Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 489: 80 million female cutout queen?


Yu Mo looked at the certificate blankly: "Master...this..."

"You said you wanted a star in the sky, so I'll give you one."

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.

"I was actually just saying it casually!"

Yu Momo scratched his wine-red little face.

"It turns out it was just a casual comment, so I'd better throw away the certificate."

Ye Yang teased deliberately.

"No, no, no!"

Yu Momo quickly took the certificate and said, "Thank you, Master~"

"When technology develops in the future, I will actually buy a star, pluck it from the sky, and give it to you."

Ye Yang smiled.

"Master, you..."

Yu Momo subconsciously wanted to say that this was bragging, but thinking of Ye Yang's legendary attribute blessing, he immediately held back his words. As long as it was this man, nothing was impossible!

The word "impossible" does not apply to him at all!

That night, Ye Yang and Yu Momo leaned against each other and looked at the starry sky.

The environment is extremely quiet, and the content of the exchange is very elegant, which can be said to be like mountains and rivers.

It was dawn the next day.

Ye Yang woke up in the guest house of the observatory.

Yu Momo was still asleep next to him, licking the corners of his mouth from time to time.

"Becoming rich~I am becoming rich~"

Ye Yang turned on the phone and answered the call: "Hello?"

"Chairman, the actors are in place and the set is now set up, waiting for you to come."

The voice of the person in charge of Huabo came over there.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and looked at Yu Momo beside him. He was too tired on weekdays, so he might as well let her have a good sleep.

Thinking like this, I didn't wake him up.

After driving the Lamborghini Poison back to Yunding Mountain to pick up Xiao Qingxuan, he drove towards the set...

“It’s finally the day to shoot a movie with my boss, I’m so excited!”

Xiao Qingxuan said excitedly.

"Ah this..."

Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded, these words always sounded a bit weird.

"It's so sinful."

Magic City Film and Television City.

It is one of the top ten film and television cities in China.

Apart from the famous Hengdian Film and Television City, the Magic City Film and Television City is the most famous.

Classic films such as "Modutan" were filmed here...

The Magic City Film and Television City occupies a large area.

Walking into it, it feels like old Shanghai.

The film and television city is also a tourist area, and there are many tourists inside. You can also see some film and television teams setting up machines inside and preparing to shoot.

"It's quite interesting here."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Driving was not allowed in the film and television area, so he took Xiao Qingxuan on foot.

"It seems that last time I went to shoot a commercial, I taught a traffic star a lesson on the spot...what was his name?"

Ye Yang remembered the past.

"Lu Zhankun."

Xiao Qingxuan remembered it clearly, and replied with a faint smile.


Ye Yang laughed out loud: "It's Lu Zhankun."

Just as he was talking, the sound of clearing the place came from behind again.

"The one in front! Hurry and get out of the way! You won't know who to talk to when you get hit!"

Ye Yang frowned, looked back, and saw a large group of people in black clearing the venue, and a bunch of people laying down the red carpet.

"What the hell..."

He was subconsciously disgusted with this kind of overbearing clearing.

Soon, he saw a woman dressed very fairy-like walking over the red carpet.

Two female assistants followed her and polished her shoes.

There were more than a dozen assistants, large and small, behind them, and the momentum was very great.

"It's quite a grand occasion."

Ye Yang curled his lips, wondering why a fairy had come.

"Hey! You! Get away quickly!"

The security guards behind the red carpet rushed over and scolded them repeatedly.


Xiao Qingxuan frowned, she didn't like to see others talking down to her boss.

"Yo! You have quite a bad temper! You look pretty, and you are in the entertainment industry, right? You should be able to tell that this is the newly promoted diva, the traffic diva Na An Mi!"

"If you know what's going on, get out of the way. Just one word can destroy your career!"

The few security guards who paved the road were all threatening.

"What's that An Mi...that name is so weird."

If Xiao Qingxuan is really a small star in the entertainment industry, then she must have avoided it based on the idea that doing less is worse than doing more.

However, it is a pity that she is a personal bodyguard with a strong personality!

"Bold! How dare you describe that young lady's name like that!"

"How disrespectful! I will expel you from the entertainment industry!!!"


"what happened?"

Na An Mi also came closer at this time, frowned slightly, and asked coldly.

"What's going on with your directing team? Didn't we all agree that if you want to invite me, you can lay out a red carpet for me along the way. A human fairy like me cannot be stained with dust, and no one is allowed to block the way along the way! It's true! An eyesore!”

She curled her lips, looked at Ye Yang and the two, and said coldly.

This kind of traffic star has been accustomed to have his eyes above his head, and his whole body is blown away by his brainless fans...

Naturally very proud.

I really feel like I am superior to others and everyone else is trash.

He has an outrageous temper and makes all kinds of weird and pretentious requests.

The entire crew has to follow their tempers, and everyone has to give priority to satisfying them.

"I am willing to appear in person, I have given you enough face, okay! The last crew paid me 80 million yuan, and I only gave them two photos, so that they can use my peerless beauty!"

"I have given you so much face this time, even appearing in person, you still dare not meet my requirements!?"

"I really gave you face! Can't you do such a trivial thing!?"

"I'm leaving now!"


Then An Mi's face suddenly turned cold, and she turned around and was about to leave.

"Oh my God! Please don't leave!"

"I kneel down for you! Please don't leave!"

The assistants around were crying and begging her not to leave.

The crew cried and spent 100 million yuan in salary to make her reluctantly agree to appear in person!

If she leaves in a moment, it will be a loss of 100 million!

Thinking of this, they panicked.

"Then teach these two a lesson until I am satisfied. You don't want me to be in a good mood, and you still expect me to act? Dream on! Your movie will definitely fail by then! Without me, the top Chinese queen, you still want to sell your movie at the box office? I am dying of laughter!"

"I say one thing, if my 200 million fans buy ten tickets each, the box office will be several billion!"

"You decide for yourself!"

An Mi crossed her arms and sneered.

"Did you two hear me? If you don't get out of here, don't blame me for being rude!!!"

Several security guards came up fiercely.

"Who do you want to be rude to?!"

Just when Xiao Qingxuan couldn't help but beat him up.

Another group of people also pressed up from the other end of the street.

"Chairman Ye!"

The leader was the former chairman of Huabo and the current executive director. When he saw Ye Yang, he bowed and saluted.

(Second update)

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