"Oh... Mom, I'm still here……"

The girls present all blushed, looking at Ye Yang with a reluctant look.

Such a handsome, perfect rich man is hard to come by!

How many people in this world are better than Ye Yang! ?

Ye Yang smiled faintly.

Those who can be admitted to Shanghai University City have good grades, and they are all rich girls with good temperament.

However, compared with his vision, they are still too ordinary.

Now around him, even the maids are seven-star gold medal housekeeping talents, and they are all top students from Ivy League or the top universities in China.

Naturally, their temperament and beauty are not comparable to these girls.

But it is too rude to refuse in public.

While chatting and laughing, he was forced to send away all the tenants after being added on WeChat by some girls.

Signing contracts and making payments must go through formal procedures.

If we agree today, we will have to wait at least one or two days before we can move in.

"Oh... it's really a headache."

Ye Yang scratched his hair. It was so scary to have a group of beautiful young women pestering you to give you a daughter and asking for a sky-high dowry!

"Haha, Boss Ye can be elected as the most sought-after son-in-law in China!

Fang Sijin was in a very good mood today and joked with a smile

""I can't help it, who made me so handsome!"

Ye Yang shook his head and said seriously.

If other people said this, they would definitely be laughed at, but Ye Yang was telling the truth.

Fang Sijin was envious.

"By the way, Boss Ye, is there anything else you need? I'm free today, so I can help you out."

Fang Sijin said with great insight.

The tenants had all left, but Ye Yang stayed behind, obviously because he had something else to do.

"Well, there is one more thing."

Ye Yang nodded slightly, looking up and down at Fang Sijin's graceful and mature curves.

"Mr. Ye...you……"

Fang Sijin blushed, covered her chest with both hands, and stood back.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang waved his hand:"Come with me and help me clean up the house."

"Huh?! Huh?……"

Fang Sijin's heart was pounding.

She was a strong woman of the new era, who believed in making her own way in the world and had a strong personality. Even if Ye Yang was a handsome local tyrant brother, she couldn't give up her bottom line too easily.

"I was shocked."

She patted her chest and hurried over.

A、B、The three C buildings are all riverside buildings.

Building A is in the best location. The large flat on the top floor can be said to be the best apartment in the riverside community. The large flat in Building A is eight meters high, with two floors indoors and a dedicated elevator.

From the balcony, you can see the magnificent Huangpu River in front of you, and across the street is the bustling Shanghai.

If it's night and the lights are on, it must be a beautiful sight, a visual feast!

"This view alone is worth several hundred million."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Building A is the signature of the Linjiang Community. It is priced at 880 million. If you really want to buy it, the market value is estimated to be more than 10 billion.

It is more expensive than most villas.

"Building A has a large floor area of 500 square meters. There is a private swimming pool and private lawn on the roof. There is also a private cinema on the second floor.

Fang Sijin introduced


Ye Yang was very satisfied.

The riverside villa was not far from the high school where his sister Ye Zi was studying, and he also planned to pick one for his sister to live in. It was better than living in the six-person dormitory with bunk beds that his sister had complained about for more than two years.

"It takes a lot of time to clean this house."

Although Fang Sijin said this, she was already busy with her hands.

Before each house had an owner, there was a special aunt to clean it.

Although this riverside flat is large, there is not much to clean.

Ye Yang looked at the capable back on the bed in the bedroom, with the sheets spread out, and Fang Sijin's round and plump buttocks facing him. His heart, which had originally been free of distractions, also fluctuated slightly.

In the entire building A, in the 500-square-meter double-story flat, there were only him and Fang Sijin.

And in such a sensitive place as the bedroom, it was impossible not to have special thoughts in his mind.


As if she had noticed Ye Yang's gaze, Fang Sijin's face was as red as fire.

Her subconscious action just now was out of self-cultivation, but she had already prepared herself mentally along the way.

In any case, if she could have a perfect time with such a perfect man, it would be a win for her...

After all, she has been busy working on her career for so many years and has rarely enjoyed sex.

It would be fine if she didn't think about it, but once she thought about that kind of thing, she felt the desire deep in her bones.

After making the bed, she also lowered her head and looked at Ye Yang shyly.

Revealing another side of her besides being a strong woman

"Mr. Ye... packed up!"

She bit her lower lip and looked at Ye Yang with an undisguised look.


Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He never forced anyone, but he would not refuse a mutually satisfying experience.

If you can't live as you want, then it's meaningless to have so much money.

This is the super rich.

Fang Sijin was still wearing a professional sales suit, a small suit top with black stockings and high heels.

The stimulation of the uniform temptation in the spacious flat greatly increased his interest today.

After some exercise,

Ye Yang smiled with satisfaction.


After cleaning up afterwards,

Fang Sijin no longer had the feeling of a strong woman in front of Ye Yang, but seemed quite shy.

"Well, it's time for lunch."

Ye Yang stretched his muscles and bones, and his appetite increased.

"Do you know any good restaurants nearby? I'll treat you."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"No, no, no, of course it's my turn.……"

Fang Sijin said repeatedly.

How great an opportunity did Ye Yang bring her?

How could she let such a great man treat her to a meal? She had to treat him herself!

"Ha ha……"

Just as the two were discussing where to go for dinner, the doorbell rang.


Ye Yang frowned, walked into the living room, opened the door, and saw a tall and strong man in a suit.

"Hmm? Who are you?!"

Ye Yang asked

"Are you the new owner of this place?!"

The man in the suit looked fierce, but when he smiled, he looked more like a robber in a costume drama.

"I am a property manager in Linjiang, collecting property fees."

"Property management fee? How much is it?"

Ye Yang did not explain.

The property management fee of a high-end residential area is naturally more expensive. It is estimated that the annual property management fee for this large flat is at least 100,000 or 80,000 yuan.

"Hey~ One million a year!!!"

The man in the suit smiled maliciously


Ye Yang frowned:"Are you kidding?!"

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