Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 484: Naming the Comet! Expedited to three days

Early the next morning.

Ye Yang called the Nebula Observatory.

Bai Xiaojing is now the temporary manager of the Nebula Observatory. After all, all the previous staff of the Nebula Observatory have left, and there are only a few people left, so she naturally takes on the management position concurrently.

However, after Ye Yang took over the Nebula Observatory, he spent a lot of money to hire scientific researchers.

This makes many capable scientific researchers very happy.

Finally, someone is investing money in a science like astronomy that has little practical effect in a short period of time.

Normally, a salary of three to five thousand for an observatory is considered high.

Ye Yang directly offered a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan. Suddenly, the entire observatory was filled with celebrities, talents, and people.

Bai Xiaojing basically no longer needs to do anything like data processing.

"After becoming a manager, I have less time for scientific research. Alas..."

Bai Xiaojing muttered: "Boss... Now the institute has recruited many talents, why don't you find someone to replace me! I still want to do research well..."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "That won't work. I can't trust others. You are the person I trust most in the observatory."


Bai Xiaojing, who originally wanted to say something else, blushed under these words and immediately expressed that she would do her best and never mention the inappropriate management position.

Ye Yang laughed, right! How can you do this if you have an official position and don’t take money?

Relatively speaking, management positions are not hard work, especially the management of the observatory. They basically have nothing to do. They can just coordinate the data and other things. The salary is high, and it is a position he has specially reserved for Bai Xiaojing.

"Boss, you must have something that requires the observatory, right?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Bai Xiaojing asked with a smile.

"You know better."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Boss, you are a very busy man! Why would you think of Xiao Jing when you have nothing to do?"

Bai Xiaojing said half coquettishly, half complaining.


Ye Yang scratched his face in embarrassment and changed the topic: "By the way, has the observatory recently discovered any new stars that have not yet been named?"

"Ah, let me check~"

Bai Xiaojing was just joking. Ye Yang completely changed her situation, realized her dream, saved her life, and helped her mother cure her illness.

For such a great kindness, it is not enough to repay him like a cow or a horse.

Naturally, I won't really complain.

After all, meeting Ye Yang was already her greatest luck...

"Found it!"

Bai Xiaojing said repeatedly: "There is a comet that is being applied for. The application has just been submitted and has not been reviewed yet. If you want to change the name, you can withdraw it at any time and reapply after making the changes."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's quite a coincidence."

"It's not a coincidence. The discovery of unnamed asteroids is not a rare thing for large observatories. There are many private small observatories abroad that can occasionally discover some unnamed asteroids. We have quite a few ready to report."

Bai Xiaojing said, after all, there are so many stars in the universe, and ordinary telescopes cannot observe stars that are too dim, so the so-called naming of stars generally refers to asteroids in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. .

There are millions of these asteroids, and too many are unnamed.

Maybe some astronomer enthusiast will find one and put his name on it. There are many such things.

“It’s not too precious to name an asteroid, but coincidentally, this one is a comet.”

Bai Xiaojing turned around and said again.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"The number of new comets that can be discovered in the entire world in a year is less than ten. The discovery of this new comet is the biggest gain of the observatory this month."

Bai Xiaojing smiled.

"That's quite a coincidence."

Ye Yang laughed: "Then withdraw this application. I want to give this comet a new name..."

"...Okay, what's the name?"

Bai Xiaojing did not dare to delay and withdrew her application one after another.

"let me see……"

Ye Yang rubbed his chin: "Just call him Momo Comet."

"Silent Comet?"

After Bai Xiaojing heard the name provided by Ye Yang, she blinked her eyes, and then suddenly realized: "Is Sister Mo Mo's birthday coming?!"

"You're quite smart."

Ye Yang smiled. He was indeed an old employee of the observatory. As soon as he said his name, she knew what he meant.

"Hehe, I really envy Sister Mo Mo~ Boss, you are so kind to her!"

Bai Xiaojing said with some envy, handsome, rich and romantic, this man is so damn charming! ! !

Apart from being envious, she also felt a lot more balanced in her heart. Yes, who could be qualified to have such an extremely good and perfect man?

"Why are you envious? I also remember your birthday and will give you a gift then."

Ye Yang joked.

"Ah! Really!"

Bai Xiaojing was a little overjoyed.

"I never lie to girls."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.


Bai Xiaojing nodded expectantly: "By the way, boss, this comet will pass near the earth in three days. You can see it with a telescope at the observatory."

"Three days later!? Is it such a coincidence!?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, it happened to be Yu Momo's birthday in three days!

"This comet is really made for Momo."

"How long does it take to apply for a name?"

Bai Xiaojing curled her hair: "According to convention, about two weeks."

"No, Momo's birthday is in three days. Before that, I want her to see the certificate."

Ye Yang said.

"Uh uh..."

Bai Xiaojing scratched her head. She always followed the rules. The International Astronomical Society process takes two weeks. She had no other choice for a while: "Even if a sponsorship fee is added, the process can only be accelerated to about a week at most..."

"Sponsorship fee? Speed ​​up the process?"

Ye Yang's eyes lit up. As long as money can get it done, it's not a problem.

"Give me the contact information of this asteroid society."

Soon, Bai Xiaojing sent an email.

"How much is the expedited sponsorship fee?"

Ye Yang asked.

"About 10,000 US dollars."

Bai Xiaojing said.

"Got it."

Ye Yang almost laughed out loud. Is this how it feels?

He sent an email directly...

He said he would sponsor the Asteroid Society with $100,000, on the condition that the application for the Nebula Observatory be completed within three days.

Very fast!

The reply email came.

"Dear Sir, thank you very much for your attention and support for astronomy, but this is a subject of looking up at the stars, and it cannot be rushed. Expediting it to three days is really... too hasty. I hope you understand. We will try our best to speed up the review process and try to successfully register you within five days."

(First update)

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