qin Feng was completely stunned, and became even more suspicious. He looked at Ye Yang: "Could it be that he can listen to the dice? But if you can master this kind of magical skill, you are at least a gambler, and you are a master in the gambling world. But he doesn't even know the title and classification of masters in the gambling world..."

Dice is the most basic gambling technique.

If the technique is right, the dealer can even accurately control the points of each dice he throws, and controlling the size is naturally a piece of cake.

And masters can also listen to the dice.

Therefore, without superb gambling skills, coming to the casino is just a leek that comes to give money!

If you don't know the inside story and don't have superb gambling skills, you must not enter this circle!

After all, gambling is harmful to health!

For ordinary people, it is a violation of core values ​​and a behavior that harms others and oneself!

(First update)

For those who understand the intention of the last paragraph, I suggest you type on the public screen: Full of desire to survive!

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