Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 483: Silently want the stars in the sky?

"Demon City, finally back..."

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he would go to the carnival and come back in one day, but he didn't expect so many things to happen...

Life is so mysterious sometimes.

It will probably take some time to decide on the actors. Although the producers have given me two directions, they must have made plans for each direction.

If they set their own general direction and provide sufficient funds, they will go directly to find the best candidate with the highest efficiency.

But it still takes time.

Actors also need to read the script and consider whether they will act or not. There are still quite a lot of things going on...

Ye Yang was not in a hurry about this.

He took the girls directly back to Yundingshan Villa.

The renovation of the Yundingshan Villa has almost been completed.

Several surrounding villas have also been opened up, and the entire Yunding Mountain area has become Ye Yang's private villa estate.

In this way, no matter how many maids or girls there are, they can be accommodated.

After all, this is Ye Yang's base camp, so it is naturally the most luxurious place to be.

Just buying all these other villas and renovating them cost him billions.

The entire manor has begun to take shape.

Racecourse, golf course, heliport, pool hall, fishing lake, leisure lawn, fitness equipment, everything is available.

The entire project is estimated to cost eight to nine billion to be implemented.

Among them, land purchase accounts for the majority. As for the facilities in the manor, even if they are all renovated with top international luxury brands, the most expensive materials, the best horses purchased, and the best lawns laid, it will only cost three billion at most. That’s all.

After all, this is a big project, and the villas are temporarily open.

But it is estimated that it will take some time for the manor project to be truly completed.

"It is indeed quite expensive to build a truly top-notch estate in the world from scratch."

Ye Yang shrugged. Although it was expensive, the last thing he needed was money.

After all, the more you spend, the more you spend. Billions of billions will be spent to build this manor. When the time comes, you will be rewarded with at least tens of billions. It’s wonderful to think about it.

"The top private castle in England costs about 10 billion Chinese dollars. The price of the Nippon Ranch Manor in the United States is also the same. Once completed, boss, it will be as famous as the most famous private homes in the world."

Yu Mo smiled.

"Then you will be the only butler of the most exclusive manor in the world."

Ye Yang joked.


Yu Momo was also a little excited and looking forward to it. By being a personal butler, he was already considered to be the best in the world!

"Master, you are finally back!"

Today's maid group all changed into cat-ear girl suits, which made Ye Yang's heart flutter.

"Cats have such a hard time waiting for their owners! Meow~"

"Didn't I say I'd be back soon? Is there another maid group outside that has abandoned us kittens?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're going to become stray cats! Who will take us in~"

The maids surrounded Ye Yang, frantically asking for comfort.

"Okay, okay, aren't we coming back to feed you little greedy cats?"

Ye Yang laughed: "Don't worry, you won't become a stray cat!"


"Master wants to feed us well!"

The maids all laughed.

The corner of Ye Yang's mouth twitched. It seemed that it would be difficult to cook today. With so many mouths to feed, he might be exhausted.

"Go, go, you can play with the master later."

Upon seeing this, Yu Momo quickly drove away the maids who were making noises: "The master has just come back, let the master have a good rest!"

"All right!"

"Let's take a mixed bath together after dinner!"

“The hot spring at the foot of the mountain has been expanded by construction and is very comfortable to soak in!”

The maids all kept talking.

Ye Yang couldn't resist the kindness. After dinner, he was carried into the bath by the maids and took a mixed bath.

"Oh! It's hard to be a man! It's even harder to be a master!"

Ye Yang sighed.

At night, in the master bedroom, on the cherry wood bed, Ye Yang held Yu Momo in his arms.

Just experienced something...





The two of them were relying on each other at this time.

Yu Momo raised his head and looked at Ye Yang's beautiful profile, with a hint of satisfaction at the corner of his mouth.

"I am worried about you……"

she said.

"You know it too?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, obviously Yu Momo was talking about what happened on the Parrot.

"How could you not know?"

Yu Mo pouted: "The whole world knows!"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang shook his head: "It's nothing. Didn't I come back well?"

"don't want!"

Yu Mo looked at Ye Yang seriously.

"Why not?"

Ye Yang coughed awkwardly.

"I know that I can't influence your decision, and I don't have the right... I beg you... before you do such dangerous things in the future, no matter what... at least let me be by your side."

Yu pursed her lips silently: "I..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ye Yang patted her little head: "You are my big housekeeper, why are you not qualified to take care of me! Among the girls in the world, you are the most qualified to take care of me~"



Yu Momo looked at the smiling Ye Yang with flattery.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

Ye Yang pillowed his head with one hand and pinched Yu Momo's little face with the other.


Yu Momo puffed up his little face and said coquettishly dissatisfied.

"It hurts? Does it hurt as much as before?"

Ye Yang asked with a smirk.

"Stinky boss! The next wave will kill you!"

Yu Mo said angrily.

"Haha, no joke."

Ye Yang shook his head: "By the way, it will be your birthday in a few days, right?"

"Master actually remembers~ I thought..."

Yu Momo scratched his little head and his face turned red.

"How could you forget?"

Ye Yang rubbed his chin: "Just tell me what gift you want. Money can buy it. I can get you any gift in the world."


Yu Momo rolled his eyes: "No, I want my boss to sit with me all day on my birthday!"


Ye Yang stared, obviously he had listened.

"Um, Master, are you thinking wrongly..."

Yu Momo laughed and said, "But that's not impossible!"


Ye Yang scratched his cheek awkwardly: "Seriously, it must be the same."

"They all said no!"

"Must have one!"

"Then I want the stars in the sky!"

"That's it."

"Ah!? I'm kidding!"

"I know, but that's it."

General Ye Yangba smiled, covered himself up again, and started the next wave of offensive.

"Ah! Stinky boss!!!"

Yu Mo gritted her teeth and wanted to think more about the meaning of Ye Yang's words, but she didn't want to think about it immediately. After all, Ye Yang's skills were too good!

(Second update)

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