"This young man, even though he is so young, possesses bottomless power."

An indescribable surprise flashed through Stephen Kelly's heart.

He had already had a high opinion of Ye Yang before, but through his battle with his apprentice Brand, he clearly felt that perhaps he still underestimated him!

"Is it possible that he has touched the threshold of the God of Gamblers?!"

He shook his head and couldn't believe it at all. After all, Ye Yang was too young...

After Brand was pulled down, he was devastated and knew that he was completely finished.

He put everything into today's game.

As a result, now that he offended his teacher, he did not gain fame in the end, but became the laughing stock of the gambling world. It is obvious that his future life will be ruined...

It's basically finished.

On the side, granddaughter Ellie, who originally thought he was handsome, also pouted, and for a moment she didn't know what to do.

"Grandpa, you must teach this boy a lesson!"

Ellie continued.

Stephen Kelly looked calm, not knowing what he was thinking.

The ridicule and chatter about Brand quickly died away.

After all, what these people came here for today was just to see the God of Gamblers come back!

Such a top-notch spectacle is their goal.

"Fortunately, the disciple of the God of Gamblers doesn't have any real skills. Haha, this time it can be said that he lost both his wife and his troops!"

"Finally we can see the God of Gamblers take action!"

"Anyone who can take a photo of such a precious scene is lucky! What's more, I'm live broadcasting the whole thing!"


The tourists and reporters present were all whispering, obviously very excited.

Dai Lun VIII smiled repeatedly and said to Stephen Kelly: "It seems that I still have to ask you to take action!"

Stephen Kelly nodded slightly, said no more, and sat directly opposite Ye Yang.

"You should be beaten this time!"

Ellie looked at Ye Yang fiercely. She had the God of Gamblers as her backer. From childhood to adulthood, no one of her peers would dare to ignore her like this!

She felt that Ye Yang was too proud!

A bit arrogant!

Now she just hopes that grandpa will quickly show off his power and crush Ye Yang's pride directly, so that she can be happy.

"As promised before, Texas Hold'em?"

Stephen Kelly asked with a slight smile.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Of course, this is what God of Gamblers does in the movie."

"Haha... my little friend is really humorous."

Stephen Kelly smiled.

"Your Chinese is very good."

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

"I recently learned a lot about doing business in Aowan."

Stephen Kelly nodded.

Ye Yang suddenly realized that he seemed to have seen in the news that Stephen Kelly invested 90 billion to build a metropolitan city in Aowan.

"Then let's get started."

Ye Yang spread his hands and signaled the dealer to deal the cards.

He still has an intuitive perception of people, and this old man left a good impression on him.

The sexy dealer wore very little and looked even sexier.

The skill of cutting cards is dazzling, the cards are flying, and the big and small balls on the body are fluctuating together, which makes people drool.

However, this ordinary scene will naturally not disturb the state of mind of Ye Yang and Stephen Kelly, who are gambling gods.

Soon, two trump cards were dealt to the two of them.

The gambling pool is 400 billion US dollars, until all is lost.

Even though both sides used the highest-grade special chips with extremely high value, the chips were piled up like a real mountain, with endless visual impact.

All reporters were extremely alert, fearing to miss any exciting moment.

All the tourists stretched their necks and watched this unprecedented battle with concentration.

"first slide."

Everyone is staring.

Ye Yang looked at the first bright card he got in his hand.

"King of Spades, it seems I'm not lucky."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said casually.

"Black King."

Stephen Kelly smiled lightly and shook his head: "As I get older, my luck is different."

Everyone blinked, looking at this ordinary scene that looked like a grandfather and grandson chatting and playing cards at home, and they were a little confused. Didn't the God of Gamblers suddenly come out after not fighting for decades? ?

Isn't it a battle between the youngest gambling sage and the god of gambling in the world's history? ?

Why is it so bland! ?

So inconspicuous! ?


Couldn't these be two actors? ?

No one is betting with real power?

These laymen all frowned and were extremely confused, but in the eyes of gambling experts, they caught the subtle changes in the table between Ye Yang and Stephen Kelly.

The tablecloth actually moved on its own without any wind, and an invisible vortex aura formed around the table.

The slightly swaying tablecloth floated under the table.

There was an undercurrent, but the two people at the table were chatting and laughing, as if nothing had happened.

This is a ‘momentum’.

In the realm of the God of Gamblers, one has already practiced gambling skills to the point where heaven and man are almost one, and they can form a 'momentum' with themselves as the center!

The two sides crush each other, which can affect each other's mentality.

The party that is most affected is considered to have lost in the duel of 'power'.

This momentum is extremely mysterious. It is said that there was a gambling god who could frighten his opponent to sweat and bear endless pressure with just the momentum, and finally forced him to leave the table.

But obviously, in this duel.

The momentum of the two directly formed a delicate balance, turning into a real breeze, with the game as the core, flowing around.

"Since my face card is bigger..."

Ye Yang directly pushed out a huge pile of chips in front of him: "10 billion US dollars."


Stephen Kelly also followed suit and pushed out 10 billion US dollars in chips.

"The second one."

"Spade Q..."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Facing one of the three strongest gambling skills in the world, he did not dare to be too arrogant. He used the momentum from the beginning and tried to make his cards better.

However, as a veteran gambling god, Stephen Kelly's skills are not to be underestimated.

"Black A, haha, it seems that the situation has changed."

Stephen Kelly smiled faintly: "20 billion US dollars."


Ye Yang smiled faintly and pressed forward again.

"Gulp... In the blink of an eye, 30 billion US dollars have been spent!"

"The two sides add up to 60 billion US dollars, which is really awesome!"


Everyone present couldn't help but mutter.

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng's hands were about to bleed.

Although it was not their money, they didn't even dare to mention the 5% share to Ye Yang again...After all, if they won, 5% would be 10 billion US dollars! This is not a joke.

But after all, Ye Yang is on their side, and they are still very worried about him.


"Now it seems that who has a greater chance of winning?"

(First update)

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