Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 457: The gambling king was defeated by this trick. Let's see how you guess.

"Brother Ye, what are you going to do this time?"

Qin Feng asked again and again.

"It's even bigger this time."

Ye Yang grinned. It was obvious that the dealer was manipulating people's hearts, thinking that since the previous two times were big, many people would definitely choose to bet on the small this time.


Qin Feng gritted his teeth and went down directly without caring about the situation.

"I don't believe you are so lucky every time!"

Tan Mingqian gritted her teeth and pressed down.

"Open! 6, 6, 6, Leopard, big!"

"Ah this!!!"

Tan Mingqian stamped her feet angrily: "You don't know how to have clairvoyant eyes, do you?"

Ye Yang laughed: "You guessed it right, I really have X-ray eyes!"

After saying that, his eyes scanned Tan Mingqian twice.


Tan Mingqian shrank back and her face turned a little red.

"Haha, I lied to you."

Ye Yang shrugged: "It's just good luck."


Tan Mingqian muttered, but her heart was filled with excitement.

Although she lost 300,000 US dollars in the blink of an eye because of her bet with the scumbag in front of her, she felt more and more that this man was unfathomable...

For a girl like her, the more elusive a man is to her, the more attractive she becomes.

"Keep it small this time."

Ye Yang put his chips on the community.


Wang Xiaocong and Chen Qiqian were extremely confident in Ye Yang at this time and kept following him.

"Open, 3, 3, 1, small!"


Tan Mingqian felt like she was going crazy. Four hundred thousand dollars was no small amount for her.

I'm so depressed, I really want to vote the same as this man, because I really want to win...

But I made another bet just now, so I can’t lose face!

Her eyes flickered, sometimes looking at Ye Yang, sometimes looking at her own chips. She was already crying in her heart, but she had to pretend to be strong on her face.

Soon, it was the sixth round.

Many nearby guests noticed Ye Yang.

After all, just now Ye Yang boasted of being the god of gambling. At that time, they were internally mocking Ye Yang for not knowing the rules, but in the end, he actually guessed five out of five!

Even if he is not a God of Gamblers, he is still a King of Gamblers and a Hero of Gamblers.

These are super thighs!

At this moment, they were all jealous and their faces were red.

Blushing and ashamed that he dared to mock this young man just now, jealous and excited that following this young man is almost a sure win!

"What's next this round?"

The ladies and big men in suits and ties next to them were rubbing their hands, waiting for Ye Yang to place a bet.

Obviously, Ye Yang became the focus of the audience silently.

"This time, Xiaoxiao."

Ye Yang pointed.

"What else are you going to do? Just stay stunned!"

Someone kept saying.

Immediately, most of the people present followed Ye Yang and got off the bus.

Only a few people who did not believe in evil followed Tan Mingqian and chose university.

"1,1,1, extremely small!"

"Hiss! It's amazing!"

"This guy is definitely a super master!"

"We were all fooled by his appearance!"

"I regret it, I just got along with him!!!"

All the guests were either amazed or complaining.

The dealer opened his cup and looked around the field. He obviously noticed Ye Yang's side, and his eyes darkened.

Guess the size, it is to neutralize the funds on both sides, and double the compensation back and forth.

If there are fewer people who guess right, there will be more people who guess wrong.

Then in addition to the double bonus paid, the dealer can still earn $100,000 for each person who guessed wrong after offsetting it.

If more people guess correctly than wrongly, the banker will lose money.

The role of the dealer is to use the psychological effect on the field to make the number of people who guess right less than the number of people who guess wrong, allowing Parrot to make money.

But Ye Yang's appearance obviously directly changed this situation.

"Haha, ruining the place?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of the banker's mouth: "Do you really think I've been messing around on the Parrot for nothing? Can I be the banker of the Parrot if I don't have any skills?"

After saying that, he instantly changed the method of shaking the Gu clock.

Under this method, the difficulty of listening to the dice is greatly increased.

Even if you are a gambling king, there is still a slight chance that you heard wrong!

As for the gambler, he can hardly understand it!

"Let you listen!"

The dealer angrily slammed the Gu clock in his hand on the table and looked at Ye Yang provocatively.

In his opinion, this was no longer an ordinary roll of the dice.

It was a battle of gambling skills between him and Ye Yang! ! !


Ye Yang also raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously the sound in his ears was more chaotic than before.

But... who made this gambling skill a gift from the system?

This little trick can't even fool the Gambling Saint, and you still want to fool him! ?

"Keep it small."

Ye Yang said lightly.

At this time, except for the bitter Tan Mingqian, the other guests no longer hesitated and all had sex.


Tan Mingqian murmured bitterly in her heart: "I want to be younger too!!!"

She looked at Mo Zhengzheng for help.


Just as Mo Zhengzheng was about to speak, Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head: "You can't afford to lose now?"

"Tch! No one can afford to lose!"

Tan Mingqian was so irritated that she immediately pursed her lips, but her voice was obviously much softer than before.

The more you convince and teach this kind of unruly girl, the more she will respect you. As long as she believes in her heart that you are the peak that she can never surpass, she will have trust and admiration for you that ordinary people can't imagine.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "Since you don't want to give in, please continue."


Tan Mingqian scratched her little face. She had lost 600,000 US dollars. If she didn't make some money back, she would lose all the pocket money she had saved for a year.

In the future, she would have to eat ordinary meals of a few hundred yuan to fill her hunger...

"I give in! I give in! Qiuqiu, you... I was wrong."

Tan Mingqian blushed and bowed her head to admit her mistake.

"I will admit defeat. You can do whatever you want to me, but... don't use too much force when the time comes. I'm afraid of pain!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes. This girl has a big imagination: "Okay, if you know you are wrong, come and make money with me."


Tan Mingqian no longer dared to be sarcastic to Ye Yang, and nodded sensibly.

The dealer saw that Ye Yang didn't take him seriously at all, and he was ashamed and angry.

He was hired by the Parrot with a lot of money!

He once made several gamblers fail. The most famous record was that he made a gambling king make a wrong judgment under his dice-shaking skills!

How old is this young man!

He looks like he is only 25 years old at most. How could he have such a terrifying hearing!

Could it be that he is comparable to the gambling king at such a young age, or even... has surpassed him! ?

He continued to shake the dice in disbelief, and directly used the strongest unique skills he had studied throughout his life.

"Let's see how you can guess this time!!!"

This technique uses the cracking sound of bones to imitate and cover up the sound of the dice in the Gu Bell.

It can almost make it look real!

But every time he uses it, it will cause great damage to his fingers, so he usually doesn't dare to use this technique to shake the dice.

Back then, the gambling king was defeated by this technique.

"Let's see how you can guess!"

(Second update)

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