Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 468: Storm is coming

"He owes me a favor, and it would not be in line with his character for him not to come to such a huge bet."

Dai Lun VIII sneered and crossed his hands, looking thoughtful.

"Together, the stakes are 400 billion US dollars. Such a legendary battle is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. He will definitely be very interested."

"Is that so?"

Zhou Yuan and others were obviously relieved.

If that person is really willing to come, then it is almost certain that Ye Yang will lose.

The God of Gamblers is transcendent and cannot be speculated by common sense.

They originally thought that Dai Lun VIII was going to invite a veteran gambler to board the ship. In this case, after all, it was still a gamble and there was no guarantee of complete victory.

After all, after defeating Mike Sayers, it is doubtful whether Ye Yang is a gambling saint or not.

None of them wanted to believe that such a young gambling sage would appear in the world, but he finally defeated Europe's number one gambling king!

Therefore, they were quite panicked just now.

However, it would be completely different if the God of Gamblers could be invited to appear.

When the God of Gamblers appears, you will definitely win!

"Promote it well these days. I only have this favor for him, and it will be gone when it is used up."

“Take advantage of this wave and make a lot of money.”

Dai Lun VIII said calmly.



Zhou Yuan and others are all old foxes, so they naturally know what Dai Lun VIII means.

Whenever a major event occurs, the number of passengers on the Parrot will increase dramatically, and many people will come to watch the excitement even if they are not here to gamble.

Even just looking at the collision of billions and tens of billions of capital flows, the scene of reaching the sky and going to hell in one step, is enough to make people's hearts surging and their blood boiling.

Not to mention, this time there is a gambling pool of hundreds of billions of dollars! ! ! !

Moreover, there is also a God of Gamblers on board! ! !

Once this is publicized, the Parrot will be full again.

This competition is only better than the God of Gamblers that year, which indirectly affected the finances of more than a dozen small countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa!

After all, the GDP of some small African countries is only a few billion US dollars... or even more than a billion US dollars...

Influencing more than a dozen small countries sounds exciting, but in fact the cash flow involved at the time was only tens of billions of dollars.

Even with inflation today, it would be equivalent to one or two hundred billion US dollars at most.

Far less shocking than US$400 billion! ! !

"But... you also have to keep an eye on this kid. He gives me the feeling... he's very dangerous."

Dai Lun VIII was silent for a while: "I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't explain it. In short, keep an eye on it and report the information to me at any time."


Zhou Yuan and others nodded repeatedly.

"No matter what, he definitely has some problems. A normal person would never gamble 200 billion. He definitely has something to rely on. It's best to find out and solve it before the decisive battle."

Dai Lun VIII tapped his fingers on the back of the chair: "We still need to find out why he thinks that I can hand over the Parrot as he wishes when I lost all the Parrot... I don't believe that such a handheld A tycoon with assets worth several trillion Chinese coins would be so naive.”


Speaking of this, Zhou Yuan and others also felt it was extremely strange.

Forcing Dai Lun VIII to gamble with the entire Parrot, once he really loses, Dai Lun VIII can still hand over everything he owns on his own territory! ?

You know, there is a whole regiment of mercenaries on board the Parrot!

Thousands of mercenaries!

In the sea torrent led by the Parrot, more than a dozen ships were on-duty combat ships specially designed to provide accommodation for mercenaries.

There are all war weapons on it.

It can be said that the power in the hands of Dai Lun VIII is enough to overthrow a small African country with reasonable strength!

Why does he think he can successfully take over the Parrot in the face of such an armed force! ?

This young man is really terrifying, mysterious and terrifying...

"Of course, the possibility that he is bluffing cannot be ruled out."

Dai Lun VIII shook his head and thought hard. He might not even be able to figure out the reason.

Soon, under the instruction of the top management of the Parrot, rumors spread throughout the Parrot that the God of Gamblers was about to board the ship.

The entire Parrot was excited.

Tourists who originally planned to disembark had to pay exorbitant accommodation fees for several days because of this news.

The tickets and consumption of the Parrot have also increased in the past two days, and one ticket once reached one million US dollars.

Even so, wealthy people and gambling bosses from all over the world still flocked to the place for this rumor.

It’s not because of anything else, just because, the appeal of the word God of Gamblers is really too terrifying!

In the VIP living room.

Ye Yang and Yu Momo had just finished playing an exciting mini-game and walked out of the bedroom still full of energy.

Then he saw Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng who looked worried.

"What's wrong? Looking sad?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Ye, you still have the heart to do such a thing now!"

Wang Xiaocong looked unbelievable.

"Of course, even if the world is about to be destroyed, you have to sleep when you need to sleep, and eat when you need to eat."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong? See how anxious you are!?"

"Brother Ye, have you heard!? That old bastard Dai Lun wants to invite a god of gambling on board!"

Wang Xiaocong said excitedly.

"God of Gamblers?"

Ye Yang laughed: "Very good, I just want to see him."


Qin Feng and Wang Xiaocong were both stunned.

"Brother Ye, it's the God of Gamblers! The God of Gamblers!"

"I'm not deaf!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

"What should we do now! He is too shameless to invite the God of Gamblers!!!"

Both of them were extremely worried.

That's 200 billion US dollars!

Even if they don't have a share in it, just the thought of losing makes them feel heartbroken!

"I didn't say he couldn't invite the God of Gamblers."

Ye Yang shrugged: "It's better to get to know more girls and spend a few unforgettable nights with this time. Anyway, he asked us to stay for the past two days, and he will pay for all the expenses."

In order to prevent Ye Yang from changing his mind, the Parrot used both soft and hard tactics.

On the one hand, many mercenaries were secretly mobilized to stand guard, and on the other hand, the highest treatment was provided, and all expenses were exempted.

In terms of treatment, Ye Yang is now second only to Dai Lun on the ship.

If you don't know, you might think he is the owner of the Parrot.

"Brother Ye, what are you thinking? Now, whether we win or lose, we are in great danger!"

Wang Xiaocong was so shocked yesterday that he thought things through when he went back home at night.

If they win, they can't really hand over everything they have.

If they lose, then 200 billion US dollars will be given away for nothing!

"Don't worry, we will definitely win."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly: "As for the situation where they lose and don't deliver the goods... I have already arranged it, so don't worry."

(First update)

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