Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 458: Defeat four heroes in a row, the captain's conspiracy


He placed the Gu clock directly on the table and stared at Ye Yang fiercely, his provocation was self-evident.

"This sound is indeed confusing, but unfortunately, it is still too obvious."

Ye Yang shook his head slightly and said calmly: "3, 4, 3. Big."


Zhang Wei, the dealer who rolled the dice, suddenly turned pale and trembled all over: "How is this possible!!?"

In the end, he deliberately imitated the sound of 4 o'clock on the dice as 3. If you don't pay attention, you can hear ten o'clock as nine o'clock!

"You are so confident that you reported the points directly!?"


Wang Xiaocong and others blinked in surprise, obviously shocked by Ye Yang's confidence.

Qin Feng swallowed, my God, Brother Ye actually knows how to listen to the music!

It's ridiculous that I was giving him various master titles in the gambling industry just now. Maybe he is already a big shot in the gambling industry!

It's just that I didn't want to look like a fool, so I just acted with myself on purpose!

This kind of concern and care for the gambling novice is so meticulous and touching!

As he thought about it, he felt warm in his heart.


Zhang Wei's heart trembled, the corners of his mouth trembled crazily, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he raised his fingers to do some small tricks!

If other people on the ship knew that he lost a fight to a young man in his early twenties, they would be laughed to death!

Will he still hang out on the ship from now on?

He only needed to tap the Gu Bell lightly to change the size of the dice inside. He swallowed, just as his finger was about to tap it.

A strong hand stopped him.


A trace of horror flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes. He looked closely and saw that it was the person in charge of the first floor!


Cold sweat broke out all over his body instantly.

"This kid is not simple. You can even think of cheating in front of such a real master!"

Zhou Yuan, the person in charge of the first floor, snorted in Zhang Wei's ear: "Just open the cup. The captain hasn't moved him yet. Don't scare away such a big fat fish and even destroy it for a mere few hundred thousand dollars." The credibility of my Parrot.”

"Yes Yes……"

Zhang Wei nodded repeatedly, not daring to think any more and opened the cup directly.

"Wow!!! It's really 3, 4, 3!!! Master, are you so awesome!?"

Mo Zhengzheng's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's real!"

Qin Feng looked at Ye Yang with some admiration, he was really a super master!

At least he is a master of gambling at the level of a gambler!

Even... he might be the youngest gambling king in China in this era!

With such a big leg, how can you not be excited! ?

It can be foreseen that in the future, this will make a lot of money!


Zhang Wei's mentality had completely exploded at this time. Looking at the surrounding tourists' admiration and praise for Ye Yang, in comparison, this fight was a complete failure.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Zhou Yuan smiled and patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder, and then came to Ye Yang: "Hello Mr. Ye, I am Zhou Yuan, the person in charge of the first floor of the Parrot business."

"Ye Yang."

Ye Yang shook hands with him: "What's the matter?"

Zhou Yuan retracted his hand, frowned slightly, and felt surprised in his heart. This didn't look like the hands of a gambling king! ?

This is too doesn't feel like I have practiced magic at all.

Could it be that he just has better hearing? Have you reached an expert level only in listening to dice?

He can become a first-level general manager, so he is naturally extremely expert, and his own gambling skills are at the threshold level of a gambling king, otherwise he would not be invited to be entrusted with important tasks.

You can even get a huge annual income share from Parrot.

His purpose was to find out Ye Yang's background before cutting Ye Yang's leeks.

"Mr. Ye is such a master, why waste time on this small gambling game that only costs 100,000 US dollars? After all, if you win too much in this sure-win game, it seems boring, right?"

Zhou Yuan smiled and said: "How about playing other projects? What do you think?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Gamblers already have the skills to play dice. I'm afraid there are many masters who have come to take advantage of the dice money in recent years. Zhou Yuan's words have already made it obvious.

It is impossible for Parrot to make money by listening to dice all the time...

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He came here purely to test the strength of the gambling skills provided by the system. After all, winning one hundred thousand US dollars in one hand was too small.

Even if Zhou Yuan doesn't come forward, he won't keep wasting time here playing this - the efficiency of making money is too slow!

Not exciting enough.

After the exchange, Ye Yang also took Qin Feng, Wang Xiaocong, and a few girls to fight all the way.

I experienced the characteristics of each region, such as mahjong, ten nine, shogi, stud, Hong Kong five-card, Indian thirteen-card, Texas Hold'em...

He was invincible along the way, winning a huge amount of US dollars in a short period of time, and his fame also caused an uproar on the first level.

Almost all tourists know that there seems to be a great person on board the ship... Moreover, this person with great gambling skills is still extremely young!

As word spread, the rumors became more and more outrageous.

Some people say that Ye Yang is a super master, and his various deeds in China have been well compiled. In the end, everyone recognized him as the new generation of China who became famous at a young age, overwhelming Aogang, and the youngest gambling king in history!

This point, especially after Ye Yang's shogi room lost to Japan's four major gamblers, became even more popular.

Many tourists simply gave up their poker games and followed Ye Yang just to catch a glimpse of the so-called young gambling king...

Captain's cabin.

Zhou Yuan casually stood next to Dai Lun VIII, frowning slightly as he stated his observations about Ye Yang: "I touched his hand specifically. If I hadn't deliberately taken precautions and carried out special treatment in advance, I could have touched it out. 's...but it turns out he's just an ordinary hand, just stronger."

"I'm not a magician, but I am really good at hearing, at least at the threshold level of a gambling king."

"But judging from his recent performance on the first level, his gambling skills are almost omnipotent. He can listen to calculations and play, and he can do everything. Especially in the shogi room, he lost to the four major Japanese gamblers in a row. I even I doubt he is the real gambling king."

"Such a young gambling king is simply unbelievable, unheard of, and unseen!"

Zhou Yuan sighed.

Dai Lun VIII tapped his fingers on the back of his chair: "How much money has he won?"

"Nearly 200 million U.S. dollars, of which at least 60 million U.S. dollars were earned from our Parrot."

Zhou Yuan did some math and reported.

"Well, let him win first, and then cut him after he floats."

Dai Lun VIII thought for a while and decided: "After he wins 100 million US dollars from us, we will start to counterattack him!"

The owner of trillions of Chinese currency assets!

Once you get the hang of it, making billions of dollars directly from Ye Yang is no longer a dream!

(First update)

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