Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 480: The End of Dai Lun VIII

After talking for a while, Xiao Qingxuan reluctantly got off Ye Yang, but still followed Ye Yang closely.

The tourists and reporters around him stayed where they were, not daring to speak.

After all, Hurricane's security forces looked too terrifying.

There could be an armed conflict at any time, and they did not dare to act rashly and increase the uncertainty.

Just looking at Ye Yang blankly, this terrifying scene is really difficult to accept easily.

These people actually came to protect Ye Yang.


At this time, the lost Dai Lun VIII was also supported and carried over by the hurricane security guards.

"Now, do you still think I'm kidding?"

Ye Yang looked at Dai Lun VIII and asked with a faint smile.

"With such force, you can take the Parrot away at any time if you want. Why do you need to play with these tricks and scheming with me?!"

Dai Lun VIII didn't understand it at all.

Ye Yang suddenly turned cold and said: "No, you are wrong. From the beginning to the end, you were the one playing tricks! You tried to cheat me with billions of dollars in gambling but failed, and you were greedy and wanted to make a huge bet with me. All the consequences are caused by your greed, and you are the one to blame!"

Dai Lun VIII laughed loudly: "Do you think I will believe it!? Everything is your plan! You have arranged it a long time ago! Otherwise, how could I end up in this situation!?"

Ye Yang sneered and stopped explaining. In this kind of person's world view, everyone is as cunning and shameless as him.

It is completely meaningless to talk to him about the three views and righteousness.

Seeing that Ye Yang no longer explained, Dai Lun VIII thought he had acquiesced, and lowered his head and said: "The winner and the loser, you have been planning for so long, now that I have no chance... just kill me, die. In the hands of someone like you, it wouldn’t be a disgrace to my reputation.”

Dai Lun VIII didn't believe that Ye Yang really came to the Parrot at random, and then made unintentional steps step by step, which eventually led to him having nothing!

I don’t believe it, and I don’t want to believe it.

Because once he admits it, doesn’t it mean that he is admitting that his defeat is all his own fault?

In this state of mind, Ye Yang was his mortal enemy in his heart!

If you lose, how can you still have a chance to survive?

If the situation were reversed, it would be impossible for him to let Ye Yang survive anyway...

"If you choose to honor your bet normally, I won't think too much about it. After all, whether it's hundreds of billions of dollars, it's just a number, a little bet."

Ye Yang shook his head: "And you not only broke the contract, but also wanted to threaten me with the life of my companion. I can't let you leave anymore."

Different from ordinary little people.

After all, Dai Lun VIII was once the emperor of the sea. He controlled thousands of mercenaries, even if he lost the Parrot to him.

But the centipede is dead but not stiff. Who knows what power he still has in his hands.

Letting the tiger return to the mountains, with such a ruthless temperament, is always a threat to himself.

And he didn't like this threat.

"However, you have to understand that it was purely your character, what you did, and what you said that killed you."

Ye Yang patted Dai Lun VIII on the shoulder: "My last tolerance for you is to let you choose the way to end yourself."

Dai Lun VIII gritted his teeth: "Hypocritical and hypocritical! Talk nonsense!"

"Be bold!"

Several security guards nearby suddenly shouted and threatened to use force.

Ye Yang shook his head and waved his hand. He was going to die, so it was better to let him go in a dignified manner: "Take him with you and let him choose the method. There is no place for him in this world."


Several security guards suddenly stood up straight, performed a military salute, and then drove Dai Lun VIII down...

"As for you guys, there are two ways. One is to be buried. The other is..."

Ye Yang turned around and looked at Zhou Yuan's confidants.

"I, I, I... let's choose the second one!"


"the second!"

Before Ye Yang said what the second way was, Zhou Yuan and others started talking.

"You cherish your life."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and shook his head with a faint smile: "Then you will always be a handyman on the Parrot for the rest of your life. You will have to be on the Parrot for the rest of your life, and you will never return to land."


The expressions of Zhou Yuan and others changed. After all, they were at the top of the food chain on the Parrot before. They were like emperors and prime ministers, and suddenly they were asked to do handymen! ?

This psychological gap is not that big!

Moreover, property is deprived, freedom is restricted for the rest of life, and all sentient beings can only stay on the boat?

Although they rarely went to land before, there was still a huge difference between choosing not to go and not being able to go...

The latter made them feel the humiliation of captivity.

"If you don't want to, you can choose the first path."

Ye Yang reminded with a smile.

"No, no, no, let's... choose the second option!"

Zhou Yuan and others laughed and rubbed their hands.

It is better to die than to live. If you die, you will have nothing. It is better to live...


Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved his hand to tell these people to get out...

The reason why he did not choose to imprison Dai Lun VIII was because he had too much influence on the Parrot before. After he took over, even if the other party was imprisoned, it would still be a huge factor of instability.

The situation was different for Zhou Yuan's lackeys. After the Parrot was taken over by him, there was no longer any threat.

These free workers are not used in vain.

After all, the Parrot is barely valued at 200 billion US dollars after taking into account various relationships.

Relatively speaking, it is just an ordinary asset among his many assets, and it is impossible to spend too much energy to take care of it.

"The mercenaries on the Parrot will be disbanded, and the part of us will be left behind. We will promote those who are familiar with things on the ship to take over the ship, and leave some people to supplement the management. In the future, half of the income on the Parrot will be directly supplied to the Hurricane Group's military system."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"I will obey the chairman's order!!!"

Several Hurricane executives saluted again.

"Well, each of you can go and do your own things."

The situation on the Parrot has basically stabilized now. After the power transition is completed, everything will fall under his control.

"Everyone is also frightened. As the captain of the Parrot, I will arrange a ship or plane to take you home. Don't worry."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said to the many tourists and reporters who were frightened on the side.

"Okay... okay, okay..."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!!!"

"All is up to Ye the Gambler!"

Who dares to say no? Now that Ye Yang is blessed with so many halos, he is so dazzling that people dare not look directly at him.

Soon, the things on the Parrot were solved. Tourists and reporters were sent away, and the Hurricane executives also left with the yacht and armed helicopter...

And Dai Lun VIII also ushered in his final end...

(First update)

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