Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 466 You don’t even have this much awareness, yet you dare to bet with me?

"Hiss... The captain of the Parrot, Dai Lun VIII, personally went out to gamble?"

"I've never heard of Dai Lun VIII having a gambling battle!?"

"It's rare for him to even appear. Every time he appears, it's big news, let alone him participating in a gambling game in person!?"


Everyone thought that Ye Yang and Old Mike could call it quits after finishing their bet. Unexpectedly, the next wave seemed to be even more bizarre?

They couldn't help but stopped and looked over here.

"A bet with you?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Do you know how to gamble?"

Dai Lun VIII smiled lightly: "I have been in the gambling industry for decades, so naturally I understand a little bit."

"Okay, let's serve it."

Ye Yang shrugged.

"Ahem, although I know a little bit about it, I haven't yet become a gambling king. I'm afraid I don't have any chance of winning against Mr. Ye."

Dai Lun VIII smiled lightly and shook his head.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, waiting for Dai Lun VIII's next words.

He didn't believe that the other party was joking just now.

Wang Xiaocong and the others also came over, looking nervously.

"I would like to invite someone to represent the Parrot to have a bet with you, Mr. Ye. I wonder if Mr. Ye has the guts to take it?"

Dai Lun VIII asked with a faint smile.

"Is it because the old guy you sent just now lost and cost you a lot, so you want to find a chance with me to make up for the loss?"

Ye Yang didn't bother to beat around the bush and asked directly with a sneer.

"Mr. Ye, don't say that..."

Dai Lun VIII's eyes flashed, this was still on his territory, yet he spoke so openly and rudely to him...

"I just……"

"No need to say it. Let's talk about the bet. I'll think about it before talking about it."

Ye Yang shrugged. He could see the other person's purpose at a glance. There was no need to hide it. It was more comfortable for him to make it clear to each other.

He doesn't like fake smiles.


Dai Lun VIII took a deep breath and comforted himself: Forget it, making money is more important...

After thinking for a while, he tried to ask: "How about ten billion US dollars!?"

"Hiss... Ten billion dollars!?"

"real or fake!"

"Holy shit!"

"It's getting crazier..."

A group of tourists nearby burst into a loud noise. The six billion US dollars just now made them doubt their lives. Now it's tens of billions of US dollars! ?

The corner of Ye Yang's mouth trembled, and he couldn't hold it back and laughed again.

"Mr. Ye, what are you laughing at?"

Dai Lun VIII frowned and asked.

"I'm laughing at you, the dignified captain of the Parrot. After all, he is also a man who is known as the emperor. You actually come out to bet with me with such a small amount of chips!? Did you come out specifically to embarrass me and make me laugh? ?”

Ye Yang shook his head and laughed.


There was silence.

"What did he just say...?"

"It seems like... 10 billion US dollars, embarrassing!?"


After reacting for a long time, everyone was sure that what Ye Yang meant was what they understood. There was no hidden meaning in it. He just simply disliked the tens of billions of dollars in bets. It was too rubbish...


Dai Lun VIII clenched his hands tightly into fists. If someone else had spoken like this, he would have had the mercenaries shoot him to death.

But the man in front of him has a net worth of several trillion Chinese coins, and he is probably hiding something. His background is so large that even his network cannot find out the existence of all his assets!


Now what the other party said clearly meant that he might bet more than 10 billion US dollars against himself!

And he is bound to win this time!

For more than 10 billion US dollars, it is worth it to him to endure it.

Although the Parrot is known as a holy land in the gambling world, there are usually no gambling kings, gambling sages, or any other major events that shock the gambling world. The annual turnover is only about 20 billion U.S. dollars.

As for pure profit, it is even less. I don’t know how long it will take to win tens of billions of dollars...

After all, although the annual flow of funds on the Parrot looks scary, the Parrot itself only charges a service fee and a very small amount of venue fees, and a very small banker's ratio when exchanging chips.

The capital flow on the Parrot must reach one trillion U.S. dollars every year, and the Parrot itself can only make a profit of 20 to 30 billion U.S. dollars.

A pure win of more than 10 billion US dollars is too tempting for him.

"As you wish, Mr. Ye, how much do you want to deposit?"

Dai Lun VIII asked.

Ye Yang touched his chin. For him, this was also an opportunity to get rich: "I have to get hundreds of billions of dollars in chips."


Dai Lun VIII was so frightened that he became mute, let alone the other tourists.

After a long time, Dai Lun VIII asked intermittently: " much?"

"Gulfstream Airlines is under my name and has a market value of approximately US$200 billion."

Ye Yang said calmly: "How about you pick an asset of about this amount to bet against me? Do you dare?"

"What the hell..."

Dai Lun VIII was almost so angry that he cursed. You must know that the entire Parrot, together with all its assets, activities, and relationships, are valued at about 200 billion U.S. dollars.

If you just say that you want me to bet all my wealth on you, it’s over! ?

What a roundabout way!

The old emperor was speechless.

"A bet of 200 billion US dollars!?"

"Ah this..."

The tourists were all dumbfounded.

They were obviously shocked by this terrifying number.

"Mr. Ye, are you kidding?"

Dai Lun VIII paused for a long time before asking coldly.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

Ye Yang spread his hands: "To you, this 200 billion is your entire fortune. To me, it's just one of the many assets under my name, the most ordinary one."

"Betting with me, you don't even have this little awareness, but you dare to say it. I admire you very much."

Ye Yang rolled his eyes. What kind of emperor is the Parrot? He is actually an old poor bastard and a coward.


The ladies and nobles present all looked at Ye Yang with shining eyes.

This man is so handsome!

He is simply the most charming and courageous man in the world they have ever seen! ! !

Mo Zhengzheng and Tan Mingqian looked at each other in disbelief.

"Two hundred billion US dollars... Isn't that more than one trillion Chinese yuan? Just bet it!?"

This is beyond their imagination? !

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng were trembling as they looked at Ye Yang's back.

At this point, guys of their size are just a small boat in the storm...

You know, their father's entire assets are just as much as the bet proposed by Ye Yang...

"If you don't dare, I'm too lazy to accompany you."

Ye Yang gave an ultimatum, and then turned around and left...

(First update)

The exam is over, and I'm back~

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