Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 481: Action Movie Asks You to Be the Director

Deck forward.

At this time today, a wooden board was extended.

Dai Lun VIII stood at the end of the wooden board.

Looking at the vast and endless sea ahead.

"I have been born on the sea all my life, born on the high seas, and have been wandering for decades. Now, it's finally time to come to an end."

Dai Lun VIII clenched his fists and then unclenched his fists.

Facing death, he was not as brave and indifferent as he imagined.

"The sea is my final destination."

Behind him, a member of the Hurricanes stepped forward and injected the euthanasia needle into his neck. There was a highly toxic substance in it. One drop of it could kill a person. Once the needle was inserted, even a tiger would be poisoned to death.


Dai Lun VIII soon felt pain and trance.

As soon as his consciousness darkened, his whole body fell forward, and finally, he fell helplessly into the sea.

"The Parrot, which controlled a value of 200 billion US dollars, was revered as the emperor of the sea during his lifetime, but after his death it was nothing more than a fleeting wave."

Several Hurricane Group security guards responsible for carrying out the execution of Dai Lun VIII shook their heads, feeling a little emotional for a moment.

But before I could sigh for too long, the water splash turned red.

It is estimated that Dai Lun VIII who fell into it was crushed by the advancing Parrot...

Shaking their heads, they stopped looking and turned around to go back to their official duties...

A generation of heroes is dead, that is, dead.

There are no tragic songs, and no one will remember them.


After more than a day, the Parrot was completely calm.

Ye Yang took the girls to the streets of Monaco and returned to China...

On a superyacht.

The Margaery maid group was still enthusiastic and not affected too much by this incident. They just looked at Ye Yang with more obvious admiration and enthusiasm. It was obvious that they had seen Da Feng Da Lang a lot.

On the contrary, the rich second generation who did not follow him on board the ship, even though two days had passed, their legs were still shaking. When they saw Ye Yang, they came over one after another as if they were seeing a life-saving god.

However, Ye Yang obviously had no interest in men, so he turned around and went to play with Margery's busty maid group.

The rich second generation who were standing aside were naturally left to Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng to comfort them.

"Smelly boss, oh, you promised to comfort me, but you only did it to me a few times, and then you ran off to find another girl."

Xiao Qingxuan shrugged her nose and snorted, but didn't say anything more.

Xiao Xiaozhu said quietly from the side: "I've been enviable a few times, okay! I haven't done it even once! Alas..."

Xiao Qingxuan smiled and said: "Sister, you are so smart, and the boss obviously appreciates you very much. If you think about it, wouldn't it be possible?"

"This is the only thing I don't want to use my wisdom on."

Xiao Xiaozhu shook his head, pursed his lips and smiled, not planning to say any more.

Soon, Monaco Street drove back to Hainan.

I originally thought that when I came to Hainan this time, I would go back after watching the carnival. Soon, Ye Yang didn't think about bringing any bodyguards at first. Now that something like this has happened and made the two sisters Xiao Qingxuan so worried, he felt very sorry.

Therefore, after returning to Hainan, he took them to Chen Qiqian's Royal Fresh and had a few good meals. Under the extraordinary cooking skills and delicious food of the three chef sisters, the worries of the bodyguard sisters gradually dissipated completely.

In the remaining days, Ye Yang also took a group of girls for a walk around Hainan, visiting all the fun and beautiful things.

Around Hainan, I played a circle of cards.

Finally, we also went to see the famous Tianya Haijiao.

In ancient China, this was the end of the world, and the vows of love, so-called ends of the earth, would come here most often.

It can be said to be a place where culture and romance meet.

"Are these the Tianya Stone and the Cape Stone?"

Mo Zhengzheng and others touched two stones, looking very excited and curious.

"I heard from my teacher that there is a story behind these two stones. Two people who loved each other were not tolerated by the world, and then they were forced to flee here. They both threw themselves into the sea, and finally turned into these two stones, looking at each other forever. "

"Really? It's so touching!"

Several girls were so moved by the story, and their hearts were agitated...

Ye Yang buttoned his nose next to him.

Girls really like this kind of story more...

"If I hadn't told you, I would have thought this story was about the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl or about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai..."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "There's no difference! Men and women like each other, and then someone disagrees, and then they elope, and then the tragedy ends. It's too cliche... a bloody plot."

"I think so too."

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng kept talking to the side.

"Haha... heroes think alike!"

Several men who didn't understand amorous feelings but were not lacking in amorous feelings looked at each other and laughed.

While smiling, Yu Momo handed over the phone.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"It's Huabo Film and Television Company."

Yu Mo kept saying.

"Huabo Film and Television Company?"

Ye Yang reacted for a long time before he remembered that this was a film and television company under his own name, but because the market value was too small, only 20 to 30 billion, he never paid attention to it after getting it...

"Hello? Is this Chairman Ye?"

A respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem, it's like this... Because of the free martial arts teaching promoted by your Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall recently, the whole of China has gradually set off a martial arts fever. The revival of traditional kung fu has become a huge hot spot. Several domestic film and television companies are preparing to make related movies.

We also plan to make this theme into a blockbuster movie..."


The other side stated their plan.

Ye Yang also nodded slightly.

It has been several months since Xiao Qingxuan and I last fought against the world's boxing champions at the Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall.

During this period, with the deepening of free martial arts teaching.

The initial wave of heat has not only not subsided, but has become more and more popular.

As long as the brain is normal, who doesn't want the things of their ancestors to be good?

Now Ye Yang and Xiao Qingxuan have vindicated it again, and martial arts are definitely good.

Naturally, it became popular directly...

Kung Fu movies that have been unpopular in recent years have a trend of becoming popular again.

The on-demand volume of those classic kung fu movies performed by Jackie Chan and Jet Li has been rising steadily recently, and is more popular than the newly released movies.

Therefore, many film and television companies are also eyeing this area.

Prepare to release another wave of kung fu movies.

Huabo is no exception, after all, it is one of the top companies in the Chinese film industry.

"Want to connect with Hong Feng?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Do you still want to invite me and Xiao Qingxuan to be kung fu instructors?"

"Ah, of course, if you are too busy and it is inconvenient..."

"No, it is very convenient for me. Not only do you want to be the instructor, but it would be best if you can also pick a supporting role for me to play."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "That's it."

(Second update)

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