Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 476 Mr. Ye, please come with me?

"Where is Dai Lun VIII?"

"It seems he ran away in the chaos just now."


"He should have returned to the captain's room, right?"

"No one can accept that he suddenly knew he had to export everything..."

The tourists and reporters present were all talking and laughing.

If they thought this bet was bullshit before today, now they seem to believe it a little.

After all, Ye Yang is the youngest gambling god in the world!

How could he make a bet without confidence when he became the gambling god at such a young age and had assets of more than 200 billion US dollars?

In other words, Ye Yang was confident that once he won, he could get all the assets of Dai Lun VIII!

So, they were all waiting to see whether these speculations could become reality...

Once Ye Yang successfully fulfilled his promise today, then his fame was destined to truly shake the whole world...


Captain's room

Dai Lun VIII's temples were covered with cold sweat, and his lips couldn't help trembling: "How could this happen!? How could this happen!? This is impossible!"

He couldn't sit still anymore, and he paced back and forth in the captain's room like an ant on a hot pot. He didn't expect that he would fail at all.

Who is that!

That's the God of Gamblers!

He knew very well that Stephen couldn't lose on purpose. No matter how well he handled it afterwards, the God of Gamblers failed after all, and the myth ended. The loss was simply immeasurable!

"He is the God of Gamblers, he is actually the God of Gamblers!?"

Dai Lun VIII was beaten to death, and he didn't dare to think about the possibility that Ye Yang had already been the God of Gamblers.

After all, becoming the God of Gamblers in his early twenties is not a genius at all, but a monster!

That's not a human at all! ! !

He paced back and forth in the room, and was so angry that he wanted to smash things several times, but the calligraphy and antiques in the captain's room were priceless. After he lifted them up, he found that he couldn't bear to smash them...

After a long time, he woke up a little from the unacceptable state of madness.

After all, he was a super gambling tycoon who had been in the high seas for decades. If the current ending was not too illogical for him, it would be impossible for him to lose his composure for so long.

He sat back in his seat with a frown.

Zhou Yuan and others had never seen their emperor behave like this. At this moment, they felt as if the sky was falling. Their faces were pale and they trembled.

"In any case, we can't fulfill this bet... at least, we can't fulfill it completely."

Dai Lun VIII's eyes were gloomy: "Zhou Yuan, you go and invite Ye Yang to come alone. Smith, you go and transfer a team of mercenaries to the captain's room."

"Askes, the emergency plan we made for the worst-case scenario will be activated immediately."

The three most trusted confidants of Dai Lun VIII nodded repeatedly.

They began to do their own things.

Dai Lun VIII clasped his hands together and sneered. After all, this was his territory. He had a full regiment of mercenaries in his hands. He had absolute force and absolute right to speak.

He wanted to negotiate with Ye Yang and change his bet. If Ye Yang was smart and knew how to give in, it would be a win-win situation.

If Ye Yang was young and frivolous, he would not blame himself for letting him see the cruelty of the real world!

"The greenhouse flowers protected by China have never seen the cruelty of the outside world and the horror of human hearts."

Dai Lun VIII sneered: "When the gun is pointed at the head, I'm afraid he will piss on the spot?"

Thinking of this, Dai Lun VIII was no longer afraid.

The whole person regained his former confidence and calmness, as if he was still the emperor of the sea.

"Mr. Ye Yang, the owner invites you to the captain's room to talk about our fulfillment of the bet~"

Zhou Yuan came to Ye Yang, smiled slightly, and bowed as little as possible. Of course, he knew what Dai Lun VIII wanted to do, but these cruel things were too common for him.

At this time, there was no expression fluctuation at all.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"If you have something to discuss, ask him to come out and talk! What are you doing by inviting Brother Ye in?"

Wang Xiaocong sneered: "Are you guys trying to play some tricks in secret?"

"That's right!"

Qin Feng also frowned, clearly smelling a hint of danger.

Now at a sensitive moment, instead of coming out to talk openly, he wants to invite someone alone to a secret room where outsiders can't get in touch. Anyone can smell the smell of danger...

"You misunderstood, it's just that the handover involves many secrets and obscurities, so it can only be said in a place that avoids other people!"

Zhou Yuan laughed repeatedly.

"No one believes your lies."

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng both stood in front of Ye Yang.

Now Ye Yang is their backbone. If there is any loss, they don't have to think about getting off the ship.

"Haha, you guys are overreacting!"

Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes: "You have to know that we are still on the Parrot, and some things are beyond your control!"

As they spoke, they heard the hum of some ships, and it was easy to find that the mercenary ship behind the Parrot was approaching faster and faster in the torrent of the sea! ! !

The large-caliber sea machine guns and shiny black millimeter gun barrels on the ship gave off a chilling color under the sunlight.

"Ah, this!"

"Will there be any danger?"

"They shouldn't mess around! We are all world celebrities..."

When these tourists saw this formation, their faces turned a little pale.

After all, guns have no eyes!

"Damn, I didn't expect that I would change from an event broadcast reporter to a war correspondent so quickly!"

Some reporters frantically contacted their headquarters: "Boss, do you know how much risk we are taking! It's too dangerous!"

"What? What do you mean by asking me? No need to say it! It's so need to pay more!!!"

"What? Ten times the interview fee this time? Damn it! Boss, don't worry, the ship is with me! I promise not to retreat even one step!"

"...If I die, tell my daughter that I love her."



Like locusts, the mercenaries lined up on the approaching mercenary ship and rushed onto the Parrot, quickly occupying almost all strategic positions.

The atmosphere instantly became more solemn...

"Mr. Ye, would you like to come with me?"

Zhou Yuan looked at the pale faces of Wang Xiaocong and the girls around Ye Yang, and shamelessly approached Ye Yang's ear: "At least think about your female friends~"

"Master, don't go, we are not afraid..."

Mo Zhengzheng bit her lip and grabbed Ye Yang's arm.

Tan Mingqian thought for a while, but finally did not flinch, took a step forward, and stood up. Although she is sharp-tongued, she is still sincere to her friends.

"Haha, why are you so nervous?"

Ye Yang turned his wrist and glanced at his Vacheron Constantin 000R. He estimated that the time was almost up, so he raised the corner of his mouth to Zhou Yuan: "Let's go?"

(First update)

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