Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 478 The True Power of a Hurricane


The loaded gun was instantly pointed at Ye Yang.

There are about twenty of them.

These mercenaries have seen blood and are not afraid of killing people at all.

But now that Dai Lun VIII is in Ye Yang's hands, they don't dare to act rashly.

"You just want to scare me with an empty gun. You really look down on me."

Ye Yang smiled casually, threw the pistol aside, and pinched Dai Lun VIII's neck.

"As long as I want to, I can kill you easily."

Ye Yang pinched Dai Lun VIII with one hand, and casually pinched the back of the conference table behind him with the other hand. With a slight pressure, the edge of the conference table shattered and collapsed...


This scene made the surrounding mercenaries dumbfounded.

Is this still human power? ?


Dai Lun VIII panicked and then calmed down.

"Haha, so what? I will order people to control all your female companions and friends after you come in. The best we can do is a stalemate! You are on my territory, do you still want to twist your arm through your thigh? "

Dai Lun VIII sneered.

"You said it wrong, it's you, on my territory!"

Ye Yang smiled calmly.

"What crazy nonsense are you talking about!"

Dai Lun VIII roared angrily.

But before he could finish his words, Ye Yang's cell phone rang.

Ye Yang held Dai Lun VIII's neck with one hand and casually answered the phone with the other.

Dai Lun VIII wanted to take the opportunity to break free from Ye Yang's shackles, but found that this was impossible!

That palm that doesn't look too generous is actually so powerful!

Squeeze his neck like you're squeezing a chicken.

No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape this hand!

He could feel that if the other party exerted more force, he could crush his neck directly with one hand! ! ! He didn't think his neck could be harder than the conference table.

What a terrifying power this is! ?

"Hello? Well, good job."

After Ye Yang said a few words, he hung up the phone and grinned: "Okay, will you come with me?"


It was Dai Lun's eighth choice, but he could only be grabbed and dragged out of the captain's room by Ye Yang.

The group of mercenaries with guns followed closely behind.

As soon as he left the captain's cabin, he saw several figures stumbling over.

Seeing Dai Lun VIII being held in Ye Yang's hand, his eyes suddenly became more desperate, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"What's going on! You're in such a hurry! Have you done everything I asked you to do!?"

When Dai Lun VIII saw several Smiths like this, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"'s not good!!!"

"Yeah, yeah, no, no, it's not good!"

The Smiths were so frightened that they could not speak clearly.

"What happened!!!"

Dai Lun VIII was pinched by Ye Yang's neck, and his voice was rapid and high-pitched.

"Go out and have a look, and you'll know."

Ye Yang smiled lightly, directly dragged Dai Lun VIII, and kicked open the door.

The sun suddenly shines in.

Dai Lun VIII quickly looked outside and saw that everyone in the scene had surprised expressions, including his mercenaries, who were completely dumbfounded at this time and stayed there.

"What happened!?"

Although he didn't know what happened, Dai Lun VIII knew that something bad for him must have happened...

Moreover, it is not an ordinary thing.

An ominous premonition filled his mind, making him tremble uncontrollably and unwilling to go out again to accept this cruel fact.

But this struggle is obviously useless.

Ye Yang threw him directly out of the gate with a little force.


"Ye Yang is out!"

"Dai Lun VIII was thrown out directly by him!?"

"So, these people are really related to Mr. Ye!?"

"Oh my God! What is the identity of this Mr. Ye!? This is too strong!"

There was a lot of discussion outside the court.

Dai Lun VIII just wanted to struggle to get up, but his whole body was stepped down by Ye Yang. He couldn't struggle, so he could only raise his head as much as possible, and finally saw the current situation clearly...

In the sky, densely packed armed helicopters roared.

The personnel in professional uniforms were armed with live ammunition. There was a group of snipers on each helicopter, and infrared rays were aimed at almost all the mercenaries on the ship.

The mercenary ships behind them haven't had time to board yet.

I was surrounded by submarines that appeared out of nowhere.

The sight of the densely packed submarines made their scalps tingle.

Such military strength is simply disappointing! ! !

A large number of armed personnel in black uniforms used special climbing devices to force the landing from submarines and armed helicopters.

I don’t know how many times they would crush the mercenaries on the Parrot! ! !

No mercenary dared to fight back.

Everyone can see that their strength is under the tide of this well-trained and powerful army. If they want to resist, it is simply a matter of hitting an egg against a stone!

"This...this, this...what is going on!?"

Dai Lun VIII was so frightened that his face instantly lost all color, and he muttered nervously.

"Chairman, I was late waiting for the protector to arrive. Please forgive me!!!"

On the submarine, several men wearing the highest-grade uniforms and with eagle eyes came to Ye Yang, and stood at attention and performed a military salute exclusive to the Hurricane Group.

"It's not too late."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand, casually looking around, and was slightly shocked in his heart. He knew that Hurricane was the world's largest security group. To put it nicely, it is a security group, but in fact it is the world's largest non-state violence organization.

Its business covers the whole world.

From overthrowing the state power of some non-permanent five countries to protecting primary school students going to and from school.

All tasks related to security and violence are involved.

It can be said to be famous.

But Ye Yang still didn't expect that Hurricane would have such a terrifying military force! ! !

These equipments are more than enough to equip a modern full-strength air division or a full-strength naval division...

"The battle is really big."

Ye Yang teased, "We don't have nuclear submarines, do we?"

"As long as the chairman wants."

The men were obviously real men forged in iron and blood, and their answers were straightforward.

"Good fellow."

Ye Yang exclaimed inwardly, no wonder they dared to do it except Wu Chang, it seems that they even have this thing...

He knew that Dai Lun VIII would not give in obediently.

He contacted Hurricane Company on the day of the bet.

When the senior executives of Hurricane heard that the chairman was in danger, their eyes turned red.

At the same time as being anxious, they also felt extremely ashamed and angry.

They are known as the world's strongest security group! But the chairman is in crisis! ?

How can this be! ?

(First update)

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