Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 467: A Bet Worth $200 Billion


Seeing that Ye Yang was really going to leave and was not joking at all, Dai Lun VIII couldn't help but shout again and again.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Agree!?"

Dai Lun VIII bit his lip, and his whole body fell into a fierce psychological struggle.

The Dai Lun family has been running the Parrot for more than one generation.

He, Dai Lun VIII, was born at sea. He had been floating on the sea for decades and had hardly ever set foot on land.

He is the emperor of the gambling world, but after all, this industry is an industry that wanders on the edge of the laws of various countries.

Leaving the high seas and the Parrot, he would lose all his identity and would even be unable to find his own identity in most land areas.

Working with the underworld bosses to a certain extent is the same as trying to clear your name and work in a serious industry.

He had similar thoughts.

Gulfstream Airlines gave him exactly what he had always wanted.

On land, he also has a decent identity that is consistent with his original status. He will have a reputation and reputation that is popular in the world!

He was struggling in his heart, even if he put all these aside, this was an opportunity to double his assets!

For him, it was also a benefit that was enough to make him feel suffocated.


His fists clenched loudly.

The inner struggle has obviously reached its highest point.

Finally, he thought of that figure and the existence he wanted to invite.

Finally settled down.

This is a must-win game! With such a huge benefit and a win-win situation, why give up! ?

He is the emperor of the Parrot, the holy land of gambling.

If he still gives up such a huge profit if he must win, then he doesn't deserve to be called a gambler at all!

"Okay, but...if you want to default on your debt, my mercenary group will not agree to it when the time comes."

Dai Lun VIII, like an awakened lion, swept away his previous kindness and showed his ferocious fangs. He swept the entire audience: "Everyone present today is a witness!"

Ye Yang shrugged. Until the results come out, Dai Lun VIII will abide by the rules.

The Parrot was afraid of losing its reputation, and Dai Lun VIII felt that he would be afraid of his guns.

Such reliance on both sides has contributed to a situation where huge bets can now be safely discussed.

However, in the end, when the Parrot is about to be handed over to him, Dai Lun VIII will no longer care about losing his reputation, and he may not be afraid of his guns.

This is why he has always been as stable as Mount Tai.


There were no tourists present who dared not agree. No matter how rich they were, they were still made of flesh and blood, and a single gunshot could take away their lives.

No one dared to really offend Dai Lun VIII on the Parrot.

Of course, except Ye Yang.

"in this way……"

As soon as he turned around, Dai Lun VIII regained his amiable expression: "Please be patient, Mr. Ye, and wait for two days. It will take some time to invite my old friend to come."

"There's no rush, as long as it doesn't take more than three to five days."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Three to five days are enough for me to earn another 200 billion US dollars. It's boring to stay here and waste time."


Dai Lun VIII rolled his eyes and almost had a heart attack from Ye Yang's anger on the spot.

After the negotiation that shocked the whole audience.

Several executives of the Parrot in Zhou Yuan also quickly pushed Dai Lun VIII back to the captain's cabin.

Arrived at the captain's cabin.

Dai Lun VIII waited for a long time before gradually calming down.

The reason why the big shots appear to be unfazed by favors and humiliations is because they have too much capital. Some small conflicts of interest have nothing to do with them at all. They are nothing more than making a little and losing a little.

But when faced with this choice of further rising to the top, taking a step back and dying without a complete body.

They may even be more vulnerable than ordinary people.

After all, ordinary people don’t have that much to lose...

"Captain, who is the person you want to invite? Is it worth risking all your wealth to participate in this fight?"

Several of Zhou Yuan's confidants couldn't figure it out and asked again and again.

After all, Ye Yang can defeat even the most powerful gambling king in Europe, Mike Sayles, the number one gambling sage...

Even if the Gambling Saint comes, it is really not yet known who is strong and weak, and who will win!

On the Parrot, in recent decades, there have only been a handful of duels between gambling saints. Those gambling saints don't seem to be very familiar with the captain! ?

Will he appear for Dai Lun VIII and fight this battle of life and death? ?

Dai Lun took a few deep breaths, and his face reappeared with the confidence and weird smile that controlled everything: "If I am not 100% sure, how can I agree?"

"You mean...?!"


Zhou Yuan and others felt as if their bodies were struck by lightning, and an incredible inference flashed through their minds.

"God of Gamblers!"

"You want to invite the God of Gamblers to come out!!!"


Several confidants were confused.

Dai Lun VIII nodded slightly, confirming the guesses of the three of them.

"Really the God of Gamblers!!!?"

They have been following Dai Lun VIII for at least twenty or thirty years, and they have always claimed to be the ones who know Dai Lun VIII best.

But even they didn’t know that Dai Lun VIII was even related to a God of Gamblers!

The God of Gamblers, transcendent, is a myth in the gambling world.

It is an untouchable existence in the gambling world!

Mysterious, as if they are really just legends and myths...

There are only three gambling gods in the world today! And the real names of these three people gradually disappeared from the talk of the town as they retired...

Even in the Parrot, there has only been one gambling god duel over the years, and that one happened in the last century.

The result of that duel directly affected the economic direction of a certain international economic alliance at that time, and dozens of small countries in Asia, Africa and Europe were shaken by the indirect impact caused by the result of this duel...

That battle also raised the weight and significance of the gambling god to an unparalleled height! ! !

"I don't know, the gambling god you are in contact with is..."

Several senior executives asked nervously.

"There are only three gambling gods left in the world today, one in each of the world's three major gambling cities, Stephen Kelly in Las Vegas, Zhou Dexing in Owan, and Abdul Menassis Abbas in Monte Carlo."

"And the one I can invite is Stephen Kelly in Las Vegas."

Dai Lun VIII's voice was excited, and his eyes were bright.

"God of Gamblers Stephen!"

Newcomers to the gambling world must be unfamiliar with this name.

But for the older generation, it is truly well-known!

It was this legendary figure who created the myth of Las Vegas!

He transformed Las Vegas from a wild gambling city in the United States into an international and modern metropolis of world civilization!

"But he has rarely participated in gambling affairs in recent years. He is more like a real financial tycoon, investing and building all over the world. Are you sure he is willing to come!?"

(Second update)

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