Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 474: The trump card is revealed! Everyone is silent

"That may not be the case." Ye Yang said calmly with sharp eyes.

Stephen Kelly's eyes sank. Although he had a high opinion of Ye Yang when he first met him, he was still looking at him from the perspective of a senior looking at a junior.

But as they fought, he found that the other party had really touched the realm of the God of Gamblers, and his gambling skills were enough to really compete with him!

And his skills were also extremely profound!

He was definitely an opponent that he had to treat equally, and even fight with all his strength!

This shocked him too much!

You know, Ye Yang looked to be in his early twenties!

The youngest gambling saint before, Zhou Dexing, became a gambling saint at the age of 28!

A gambling god in his early twenties?

Could it be that he could even improve his gambling skills to a whole new level in his life?

Moreover, such a young man's main business was not even gambling skills at all. The assets under his name added up to more power than the power that he, the God of Gamblers, had developed for his entire life!

"Is this young man... still a human?!"

His heart was filled with endless waves of horror.


The wind around the two people was getting stronger and stronger, even blowing the parasols above their heads to make a rustling sound...

"What are these two doing?"

"Looking at the open cards, the God of Gamblers has an extremely large advantage! Even if the bottom cards can't make up a big hand, it is a sure win. There is no reason to hesitate and not open the cards..."

"Are they fighting?"

"Emm... I really don't understand."

The tourists and reporters next to them, as well as the audiences from all continents and countries behind the camera, were scratching their heads in confusion, feeling unable to understand.

"How is it possible!!"

After more than ten seconds, Stephen Kelly was shocked.

This young man not only reached the level of the God of Gamblers in the realm of art, but also had a long and deep skill, which was bottomless! ?

He had sweat on his forehead because of too much energy consumption, and his hands began to tremble.

But Ye Yang was still calm, giving people a feeling that could not be guessed.


He gritted his teeth, and a trace of determination flashed in his blue-purple eyes, and he no longer kept any backhands.

He has dominated the gambling world for decades and is revered as the God of Gamblers by all!

He must not lose today!

Especially to this unknown young man...


After he completely let go of his restrictions, the fierce gambling skills swept over.

Like a hurricane passing through, the surrounding air also spontaneously formed a dark vortex, rolling towards Ye Yang...

"Have you started the final fierce attack?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became completely sharp.

Suddenly, the wind around him rolled into countless sword blades and fought back...

This is a spiritual confrontation.

The so-called wind whirlpool is just a kind of driven quality...



The audience in the seats far away felt it.

"Why is it so windy?"

"My hat is crooked."

"Ah! The little skirt I'm wearing! Hey! You perverts in front, close your eyes and don't look!"

"What a wind! Oh no... What a strong wind!!!"

The sudden strong wind caught the audience off guard.

The cameras in the hands of the reporters were shaking slightly...

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

The two people in the field stared at each other without giving in.

This was a spiritual confrontation between the two.

The dealer on the side tightly fastened his little skirt to his tall thighs, looking left and right, and didn't dare to speak.

Who knows what these two are fighting here?

If they speak, it will ruin their big business, which is a business worth hundreds of billions of dollars!

How dare she get involved...


Unlike the laymen, in order to watch the God of Gamblers come out, many people above the King of Gamblers came from all over the world this time.

They are all very knowledgeable.

Looking at the scene in the field at this time, my jaw almost dropped...

"Only the God of Gamblers, whose gambling skills have reached the unity of heaven and man, can trigger such a confrontation of forces, which can have such an impact on the real material world!?"

"The general trend, taking advantage of the trend, and the storm passing through, this is the realm that the God of Gamblers has touched... No wonder there is a word God in his title!"

"I am afraid that we will never be able to step into this realm even if we spend our entire lives..."

To become the King of Gamblers, you only need to practice the power of calculation to the extreme.

Although the difficulty is extremely terrifying, it is ultimately within the reach of human imagination. As long as you are willing to work hard, there will always be a day of success.

But this realm of the God of Gamblers is too terrifying...

If you don't have real talent and state of mind, you will never be able to reach it...

They came here with the mentality of learning, but in the end, they only learned the word despair...


Finally, at a certain moment, Stephen Kelly, who was still tense, relaxed his eyes, and the whole person seemed to be paralyzed, leaning on the back of the chair. The confrontation of the strong wind ended at this moment, and the wind in the center suddenly spread out in all directions...


The strongest wind that passed through made the hair of those with longer hair messy.

"How could this happen!"

After the strong wind passed, everyone rubbed their eyes again and again, wondering.

The wind that was originally strong disappeared in an instant...

They looked at the center of the venue.

The confrontation between the two finally ended, and they picked up their own cards at the same time.

"Who is better!?"

"It must be the God of Gamblers!?"

"Of course!?"


The noisy voices came one after another, but soon they were completely quiet, and everyone was concentrating on watching the cards being revealed.


Stephen Kelly tiredly turned over the first card.

"Black 10!"

"Oh my god, a black straight flush!"

The second largest card type in Texas Hold'em!

Except for the strongest royal straight flush, no other card type can suppress it! ! !

Everyone present took a breath of cold air.

This time the bottom card was opened, it was a king bomb!

It was a black straight flush!

Who can do this? !

"The God of Gamblers, he is still the God of Gamblers!"

A group of tourists and reporters sighed and exclaimed.

Is there any need to compare! ?

At this time, Ye Yang also revealed his first hole card: "10 of Spades!"


Everyone took a breath again.

"Ace of Spades, King of Spades, Queen of Spades, 10..."

"Doesn't this mean that his last hole card is the Jack of Spades, and he can still make a comeback?!"

"Are we going to witness the birth of a Royal Flush that only appears once in who knows how many years!?"


"Impossible, how can it be so coincidental? The probability of a Royal Flush is not exaggerated..."


Ye Yang and Stephen Kelly looked at each other.

"Open the cards at the same time?"

Both of them nodded slightly.

Turning over his last hole card...

At this moment, the whole audience was silent!

(First update)

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