Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 470: Born to be a rebel Brand

"Are you the person my master wants to challenge this time!?"

The girl in the lead raised her chin and looked at Ye Yang with a trace of scrutiny in her eyes.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows but did not answer.

"Hey! Mute!"

The girl frowned, feeling that Ye Yang was very rude.

"No rudeness."

Stephen Kelly scolded lightly.

"Humph, grandpa just has a good temper!"

The girl shrugged. The young man in front of her looked about the same age as her. How dare he challenge his grandfather?

This is too outrageous.

And this attitude is not modest at all, I feel very proud!

Ye Yang looked at the girl indifferently. She looked pretty good, but her figure was much weaker than Margery. She was a foreign girl, but she was actually in an airport... He lost interest, shook his head slightly, and stopped paying attention.

"Mr. Kelly, your arrival really makes the Parrot shine!"

Dai Lun VIII came up to him with a smile on his face.

Stephen Kelly was very easy-going. After meeting Dai Lun VIII, he also looked at Ye Yang.

The five senses of the God of Gamblers are infinitely sharper than those of normal people.

In his perception, in this noisy scene, Ye Yang was obviously very different, so he couldn't help but notice him.

"I think everyone should stop showing off and get started."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.


Just when everyone thought they could finally witness the God of Gamblers take action, a voice broke the atmosphere of expectation.


Everyone frowned and looked at the speaker.

The speaker has blue hair and green eyes, and is wearing a suit and leather shoes. He looks like a skinny monkey, which makes people feel a little strange.

"If you want to compete with my master, you must first prove your qualifications."

The thin monkey in a suit sneered: "If you are not even a gambling saint, then you are not qualified to compete with my master. I am not talented. I just entered the threshold of gambling saint a few days ago. You and I will compete. If you win, then you will be the best." Qualified to fight with my master."

"What the hell!?"

"Is this Stephen Kelly's apprentice?"

"I've never heard of it..."

"What's he causing trouble here? We specially invited the plane here, mainly to see the God of Gamblers come out! This idiot shows up to fuck a lot of hair! I really want to strangle him to death!"

"If Ye Yang loses, wouldn't it mean that the God of Gamblers won't be able to take action!"

"Damn it! False propaganda! Parrot, please give me your money back!"


The whole place became noisy.

The man in a suit was unmoved, with a trace of unruliness on his face.

He is a close disciple of Stephen Kelly and rarely shows up. A few days ago, he finally defeated a gambling guru in private, proving his strength.

He became a gambling sage at the age of thirty-five, and his future is limitless!

He came out this time just to hype himself up!

In the name of helping the master test his opponent, he actually wants to make himself famous!

Stephen Kelly was a little surprised. He obviously didn't expect that this seemingly honest and honest disciple would suddenly say something like this, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He originally wanted to go back and teach him the core skills exclusive to the God of Gamblers, but now it seems ...Forget it.

The God of Gamblers has an insight into people's hearts and naturally sees all of this disciple's thoughts at a glance.

"What!? Do you dare to accept it?!"

Brand, the man in a suit, asked coldly.

"You do not deserve."

Ye Yang said calmly.

It's a gamble as promised, and his appearance fee and time are also very precious, okay! ?


If Ye Yang said such extremely arrogant words in a normal situation, he would definitely be laughed at by the crowd, but today was different... He refused to fight with the disciples of the God of Gamblers, and the rich people and reporters who bought tickets could directly see the gamblers. God takes action!

The whole audience made a sound of well done.

Let this disciple go as far as he can! What we want to see is God of Gamblers!

"I...I am a gambling saint! How dare you talk to me like this!?"

Brand was so angry that his head was smoking. He gritted his teeth and wanted to force the food to the table.

It is against the rules to sit at the table without taking a seat, as long as you sit on it and do not gamble.

"come back."

Stephen Kelly said calmly.


Brand gritted his teeth and looked back at Stephen Kelly with great confusion. He had been hidden away by this old man for so many years. He was extremely talented and had a bright future, but he was unknown. He had long been dissatisfied.

With great difficulty, this battle attracted the attention of the whole world. He just wanted to use this battle to make himself famous, and then break away from the division and establish his own business!

The name of a gambling saint represents too much.

The benefits are far beyond what you can get when you are this old man’s apprentice and you don’t get the slightest benefit...

"You are no match for him."

Stephen Kelly shook his head and said calmly.


Brand was stunned. I didn't even get to the table, so you said I'm no match for you! ?

Is this your first time seeing Ye Yang? ?

Why do you say that! ?

His eyes were red, and the resentment in his heart was growing. He always thought that the God of Gamblers accepted him because he was a genius, and was afraid that he would one day surpass the God of Gamblers!

After collecting it, I kept it hidden in the snow!

Today, I finally have the opportunity to expose myself like this, but the other party belittles me like this, making others laugh! ?

People around him burst into laughter.

He was judged by the God of Gamblers as being unable to win without even being on the table. What a piece of trash this kid is! ?

Brand clenched his fists, his eyes turned red, and he simply ignored Stephen Kelly's words and sat down on the stool fiercely.


"This guy!?"

"Good guy, he is so brave, he doesn't listen to the master's words, I'm afraid he is born to be a rebel."


Although he was a little disappointed, Brand had already sat on Ye Yang's opposite seat, and it was a bit against the rules to force him down at this time.

In other words, it was a bit of a loss of face for the God of Gamblers. No matter how ignorant this apprentice was, he was still a disciple of the God of Gamblers, and ordinary people really didn't dare to touch him.


Stephen Kelly sighed deeply. He didn't expect that the inheritor of his gambling skills, whom he had cultivated for so many years and was about to pass on all his gambling skills without reservation, would actually do such a thing today.

However, his granddaughter's eyes were shining, and she thought that such a rebellious behavior was simply too cool!

The ignorant and spoiled girl always likes to interpret the behavior of the scumbag as "having personality", and then she follows the scumbag wholeheartedly and loses her first love, first kiss and first time.

After the breakup, she curses all the men in the world as garbage.

She never examines her own mistakes.

"Could it be... I really made a mistake?"

Stephen Kelly sighed, feeling a little depressed.

Ye Yang looked at Brand in front of him with interest and sneered: "Since we are at the table, let's talk about the bet."

"I know you like to bet big, and you are not interested in small things at all... Then... 5% of the equity of all casinos in Las Vegas, and 10% of the assets of the Stephen Group, is that enough!?"

Taking a deep breath, Brand said the chips that he had prepared in his heart...

(First update)

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