Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 460 You might be a weirdo


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, looked at Old Mike intently, and couldn't help but complain in his heart: What this old man wears is too eye-catching! ?

At first glance, he looks like the sweeper on the Parrot.

After all, he grew up in China, and he is very familiar with the routine of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, which is different from many straight people in foreign countries.

His first reaction when he saw old Mike was that he was a low-key master.

"It's an award, I'm just lucky."


There was a flash of surprise in Old Mike's eyes. He had won 300 million US dollars. According to normal people, he would have been in high spirits for a long time. His words were so polite and his demeanor was so humble. This state of mind was already too rare! ! !

He sighed, feeling that his plan was about to fail.

Such a young man who is neither arrogant nor impetuous wants to fool him into making a huge bet with him, and then deceives him. How can he succeed? ?

"Is something wrong with you?"

Ye Yang had actually heard the conversation between the two people just now, and he raised his eyebrows and asked knowingly.


Old Mike frowned. Although he thought the possibility was low, he still had to try. How would he know if Ye Yang was pretending to be modest if he didn't try?

Although he is known as the gambling king, Dai Lun VIII is the emperor on the Parrot!

He still has to do his best to meet the other party's tasks.

"My little friend, your poker skills are so strong, I just want to come and ask you for advice!"

Old Mike bared his teeth and smiled, trying his best to look like a fool.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, pretending to be surprised and said: "I feel like you are also a master."

"It's broken! It's really revealed!"

Old Mike felt a little broken inside, and twitched the corner of his mouth. He was about to say excuse me, but he didn't expect Ye Yang to look quite happy.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's serve it?"

Ye Yang pointed to the Texas Hold'em poker table in front of him.


Old Mike was stunned, but after Zhou Yuan winked, he still reacted and sat across from Ye Yang. Since this kid felt that I was a master, why did he agree...?

"Hiss... isn't this!?"

"Who is this old man!?"

Apparently someone from the gambling community vaguely recognized Old Mike.

"It seems like it! But the style is so different from his previous appearances, I'm not sure if it's him anymore..."

All the tourists were discussing.

"If it's really him, then this little brother is in danger!"


Listening to the tourists' comments, Zhou Yuan also had a sneer on his lips.

This old Mike was once the strongest gambling king in Europe!

He had a decisive battle with the gambling sage from Europe in France, but was defeated in the end and failed to be promoted to the gambling sage. Even so, he was hailed as the strongest gambling king in Europe today.

After that failure, he became disheartened and traveled around the world. Finally, by chance, he was gathered by Dai Lun VIII.

Now he is a guest on the Parrot.

This is also the strongest and most powerful existence among the resident guests of the Parrot!

Sending him to appear was enough to show how much Dai Lun VIII valued Ye Yang!

After all, when cutting leeks, you must be steady and ruthless to ensure that you have a 100% winning rate!

Previously, there were almost no gambling king-level experts on the Parrot. Even if there were gambling king-level experts, they would fight with each other on the Parrot and would not participate in ordinary small gambling games.

Naturally, there is no chance of being cut by the Parrot.

This is the first time in recent years that old Mike has been sent out to trick people.

So none of these tourists recognized him just now...

"I recognize him!!! He's Old Mike!"


"The legendary gambling king in Europe!? After he failed to challenge the gambling king in Europe more than ten years ago, there was no news at all. Unexpectedly, he actually appeared on the Parrot!"

"Oh! It's really him! He used to wear suits and leather shoes and looked very aristocratic, but now he's become so sloppy!"

"This is a legend!"

"These young Chinese people are in danger."

"Although he should be a real gambling king after losing to Japan's four major gamblers in a row, he is still far behind the strongest old gambling king like Old Mike who has been famous for who knows how many years."


All the tourists obviously recognized old Mike and were surprised.


Old Mike's expression changed. He didn't expect that he could still be so famous after disappearing for so many years... He really couldn't keep a low profile even if he wanted to!

"Are you really the strongest gambling king in Europe?"

Ye Yang's hearing was much better than that of ordinary people. At this time, he obviously heard the discussion next to him and raised his eyebrows.

"Sigh... I wanted to finish this battle with you as an ordinary person, but unfortunately, I am too famous to stop you!..."

Old Mike shook his head, his whole demeanor changed, as if the dust on the sword had been wiped away, the sword was unsheathed, and his momentum became stronger: "Yes, I have shown my cards. I am known as the strongest gambler in Europe today. King, Mike Sayers at the threshold of gambling!”

"Hiss...he admitted it!"

"Such momentum! He is definitely right!"


"Mr. Ye, I think you are also a reputable person. If you don't know my name, you will regret not betting!?"

Mike Sayers asked calmly.

"The provocative method has no meaning to me."

Ye Yang looked at the sudden change in the expression on Mike Sellers' face and smiled faintly: "However, these few days, I have been winning all the time, which is really boring! Finally I met a master. If you want to run, I will not let you go."


Mike Sellers laughed out loud: "According to your Chinese language: You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers! Well, today I will teach you a lesson, what is meant by humility makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind!!!"

"Who is the dragon and who is the worm, we will know after the gambling."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "You are an old gambling king, right? In this case, you should be quite rich. I am so bored that I want to vomit by gambling millions of dollars every day. Do you dare to play a big game with me?"


Mike Sellers was still planning how to get Ye Yang to agree to gamble with him, but he didn't expect that this young man actually proposed it himself...

Ignorance is really fearless!

"I misjudged you."

He stroked his beard: "You are not a humble person at all, you are simply proud to the core, but this arrogance is too extreme, which makes you look humble in your normal state."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Did I tell you that I am a humble person? You are probably a freak of imagination, right?!"

"Really? Manager Zhou?"

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at Zhou Yuan with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know what you are talking about."

Zhou Yuan was suddenly cueed and had to act like a fake smile boy.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes. Others did not notice the conversation between Zhou Yuan and Old Mike just now, but for him, whose five senses surpassed the extreme of human beings.

The wave just now was tantamount to loudly plotting the dirty plan in his ear...

(First update)

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