Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 475 A Respectable Opponent

"The Jack of Spades is actually..."

Everyone's eyes were a little dull.

Stephen Kelly shook his head and wanted to stand up, but found that the previous duel had already exhausted all his strength. He sat back without any strength, unable to suppress the fatigue in his body.

Panting heavily...he immediately started coughing.

In his hand was Ye Yang's last hole card, Jack of Hearts, and Ye Yang, at the last moment of the battle, had already transferred the Jack of Spades in his hand...

At this moment, the Jack of Spades happened to be resting safely on Ye Yang's table.

After a long time, someone in the audience slowly said, "What...what does this mean?"

"Does this mean...the God of Gamblers...lost!?"

The person who spoke took a long time to summon up the courage before finally speaking out these words.

In fact, everyone present knew what the outcome would be, but these four words that the God of Gamblers lost were so heavy and unbelievable that they simply couldn't accept it for a while!

"The God of Gamblers... actually lost!!!"

After a long, long time, the people present began to accept this fact.

"That means……"

"This Mr. Ye is the real god of gambling!!!"


"Such a young gambling god!"

After realizing this, everyone couldn't sit still and couldn't help but stand up.

what does that mean! ?

What kind of bullshit is the youngest gambling sage in the history of gambling! ?

This is obviously the youngest gambling god!

The propaganda can’t even tell the difference between the God of Gamblers and the Saint of Gamblers! ?

The Parrot is really bullshit!

Everyone felt that their hearts had been hit like never before.

Dai Lun VIII even covered his chest directly, as if his whole body had been hit hard by a heavy hammer!

"The God of Gamblers came out and everyone lost!?"

He felt dizzy, and if the people around him hadn't supported him, he might have fainted on the spot.

"Push me back, quickly!"

Dai Lun VIII's mind was spinning and he kept talking.


Zhou Yuan and others quickly refitted his dislocated jaw, and quickly pushed Dai Lun VIII, who was disgraced, and disappeared into the green lawn on the top while taking advantage of the commotion in the venue...

"Grandpa, how could this happen!?"

Ellie gritted her teeth and was very unconvinced: "How could my grandfather lose to someone like you! You must have used some trick!!!"

“No nonsense!!!”

Stephen Kelly had a serious face. If he hadn't lost all his strength now and had no strength to stand up, he would definitely have taught his granddaughter, who doesn't know how old he is, a lesson.


Ellie immediately felt aggrieved, tears welling up in her eyes. Ye Yang, this annoying guy, actually defeated her most admired grandfather!

This was equivalent to shattering the deepest pride in her heart...

She felt an unprecedented complex emotion filling her heart. No matter how hard she spoke, she looked at Ye Yang with a sense of shame...

"Mr. God of Gamblers! What do you think of today's gambling game?"

"Are there any factors that affected your performance?"

"Or is there another secret?"


All the reporters came up to deliberately set the pace. After all, it was too outrageous to believe that a young man in his early twenties defeated the God of Gamblers, and it was beyond their logic.

Everyone is looking forward to the time when Stephen Kelly will tell them that he is not feeling well today or for some reason to make them feel more at ease...

Stephen Kelly finally struggled to stand up, with a calm expression and a decisive tone: "I guarantee with my personality that this is a fair and just game. I have devoted all my life's learning and tried my best. The final outcome , It’s true that my skills are inferior to others.”

"This Mr. Ye is the youngest gambling god in the world today and in history!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised, and then smiled. This old man, no matter what his style of conduct, his character is still very upright.

There was silence for a moment.

Then, thunderous applause broke out from the whole ship.

Stephen Kelly coughed again. Today's results are destined to spread throughout the gambling world, and even outside the gambling world. If he loses, he loses, and the outcome cannot be changed.

Instead of being tough, give yourself a reason.

It will just cause a scolding war.

Many people also feel that they are trying to find reasons to excuse themselves.

His original image of the God of Gamblers in the public mind will be greatly reduced.

And when you praise your opponent for winning, you not only elevate the opponent, but also elevate yourself.

At the beginning, he was open-minded, humble and honest, had good character and had three correct views, which would become his new label.

Now he mainly hangs out in shopping malls. Such a reputation and label will bring him endless wealth and benefits.

The benefits to himself are endless, all he needs to do is tell the truth, why not do it?

Ye Yang may not be able to see this.

However, this is the other party's state, and it deserves recognition after all.

He stood up for the first time and shook hands with Stephen Kelly, a respectable opponent anyway.

"Mr. Ye's poker skills are so superb that he puts me to shame."

Stephen Kelly shook his head and said with a smile: "My investment focus in recent years has been on the Aowan area. If Mr. Ye is willing to make me a friend, he can go to the Aowan area at any time. All expenses are covered. on me."


Ye Yang also laughed: "There will be such a day."

"Extremely looking forward to it."

Stephen Kelly nodded: "Mr. Ye is a big boss in various fields in China. Maybe we will still be able to cooperate with each other by then."

"I'm looking forward to that day too."

Ye Yang said seriously.

"Then I'll get off the boat first... The debt I owe Dai Lun VIII has now been repaid, and I don't owe him any more. And I don't want to get involved in the grudges between you, but... you have to be careful about him, He is a cobra and will never surrender honestly."

Stephen Kelly advises.

"No matter what he is, what should be mine must be mine."

Ye Yang smiled confidently.

"Mr. Ye's confidence is really enviable."

Stephen Kelly shook his head and returned to the ship with his lost granddaughter and disgraced apprentice.

The Las Vegas whistled and sailed away, and soon turned into a white line and disappeared between the sky and the sea.

The reporters present, after the battle, were still sorting through the materials they had just seen, but no one left.

Because they know that the final tipping point of this matter, the biggest stunt, is still behind!

In this $400 billion super bet, can this young man who just created a miracle create another miracle and capture the Sea Emperor Dai Lun VIII without any help?

(Second update)

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