Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 486 Is it beautiful? Now it's yours

Because it was an internal birthday party, Ye Yang did not invite anyone from outside the family.

There are too many outsiders, but I can’t let go.

However, the maids in the entire manor alone were dozens of older, so even if there were no outsiders coming, it would still be very lively.

"Happy birthday sister Momo!"

Throughout the hall, girls such as maids and bartenders had smiles on their faces, and they all held up their cups in their hands to silently celebrate Yu.

In the center of the hall is a nine-story cake tower.

All are made with the best butter and bread. They were made by the pastry master in the best cake shop in Shanghai a few days ago.

The cake base with the largest diameter is three meters long!

"It costs a lot of money! Who is going to order it?"

Yu Momo was a little surprised that such a huge cake, starting at least one million, did not report such a huge amount to her housekeeper! ! !

She is obviously in charge of the living expenses in the manor.

"I made the reservation secretly without telling you. You won't be able to find out the payment."

Ye Yang laughed, hugged Yu Momo, and kissed her cheek: "Today is a good day for you, don't worry about these details~"


Hearing that it was the boss himself who made the mistake, Yu Momo felt relieved.

"Master, I want to be kissed too!"

"Hey, I want to celebrate my birthday too!"


"Go! Go! Go!"

Yu Momo rolled his eyes, these little greedy cats!

Ye Yang laughed. The materials used in this cake are extremely precious. The Delafee Chocolate Gold Truffle series used to decorate the sixth layer of chocolate alone costs thousands of yuan per serving. There are probably hundreds of garnishes poured on this layer. .

For this layer alone, the price of raw materials is hundreds of thousands.

As you go up, although the area becomes smaller, the materials become more precious.

The top fruit layer contains the most expensive, precious and delicious fruits in the world.

Slices of Yubari King melon are garnished with ruby ​​Roman grapes, Newtown pineapple berries, Australian caviar orange slices, and a birthday Blue Lagoon diamond specially customized for Yu Momo.

The price of the raw materials on the top layer reached an astonishing 10 to 8 million. Of course, the main reason for the high price was the Blue Lagoon diamond.

The entire cake cost him 26,668,888 Chinese coins.

But compared to what Yu Momo paid for him, this was what she deserved.

The birthday party lasted from noon to evening.

As the manor's chief housekeeper, Yu Mo Mo is also Ye Yang's most trusted confidant secretary. She needs to be contacted and arranged for the overall coordination among Ye Yang's big assets.

Ye Yang himself is a hands-off shopkeeper. Yu Momo is still very busy on weekdays. Except for the time when he goes out with Ye Yang, he hardly has much free time. He is very busy every day.

She didn't have to worry about it at all today. A happy day was still very precious.

The most important thing is to stay with Ye Yang the whole day.

Around seven or eight o'clock, the fun came to an end temporarily and the maids began to clean up the hall.

Ye Yang held Yu Momo's waist and walked to the garage.

"Emmm... I thought you were going to take me back to the bedroom after the show."

Yu Mo Mo's little face was now a drunken wine red, and he exhaled like blue, leaning on Ye Yang's shoulder, smiling charmingly.

"There are still gifts that you haven't accepted yet."

Ye Yang smiled lightly, and before the girl could react, he left Yu Momo in the passenger seat of the sports car.

We drove directly to the Nebula Observatory.

His physical functions are now comparable to those of a superhero, and coupled with his proficiency in Chinese martial arts, drinking has no effect on his body at all.

Get drunk if you want.

When you don't need to be drunk, just stir up your qi and blood, and the alcohol in your body will be decomposed quickly. Even if you encounter a drunk driver, you won't be able to detect the alcohol content when you blow on it.

Lamborghini Poison speeds along.

Yu Momo lay on his side in the passenger seat, looking at Ye Yang's handsome side face who was focusing on driving, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"I seem to remember that the first time I made a car that you drove, it was this Lamborghini Poison..."

Yu silently recalled.

"I didn't have much money at that time."

Ye Yang joked.

"Master is so kind to Versailles! But Momo likes it so much~"

Yu Momo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"By the way, Master~ You just said that there were any other gifts that were confiscated... Isn't this Blue Lagoon diamond your birthday gift to Mo Mo?"

Yu Momo took out the Blue Lagoon diamond that he kept well in his chest and wiped it gently.

Ye Yang looked forward, with a free hand, and rubbed Yu Momo's little head: "How can there be enough diamonds!"


Yu Momo opened his mouth: "That is?"

"You'll know when we get there."

Ye Yang laughed.

Driving all the way, the speed became very fast when we reached the suburbs.

It didn't take long to arrive at the Nebula Observatory.

"So beautiful..."


I looked up at the sky silently.

The city is brightly lit, but where can I see the stars here?

"I have something more beautiful for you to see."

Ye Yang took Yu Momo directly to the observation point of the observatory.

After Bai Xiaojing taught the two people how to use the telescope and the expected arrival time of the comet, they left in a sensible manner.

Only Ye Yang and Yu Momo were left in the observation room.

Except for the starry sky above our heads and the chirping of insects in the distance, we could hear each other's heartbeats in silence.

Ye Yang was curiously fiddling with the telescope, observing the comets that came near the earth, but he didn't need the main astronomical telescope.

"What star is this?"

Yu Momo blinked his eyes, like a curious baby.

People are romantic in their bones, and reality hides romance.

In certain situations, it can be stimulated again.

Ye Yang himself is also proficient in astronomical knowledge. He glanced at it and said: "This is Mars, which was called Yinghuo in ancient times. It is a legendary planet."

"So this is Mars..."

Yu Momo pursed his lips: "Looking at the starry sky through a telescope, it turns out to be like this..."

"After zooming in, you can see the craters on the back of the moon."

Ye Yang smiled and prompted.

"Really! Let me see!"

Yu Momo changed the angle repeatedly according to Ye Yang's prompts, and then smiled happily: "Really! The moon that looks so beautiful and flawless, zoomed in, it is actually full of holes."

"Distance creates beauty!"

Ye Yang teased.

"Hey! I think I saw the comet that Xiao Jing said!"

Yu Momo jumped in surprise.


Ye Yang also came over.

Against the black background of the universe, the planets were like independent points of light in the black curtain, embellishing the lonely time and space.

Each star was following its own trajectory.

At this time, a blue sphere, dragging a gorgeous tail, broke into his field of vision.

This is the newly discovered comet that visited the earth today.

"It's so beautiful..."

Yu Momo sighed, girls always lack resistance to such beautiful pictures...

"Beautiful? Now, it's yours."

Ye Yang took out the certificate from behind and handed it out...

(First update)

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