Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 469: God of Gamblers, Get on Board

"It has been arranged long ago!?"

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng were both extremely puzzled.

"That's right."

Ye Yang nodded slightly. If Dai Lun VIII was not smart enough, he would not mind giving him a lesson he would never forget...

And the world today.

All forces that have a thousand connections with the gambling world are eager to move, and the undercurrent is surging.

I don't know how many luxury yachts set out from ports in various countries and headed for the high seas outside Hainan.

Just to see the rebirth of the God of Gamblers!

The Parrot's publicity this time can be said to be extremely well done.

That day.

Around the Parrot, there were countless yachts and ships.

The entire sea torrent reached two or three kilometers long.

Some gray media with flexible information even hired helicopters directly and came to the Parrot, preparing to broadcast this unprecedented battle with a total bet of 400 billion US dollars and 2.5 trillion Chinese yuan!

Dai Lun VIII made hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising fees and related interests alone.

However, the money will only belong to him if he wins this game.

Once he loses, the money will all fall into Ye Yang's hands.

"It's really spectacular."

Ye Yang sat on the open-air green sun lounger on the top floor of the Parrot, looking at the surrounding scene indifferently.


Even Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng, who claimed to be born in the top wealthy families, have seen all kinds of big scenes all over the world since childhood.

But being in this scene now, they still feel shocked from the heart, and their scalps begin to numb.

After all, they are no longer spectators this time, but participants!

Standing next to the core figure Ye Yang!

Every corner of the world.

At this time, countless pairs of eyes are watching this scene through the screens of the live broadcast of the cameras in the sky, in the sea and around them.

This is a grand event in the international gambling world.

It is a rare appearance of the gambling god in a century!

The legend of the last century ended. Since entering the 21st century, the major gambling gods have gradually restrained their wings and started to consider whitewashing. They rarely participate in gambling battles in person.

One of the three gambling gods, Stephen Kelly of Las Vegas, even directly managed a magnificent city.

The world was surprised.

It was also under this atmosphere and environment.

It is becoming more and more rare for the gambling god to personally participate in the gambling battle, and it is becoming more and more nostalgic and exciting...

"The gambling god is here! According to exclusive and reliable information, the one who will board the ship this time is the gambling god of Las Vegas: Stephen Kelly! This legendary figure has not participated in the gambling battle for nearly 20 years since he transformed into investment and finance!"

"Today, will he really appear on the Parrot and have a gambling duel with the youngest gambling saint in the history of the world that will eventually be recorded in the history of the gambling world!"

In the publicity of the Parrot.

Ye Yang has long been promoted as the youngest gambling saint in the history of the gambling world.

Moreover, this publicity also has the testimony of the strongest gambling king in Europe, Mike Sales, and the witnesses of many tourists present on the day, which undoubtedly enhances its legend and authenticity.

I don’t know how many people want to see the true face of this so-called youngest gambling saint in history.

“Is this Mr. Ye!?”

“Gambling Saint Ye looks so young! As expected, just like the news spread by the Parrot, he looks like he is just in his early twenties!”

“I didn’t expect that the record of the youngest gambling saint in the gambling world was broken by China itself…”

“Yes! China has really produced many heroes recently, no matter in which field, it is shocking.”

Today’s gambling god, Zhou Dexing of Australia Bay is the holder of the previous record of the youngest gambling saint in the world and the title of the youngest gambling god.

At the age of 28, Zhou Dexing fought against the European gambling saint and won the battle, and was hailed as the youngest gambling saint.

"Oh my god! God! Mr. Ye is so handsome! He is simply perfect!"

"If I can sleep with a man like this, I will not live in vain!"

The celebrities and wealthy women were all conquered by Ye Yang's appearance.


Originally, the open-air lawn on the top of the Parrot was not open to tourists.

But today, for the appearance of the God of Gamblers.

In order to create enough gimmicks.

The Parrot directly transformed this open-air lawn on the top of the wheel into a battlefield.

After paying the boat ticket, you have to pay another one million US dollars to enter the field to watch the battle.

Dai Lun VIII sat opposite, seemingly calm, but in fact, his heart was still undercurrent, and he was extremely worried.

After all, it was all his wealth, not a joke!

Even if the God of Gamblers was on the scene, the fear of losing everything was enough to make a person feel suffocated.

"Da Da Da..."

The mercenaries with live ammunition entered the field, adding a touch of danger and solemn atmosphere to the prelude of this battle.

The originally noisy venue suddenly became quieter.

After all, people are naturally afraid of weapons that can take their lives...

"Here it comes!"

Dai Lun VIII looked at the white line in the distant sea and stood up from his wheelchair excitedly.

As Dai Lun VIII stood up.

The attention of the whole audience was attracted by his sight and looked over...

The white line gradually became clear.

The outline of the ship gradually appeared.

"Las Vegas, it's Stephen Kelly's ship!!!"

"The God of Gamblers is here!!!"


Instantly, all the cameras on the scene instantly shot towards the white line...

The Las Vegas is big, handsome, and expensive.

Everywhere it shows the uniqueness of its owner being the God of Gamblers.

On both sides of the hull, there are two gold-plated dice patterns, shining in the sun, reflecting a light that people dare not look directly at...


Las Vegas finally approached the Parrot.

A line of figures, escorting some hunchbacked old men, slowly boarded the deck of the Parrot.

At this moment, the whole audience stood up.

Only Ye Yang, just smiled lightly at those who came, without any intention of getting up.

But even if he was sitting, as the opponent of the God of Gamblers today, no one dared to block his sight, and all obediently made way for him.


The group finally boarded the highest open-air green terrace.

Ye Yang finally saw the appearance of the legendary God of Gamblers.

The old man has strange blue-purple pupils and short, hard silver hair, which makes him look vaguely capable and strong as he was in his youth.

However, time has made his temperament more reserved and modest.

The loose dress makes him look like a mass in the church, rather than a legendary figure with titles such as "once dominated the gambling world", "one person influenced the economy of more than a dozen small countries", and "creator of the Las Vegas myth"...

(Second update)

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