Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 479: Stinky Boss! What a Pighead

After receiving Ye Yang's call.

The four giants of Hurricane immediately tried their best to mobilize all the forces that could be mobilized and rushed to the high seas outside Hainan!

Dozens of submarines have actually been deployed in the nearby waters for a long time, ready to fight.

In less than a day, more than a hundred fully loaded armed helicopters took off from all over the world and rushed to the take-off ports in Malaysia and the Philippines.

Thousands of Hurricane security guards who were fighting on the international battlefield turned around and boarded the armed helicopters that came to transport them and rushed here.

In this way, in just two or three days, such a spectacular military force was displayed in front of everyone without any cover.

You know, except for the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, ordinary countries can't even get dozens of armed helicopters with their national strength!

The number of armed helicopters ranked fifth in the world, with a population of more than one billion, the entire India and Afghanistan, only has 600.

As for dozens of submarines, that's even more outrageous.

Anyone with a little knowledge of military equipment knows that there are only a handful of countries in the world that can independently build submarines.

Dozens of combat-ready submarines, although not nuclear submarines, are still shocking enough.

"This is not a security company, it is clearly a militaristic country disguised as a group..."

Ye Yang only now realized what kind of existence the system had created for him.

Perhaps he should re-evaluate the status of Hurricane in his industry. Even if he used it as his trump card before, it was not enough...

This is simply a super king bomb! ! !

With this power in hand, except for the five permanent members, he can almost walk sideways in most other parts of the world!

Just take a few glances at the reactions of the people present, and you will know that the visual impact of the sudden appearance of dozens of submarines and the rapid pressure of hundreds of armed helicopters from the sky like a locust tide is absolutely awesome!

"Brother Ye, what... what does this mean?"

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng were all confused.

Is this the meaning behind Ye Yang's light-hearted six words "I have arranged everything"? !

This was beyond their imagination.

It was not something that could be described as a big shot...

Even if he was the richest man in the world, he could not mobilize such a terrifying war reserve force!

They looked at Ye Yang and felt a sense of power. Some of them trembled subconsciously. Even though they knew that Ye Yang would not harm them, they could not suppress the fear brought by the strong shock in their hearts for a while.

How terrifying is Brother Ye's true identity!

Although Hurricane was efficient, Ye Yang was still a little strange.

It stands to reason that they should have been targeted by the Parrot mercenaries a long time ago. The scenario he envisioned was that they were hijacked by the mercenaries, and the mercenaries were hijacked by Hurricane, and then a confrontation would occur.

In the end, he would bring Dai Lun VIII out.

As the last weight on the scale.

Let himself win the final victory.

But obviously, he thought too much...

"There are many of our people in this mercenary group. We have arranged for them to prepare for the performance today."

"As soon as we appeared, they will be responsible for spreading panic on the Parrot, and then surrender the first batch of weapons. Prevent large-scale armed conflicts and create an irreversible situation."

Several senior men said in a deep voice.

"Well done."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

As expected of the Hurricane Bodyguard, it is indeed omnipresent. Many domestic couriers and Dada drivers are working part-time as Hurricane Security.

I didn't expect that there are also people of ours among the mercenaries.

Damn, it turns out that the bodyguard is right next to me! ?

Is it possible that even if I didn't make this call, I would be unscathed today?

"The mercenary group that was arranged to hold your friends hostage are all our people. They are all protected. They didn't suffer any harm just now."

Among them, a senior man wearing lead-gray uniforms and a huge number of medals on his chest with unknown meanings reported.


Ye Yang nodded with a smile.

Mercenaries are a loose organization after all. Whoever signs up can do this kind of dirty work.

The more you do, the more extra money you get.

The bodyguards arranged by Hurricane are the most active, so they are responsible for this matter?

"As for the mercenaries in the captain's room, they are indeed the absolute confidants who have followed Dai Lun VIII for many years. Our people have not been placed in them... This is our negligence!!!"

Several senior executives stood up straight again and bowed to Ye Yang to apologize.

"... It seems that you still want to turn their confidants into ours..."

Ye Yang complained in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm and waved his hand: "This is not your fault. No need to blame yourself."

"Thank you, Chairman!"

Several Hurricane senior executives breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes were like torches.

Ye Yang was also a little confused. How did the system make these Hurricane senior executives who were proud of the world and had higher status than ordinary heads of state so respectful to him?

Did it arrange a strange identity and setting for him again?

He shook his head and ignored it.


A beautiful figure came running from far away and gave Ye Yang a bear hug.

"What a powerful ball!"

Ye Yang was hit hard by the ball and felt a tightness in his chest.

The person who came was Xiao Qingxuan.

This time the hurricane was really serious.

All members above the military level received the order. As a core security guard and a personal bodyguard assigned to Ye Yang, she naturally saw it. The moment she saw the news, she ignored everything and rushed over directly.

"Stinky boss! Next time, no matter how you trick me, I won't leave you! Woohoo... I'm really afraid that something will happen to you!"

Xiao Qingxuan didn't give Ye Yang a chance to explain, and she held Ye Yang tightly, as if she wanted to squeeze herself into Ye Yang's body.

"Yes, boss! We are so worried about you!"

Xiao Xiaozhu seemed calm, but the sour red in her eyes also exposed her inner unrest: "When I saw the news, I swore that if something happened to you, all the people on this ship would be buried with you!"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Xiao Xiaozhu had a brain and could use poison. It was too likely to come true when she said this...

"Not that bad, not that bad. I'm fine, aren't I?"

"Hmph! Stinky boss!!! You're worried to death about me!!!"

Xiao Qingxuan rarely acted like a spoiled child. She hung on Ye Yang and didn't want to get off, fearing that Ye Yang would abandon her again.

"Men's words are deceiving. Didn't we say that we were just here to watch the carnival and come back after watching it? Woohoo, you've been gone for so many days!!! You big pig head!!!"

Mo Zhengzheng and the others couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo for help.

Yu Momo turned his back sensibly, indicating that it had nothing to do with me...

(Second update)

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