Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 471: The Gambler's Sense of Crisis


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"This evil!"

For the first time, a sharp look flashed in Stephen Kelly's eyes.

He is the god of gambling!

Establish the existence of Las Vegas!

How can such a gambling lord be a good man and a believer?

The way he looks now is purely because he has no more troubles to worry about, he is old, his identity has been almost cleared, and he is just plain.

He did put the above things in Brand's name, but Brand did not have the power to dispose of them. Now in public view, he is openly using these assets as bets! ?

Everyone present was chattering and started to find it interesting.

After all, the chips Brand mentioned are worth tens of billions of dollars.

It is also a considerable asset.

The most important thing is that the various investment gateways in Las Vegas are firmly controlled by Stephen Kelly, and ordinary people cannot reach out.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly: "It doesn't take much energy to deal with you anyway, so this little bargaining chip is worth it."


Brand gritted his teeth: "I have long heard that you defeated the strongest gambling king with your 'mentality' technique. However, this trick is meaningless in front of the gambling saint level!"

Ye Yang plucked his ears and was too lazy to listen to his bragging: "If I lose, I will pay you equal shares. Tell me how to bet."

Brand sneered: "Just like the simplest dice! Let's see who can get the biggest number!"


Ye Yang smiled lightly: "Okay."

"You actually agreed?"

Brand sneered, it seems that Ye Yang is not a gambling saint at all! Otherwise, it would be impossible not to understand the hidden secrets!

You lose!

He secretly said, looking at the sky, his heart was filled with joy. He could finally show off his skills in front of the world public, establish his own business, and reach the pinnacle of his life!

"You all are optimistic! This is my first battle in the public eye for St. Brand! He will definitely become famous in one battle!"

Soon, the dice were brought up.

After the notarization was successful, one was given to Ye Yang and Brand each.

Ye Yang didn't talk nonsense. After taking it, he started shaking it directly.

"Heh, I'm quite confident."

Brand laughed angrily, put his hand on the table, and activated his magic hand.

There is a qualitative change between the Gambling Saint and the Gambling King. The qualitative change is that the Gambling Saint has developed a magic hand, which is beyond ordinary people's understanding, a certain skill and power similar to supernatural powers.

This energy can already affect gambling media within a certain range.

Just like dice.

Brand can completely rely on the power of his magic hand to affect the points on the table and finally stop rotating...


Ye Yang just shook it twice casually and put the Gu clock in his hand directly on the table.

At this moment, Brand's fingers tapped gently and rhythmically on the table.

The shock wave formed a strange energy, controlling the rotation of the dice in the Gu clock...

Ye Yang felt this clearly, but he didn't bother to care about it and just grinned at him.

Brand was frightened by this smile and felt a little scared, but then he snorted coldly: "Pretending to be a ghost!"

He clearly felt that the shock force caused by his magic hand did not encounter any obstacles!

The other party has never practiced gambling to the level of a magic hand, yet he still dares to look down on him like this! ?

It's simply an insult to him!!!

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I'll see if you can still laugh later!"

Open the cup and move all the cameras closer.

The image that came out made the whole audience booed in disbelief.

"It's only two o'clock!? How is that possible!?"

"Isn't it bigger than someone else!? Did I remember wrongly!?"

"Isn't the so-called youngest gambling sage too cool!? I roll dice at home, but I can't get such a small one!?"


Everyone was in disbelief. Ye Yang was promoted as the youngest gambling sage in the history of the international gambling industry, and this was the result! ? !

Ye Yang didn't seem surprised, he just smiled and raised his chin: "It's your turn."


Brand just laughed, he was just a guy without magic hands!

Even if you shake it casually, it can't be bigger than two points! ?

It's so funny!

Thinking about it, he started to ring the Gu clock.

Following the God of Gamblers, I learned the best techniques in the world. Even if I don’t have magic hands, I can still get two sixes!

He sneered and smashed the Gu Bell on the table with great confidence.

Ye Yang smiled lightly and tapped his fingers on the table casually.


Brand's eyes suddenly shrank and he was startled. However, seeing that Ye Yang only clicked and there was no follow-up, he let out a long sigh of relief: "It turns out it's not a magic hand! Damn, this can be a trick! I almost screamed He was so frightened..."

"Open the cup?"

The tourists next to me urged.

"Haha, Mr. Ye, I will accept your tens of billions of dollars worth of shares without any courtesy!"

As he spoke, he opened the Gu clock.

He didn't even bother to look at the size of the dice and kept talking to himself. After all, he consciously knew that he would win...


It wasn't until he heard surprise, doubts, and laughter instead of cheers that he gradually realized something was wrong.

He repeatedly looked at his dice...

Where are the dice... Under the Gu clock, there is only the powder after the two dice were crushed...

Zero o'clock! ! ! !

" is this possible!?"

His eyes almost popped out of his head.


In the distance, Stephen Kelly shook his head helplessly and sighed, obviously having expected this result.

"How could it be!? Brother Brand actually lost!?"

Granddaughter Ellie shook her head in disbelief.

Everyone present was also confused.

I originally thought that Ye Yang's two-point shake was outrageous and he would definitely lose. Unexpectedly, this guy just shook the dice to pieces? ! Directly to zero! ?

This is so damn funny.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

The knowledgeable experts present looked at Ye Yang with fear and admiration.

This is definitely a magic hand with extremely profound skills!


Simply incredible!

How on earth is it done! ?

They can't understand it at all!

The only flaw was when he tapped his finger on the table!

But, that one blow directly shattered the two dice! ? This is not a magic hand, this is simply called witchcraft! ?

Brand's eyes instantly became bloodshot, he stood up and pointed at Ye Yang: "You're cheating! You..."

"Okay, don't embarrass yourself anymore."

Stephen Kelly sighed helplessly, waved his hand, and asked Brand to be dragged directly down...

"Mr. Ye, if my apprentice loses, I will pay you as promised."

Stephen Kelly's voice was calm, but his eyes were solemn and sharp...

The skill that Ye Yang showed in that moment... made him feel the strong danger!

(Second update)

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