Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 482: Veteran actor or young actor?


A delighted voice came from the other side: "Boss, it would be great if you are willing to participate in the film in person! How can you be a supporting role? If you don't mind, we would like to invite you to be the protagonist! This script is designed for you!"


Ye Yang rolled his eyes. This flattery was too low-level! But he still liked it...


The other side obviously knew that what he said seemed to be wrong, and added repeatedly: "In fact, the main source of our film is the event where you fought against boxing masters from various countries at the Hongfeng National Martial Arts Hall, so this script is tailor-made for you!"

"I see."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Besides, you have real kung fu, and other people really can't perform this effect. And you are the only one who knows the relevant inside story of this matter. So... you are the best candidate. We are afraid that you don't have time, so we didn't dare to mention this..."

The other side said repeatedly.

"I see."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Send the script first, I'll take a look."

He has wanted to make action movies for a long time.

Which boy didn't dream of being the protagonist of a martial arts movie when he was young?

Now that he has the opportunity to practice it himself, isn't it wonderful?

"Okay, okay!"

The other side was obviously overjoyed and agreed again and again.

"By the way, there is another thing I want to ask you to decide..."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Regarding the issue of inviting actors...There are two choices now. One is to invite old actors. Although they have good acting skills and the quality of the movies they produce is high, they have no traffic. Although they don't need sky-high pay, if the script is not good and the quality of the final product is not good, it cannot be a guarantee of box office."

"Another choice is to invite traffic stars. They ask for extremely high pay, but they have a large number of fans. As long as they invite a few popular stars, even if the movie turns out to be a piece of shit, there is a guarantee of hundreds of millions of box office."


This is also the difficulty of the producer.

Inviting veteran actors or something like that requires great care and risks to make money.

But inviting traffic stars doesn't require any care at all, it can be shoddy, with minimal investment and no risk, and it can always make hundreds of millions of box office.

If you are lucky enough to make a barely watchable work, it can be praised by fans as a masterpiece, and the box office will be more than hundreds of millions.

As long as the producers are not stupid and are purely for the purpose of making money, they know who to invite...

This is also the fundamental reason why traffic stars are in power.

The market determines the direction of the wind.

Except for brain-dead fans, normal people's aesthetic standards are too high, and it is not easy to make money!

"Invite someone who can act!"

With almost no hesitation, Ye Yang said directly: "Don't worry about the budget, I don't need these hundreds of millions. Don't consider the box office, I just need its rating, worthy of the word classic! I want everyone who has seen this movie to be moved by it!"


Obviously, they didn't know how to react. The words that should have been quite touching, why did they sound a little bit Versailles! ?

"Hire me the best actors, the best directors, and the best screenwriters!"

Ye Yang said coldly: "I want to make a movie, not a farce."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The other side obviously felt Ye Yang's determination, nodded repeatedly, and was encouraged.

As long as they are normal people, they want to make good things, but as a company, they must give priority to the practical issues of "money" and "profit".

Now the boss said not to consider the interests, just to make a sincere work.

Of course they were encouraged.

This is exactly their original intention to join the film industry!

"Boss, we will do our best!!!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "What was your original budget?"

"About 300 million yuan."

After all, it is a kung fu film, no special effects are needed. If real actors are hired, the royalties do not need to be sky-high. All of them are used to make a serious film. 300 million is already a super investment!

"Not enough, 1 billion. I will make up for the shortfall. I want to tell those real actors that they are more worthy of this sky-high salary than traffic stars."

Ye Yang did not say anything and transferred 700 million yuan to the company account of Huabo Films.


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before he said this word with all his strength.

This is the first time he has seen a chairman like Ye Yang.

He is in business but does not talk about business, just to make truly good works. Such people are too rare...

He clenched his hands and swore secretly that he could not let the boss lose!

Perhaps, this is an opportunity to restore the reputation of quality movies! Making truly good movies can also be popular! Moreover, you can make a lot of money!


Ye Yang had just transferred the money.

The system prompt sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host for making special expenses and obtaining top acting skills and top acting instructor skills."

"Top acting skills?"

Ye Yang took a look at the introduction. Now, his acting skills have been raised to the top level of human beings.

Easy to get the level of Oscar statuette!

"It also comes with the ability of an acting instructor. Haha, the system really understands me."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth. The system will indeed issue corresponding rewards according to the situation...

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Xiao Qingxuan and others came over and asked again and again.

"Took a job in an action movie."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, are you going to make an action movie? Please bring me with you!"

"And I!"

The bodyguard sisters and other girls were extremely enthusiastic and signed up one after another.

"Ahem, where are you all thinking! I'm talking about serious Kung Fu movies!!!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes and said repeatedly.




The girls were obviously a little disappointed, but they were immediately attracted by Ye Yang's words again: "I really want to make a movie!"


Ye Yang also briefly summarized the conversation just now.

"Wow! I will book the entire movie theater in the capital to support Master!"

Mo Zhengzheng kept saying.


Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, this little rich woman was really confident!

"Then I'll take care of the entire Magic City!"

Xiao Xiaozhu hummed, her personal wallet was still very rich. The sisters had traveled across the world and completed many difficult tasks, earning billions in bounties alone.

“I’ll cover the whole of Hainan!”

Chen Qiqian was not willing to be outdone and kept saying.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry, what a good guy.

These little rich women are really willing to do it for themselves...

"Master is going to become a big star! Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Mo Zhengzheng kept saying.

"What are you waiting for? Go back to the Magic City directly."

Ye Yang waved goodbye to Hainan, took the girls on the F1000, and flew towards the Magic City...

(First update)

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