Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 485: Maybe I was a horse lassoer in my previous life

"Five days?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, it was because he didn't have enough money!

Then, he directly drafted another email: "Three hundred thousand US dollars, three days!"


Almost not even a minute after he sent the email, there was a reply from the other side.

It is estimated that a special team has been set up to pay special attention to Ye Yang's emails.

Ye Yang opened the email.

"Dear Mr. Ye Yang, we understand your feelings very well and feel your preference for astronomy. However, the process is too much. We will try our best to solve the problem for you within four days!"

Ye Yang shook his head.

Too lazy to type any more, I only replied with a number:

"One million dollars."

Minor Planet Society.

The president was alarmed and came over.

The International Asteroid Association sounds high-end, but it has no profit and can only make some extra money by selling the naming rights of asteroids.

None of the members have seen any big money.

One million dollars is enough for them to take a breath and exclaim how terrifying it is.

"Oh my God, a million dollars! Did I read that right?"

President Charles exclaimed.

"Yes, President, it's one million dollars!"

Several members who were responsible for replying to the email rubbed their eyes and kept saying after confirming.

"I'll go! You haven't done anything offensive to this distinguished guest before, right?"

The president confirmed again and again.

"How dare you! This is a big financier! He asked for hundreds of thousands of dollars when he opened his mouth, my God!"

Several members waved their hands repeatedly, indicating that they had done a good job of licking just now.

"But President, according to the process, it does take at least four days... Even so..."

"What process? Processes are for improvement! Rules are for breaking!"

Charles waved his hand: "Don't go through the process for this application. I will register the application for him personally and go directly to the last step of the process!"

"But this..."

What else did the staff want to say?

"Shut up! I tell you a time and it will be done immediately!"

The president pondered for a moment, but still felt uneasy: "Go, go, I will personally reply to the distinguished Mr. Ye's email."

"Uh-huh, okay."

Several members gave way to their seats...

Soon, Ye Yang received a reply email.

"Hello, distinguished Mr. Ye, I am the president of the Asteroid Association, Li Qi*Charles. Thank you very much for your generous sponsorship. Your sponsorship will allow the Asteroid Association to go further into the stars and sea! I will personally help you Conduct a process review and ensure that the qualification review will be passed within one day! ”

"In view of your contribution to the cause of astronomy, you will automatically become the highest-level member of our International Minor Planet Association. You can name yourself an asteroid you are satisfied with at any time. This privilege is valid until the dissolution of the Minor Planet Association."

"Of course, at least until the universe is destroyed, laugh..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Except for the last joke that seemed completely unfunny, the president's words were quite pleasant to listen to.

What processes are lengthy and what have too many rules.

One million dollars will solve the problem...

He shrugged.

"Congratulations to the host for consuming, paying for romance, and being given the status of the national head gym owner of a Welsh chain gym."


"What the hell..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. Could it be that the gym is also related to romance?

What a strange connection.

No wonder some people always talk about going to the gym to find love...

Later, Ye Yang drank a bowl of bird's nest at the state banquet, had some breakfast, and then took a walk in the manor, taking the maids to exercise.

If you don't exercise more in the morning, you will become a lazy cat.

Many parts of the manor are still under construction, but many areas have been repaired. I went to the horse farm to choose a good horse. When I asked the trainer, it turned out to be a young mare.

Come to think of it, I really have a destiny with the little mare.

Ride during the day and ride at night.

Maybe it's because he was a bohemian horse-roping man in his previous life!

"I envy Zi Hui, he actually rides a horse with his master."

"This posture... emmm..."

As a high-level talent, the maid of Yundingshan Manor can learn to ride a horse very easily. As for Ye Yang, she is an all-around athlete, and equestrian is also one of the Olympic events.

Naturally, he is also extremely good at it.

"Master, you are so good at riding!"

"Master, you bumped into me!'s quite comfortable!"



On the saddle, sitting in front of Ye Yang was the maid Zi Hui with her buttocks raised, and the horse's back was very bumpy.

Ye Yang laughed: "That's right! Just ride the horse like this and chase him to the horizon."

Zi Hui's face turned red: "Now I feel excited, scared, excited, happy and happy, but I'm just worried..."

Ye Yang raised his riding whip: "You don't have to worry, it's enough to enjoy this moment. This is a good time that can't be bought with money!"

Zi Hui felt the sound of the galloping wind: "Master~ I like you so much!!!"

Ye Yang smiled: "What did you say?! I didn't hear clearly!"

Zi Hui: "Master, I like you! I like you very much!"

Ye Yang smiled and said: "How much do you like you? How much do you like me?"

Zi Hui: "Of course! You can never have more than me, because I am already full!"

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said: "If you are full, then I will overflow!"

After running around the racecourse a few times, Ye Yang returned home happily.

As soon as I returned to the house, I saw an email saying that the review had been passed.

"Tsk, didn't you say two weeks?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "It's only been less than two hours, right?"

After the review is passed, it will take more than a week for the certificate to be sent to me. After all, foreign express delivery is slow, and cross-border express delivery is even slower.

But because Ye Yang is the highest member of the International Astronomical Society, the president directly chartered a special plane to airlift the certificate at a high speed.

The next morning, Ye Yang received the certificate from the United States.

"Tsk, this money is really a good thing."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and put away the certificate. Birthday surprise, of course, it is interesting to send it on the birthday.

In the past two days, he did not mention this to Yu Momo.

When he had nothing to do, he would ride a mare, go fishing, play single-player games, sometimes play Aquaman, sometimes play otaku.

The entire Yundingshan Manor also began to be decorated in the past two days.

The atmosphere was also happier and more lively than usual.

After all, it was the butler's birthday, and no one dared to neglect it.

The entire Yundingshan maids have now expanded to dozens of people, including private driver Xu Jiaojiao, bartender He Muzi and other girls...

But they all know that Yu Momo has been with Ye Yang for the longest time. If there is a ranking, Yu Momo, the housekeeper, is definitely one of the women who occupies the top position in Ye Yang's heart.

On the birthday, the manor is already filled with the happy atmosphere of the birthday...

A grand manor birthday banquet is about to kick off.

(Second update)

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