Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 461: 80 million US dollars directly, do you want to follow?

"Bet big? How big do you want to bet?"

Old Mike asked.

"how much money you have?"

Ye Yang did not question Zhou Yuan, but asked lightly.

"How much?"

Mike Sayers laughed.

The surrounding tourists also pricked up their ears, obviously extremely curious about how much money this top gambling king has.

"You are quite ambitious! But it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Old Mike shook his head: "I have been fighting for many years in my life, winning and losing. Now, my total assets are about three billion US dollars."


Ye Yang nodded slightly. This number should be quite similar. The Chinese gambling king who once dominated Hong Kong and Macau had several companies and holding groups under his name, with total assets of only 20 to 30 billion Chinese dollars, equivalent to more than 4 billion U.S. dollars.

Old Mike obviously did not develop his own career. After being hit, he became depressed and wandered around the world. Without his own company or group, he only relied on his super gambling skills and his share of the Parrot in the past few years. Three billion US dollars is already a lot.

"Then, how about we bet three billion until we lose all?"

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned.

The silence was followed by a storm of wonder.

"Bet three billion dollars!?"

"Are you crazy!?"

"This is too arrogant!"

"The other party is the strongest gambling king in Europe at this time!!!"

"Oh my god... I have long thought that Mr. Ye is not a mortal, but what he said today is shocking!"


The tourists were confused.

Even Zhou Yuan was stunned. He thought he could coax Ye Yang to squeeze out more than one billion US dollars, but in the end, he actually directly squeezed out three billion U.S. dollars! ! !

This is an oolong scene.

He really didn't know whether to praise Ye Yang for his courage or to ridicule him for being a fool.

"I thought he was a little different at first, but now it seems that he is just that, he is much better than ordinary people! He has grown to this extent thanks to his gambling skills!"

Zhou Yuan muttered, but he still had a creepy feeling in his heart.

The scene where Ye Yang looked at him with a faint smile was really weird. It stands to reason that the scene just now was so chaotic that it was completely impossible for the other party to see or hear the two of them conspiring.

How on earth did he know...

"Brother Ye, think twice!"

Qin Feng's face turned pale with fright, and he tried to persuade him again and again.

That’s three billion dollars! Two billion Chinese coins! ! !

I can buy two school districts in Shanghai...

"What are you afraid of? If I win, you can get an extra seven to eight billion Chinese coins?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Ah this..."

Qin Feng and Wang Xiaocong were about to persuade again, but they suddenly lost their voices. In the face of such huge interests, they were a little confused for a while.

"Then you have to win first!"

Seeing that Ye Yang simply regarded victory as something in his pocket and ignored him at all, Mike was so angry that his face turned red.

"You are in such a bad state of mind, how did you become the king of gambling?"

Ye Yang glanced at Mike and complained with a smile.


Old Mike suddenly realized: "So you are trying to trick me!!!"

"You think too much, you don't deserve it at all."

Ye Yang spread his hands casually.

"Fuck me!"

Old Mike almost lost his temper...

"It's better to start quickly, you old man. If you can't breathe in a while, I will lose the three billion US dollars."

Ye Yang looked at the dealer: "What are you doing standing still? Are you dealing the cards!?"


The dealer finally reacted and started dealing cards.


Old Mike clenched his fists. This young man didn't take him seriously!

He vowed to make the other party pay a heavy, extremely painful price! ! !

When he became angry, he realized how skillfully Ye Yang used psychological stimulation.

"No, I can't fall victim to his schemes!"

He took a deep breath... to calm down. Gambling skills, at their level, are also gambling on the state of mind. Whoever's mind is confused first will lose the rationality to calculate and lose easily!

Old Mike looked at Ye Yang intently. Between a few words, he seemed to feel that this young man was becoming more and more extraordinary.

He is indeed a man who can become a gambling king at such a young age!

It’s really extraordinary!

Thinking this way, he became more and more excited...

After all, he hasn't fought against such a master for a long time! ! !

The surrounding audience were talking a lot, discussing who would win between Ye Yang and Old Mike.

However, the vast majority of knowledgeable people support Old Mike.

After all, the name of Mike Sayles was so big back then. If there was no gambling sage, who could beat him? ?

You want to say that Ye Yang is a gambling sage in his early twenties? !

Even if it means making them laugh to death.

What a gambling saint! ?

Looking at the world, there are only a handful of them in an era!

Such a young man's gambling skills are at the level of a gambling saint! ? It’s too funny!

"Is this old man really that powerful?"

Wang Xiaocong was suddenly unsure.

"Master, he will definitely win!"

Mo Zhengzheng said with a puffed-up face, "Why are you two looking like this! It seems like Master will lose!"

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng looked at each other, and their wry smiles deepened.


Although Zhou Yuan was a little scared by Ye Yang's question just now, he still had great confidence in Old Mike. After the dealer started dealing the cards, he took out the intercom and talked to Dai Lun VIII.

"Three billion? US dollars?"

Dai Lun VIII raised his eyebrows and muttered in disbelief: "This young man... is very courageous..."

"Keep watching and adapt to the situation."

After giving the instructions, he called up the real-time video of the first floor and began to watch the game remotely.

There are very few gambling games that can interest him in person in all these years.

After all, he is the emperor of the Parrot, and he has been in the gambling world for decades. There are too few things that can interest him now...

The bottom cards are dealt.

Start to invent cards.

Ye Yang looked at the red square three in his hand lightly, and his eyebrows raised slightly.

This card is a bit low...

Under the current rules, this is the worst card...

And the opponent, the first card he showed was the spade Q!

"It seems that Mr. Ye's luck is not very good today."

Mike began to play psychological warfare in a sarcastic tone, and then confidently put forward the chips: "Since you want to play big, then well, we won't be stingy, 80 million US dollars, do you want to follow?"

(Second update)

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