"I have reason to suspect you are robbing someone."

Ye Yang frowned.

He certainly had money, but that didn't mean he could satisfy a ruthless and unreasonable request for money.

"Hey, that's the price! If you don't agree, report it to the owners' committee!"

The burly man sneered and said like a rogue.

""Heh... Owners' Committee?"

Ye Yang sneered.

He was the only owner in the entire Linjiang Community. He, himself, was the committee!

"You live in a big apartment, so you must be rich. Why do you feel bad about making a million dollars a year?~?"

The big man scratched his hair in boredom.

Most of the original owners of Linjiang Community were busy people. They bought some school district houses mostly for investment.

They rarely showed up, so they couldn't organize any committee.

There were no complaints from owners about the property management fee.

Naturally, the property management company set it at will.

He has become more and more daring in recent years.

Originally, the property management fee for this large flat was at most 200,000 yuan a year.

Now he has directly raised it to one million yuan.

"Ha, do you believe that I can get your property management company out of here just because of one word?"

Ye Yang sneered.

The other party probably didn't know that the entire Linjiang Community was acquired by him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant to him.

"Oh, you go back first. Tomorrow, Linjiang's property will no longer be yours."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

"Damn! You are so arrogant! ?"

The big man in the suit stared in disbelief:"What's wrong with you! ? Do you really think that you are the only owner of the entire Linjiang Community! ?"

"Come to think of it, it's true~"

Fang Sijin also re-arranged her makeup and walked out

"You are……"

The impatient big man Jinjiang's eyes lit up when he saw the person coming:

"Hey! Miss Fang! Why are you here?"

"Do you know each other?"

Ye Yang also asked Fang Sijin with great interest.

"I know her, of course I know her! Fang Jie is very famous, there are not many gold medal salespeople in the sales circle of Shanghai. We, the property management company, must have good relations with these elites in the circle, right?"

Jinjiang laughed repeatedly. However

, a trace of disgust flashed across Fang Sijin's eyes.

Jinjiang is a bully who only bullies the weak and fears the strong. He treats people differently, and he is more like a gangster than a property management company.

He relied on playing both sides and deceiving the superiors and the subordinates to get the qualification of the property management company of Linjiang Community.

However, this person is worldly and smooth, and although everyone is annoyed by him, they can't do anything about him.

""What do you mean by that, Fang Jie? Can he represent all the owners?"

Jin Jiang curled his lips and said,"I think he looks unfamiliar. He has only been here for a few days and he has become the head of the owners' committee?!"

"So what? You can't gather all the owners, right? If the owners don't file a joint complaint, you can't replace us~"

Jinjiang spread his hands indifferently, not caring at all.


Fang Sijin chuckled,"Then you are really ignorant. You probably don't know yet that Mr. Ye in front of you is the only owner of the entire Linjiang community, right?"

"The only owner!? What are you crazy about?"

Jin Jiang glared:"Oh, I know! You bitch teamed up with that brat to make fun of me!? I respect you and call you Sister Fang, otherwise you are nothing in front of me!"

He would not indulge those who were of no use to him.

"Pay the property fee quickly! Otherwise……"

Jin Jiang, a big guy, took a step forward with full momentum.

Ye Yang sneered and took a step forward:"What? Or do you want to fight?"

His physical fitness is now close to the human limit. It

's easy to beat the world heavyweight champion with one hand.

Not to mention a property that looks weak and strong.


Jin Jiang is a person who only bullies the weak and fears the strong. Seeing that Ye Yang was not afraid of being scared, he jumped back and said,"I'm warning you! This is a society ruled by law! Honesty! Friendliness! Civility! Harmony! If you dare to do anything, I will punish you with the law!"


Ye Yang's face was full of black lines.

This old man, you are obviously the robber, right?

He is tall and strong, but he is bullying the weak and fearing the strong to the extreme.

"I'm not interested in making fun of a nobody like you."

Ye Yang shook his head slightly:"If you don't believe me, call the developer yourself. If you keep making trouble here, I'll kick you off the flat!"

"You dare!"

Although he was being brave, Jin Jiang had already hidden himself several meters away.

He looked at Ye Yang with a vigilant and suspicious look.


Ye Yang had no desire to pay attention to this kind of guy who changed his attitude according to the situation. It was a waste of time to waste time with such a person.

"Have you decided where to eat?"

Ye Yang turned around and asked

"Emmm... Let's go to the Peace Hotel. The food there has the flavor of old Shanghai and is very tasteful."

Fang Sijin said with a smile

"Yeah. Let's go.……"

Ye Yang closed the door casually, leaving Jin Jiang standing there in a daze.

It was not until Ye Yang and Fang Sijin had been in the elevator for a long time that he gradually relaxed.

"The only owner of Linjiang Community?"

He muttered,"That bitch has no motive to deceive me! ?"

"Could it be true?!"

"But this is ridiculous!"

"It's impossible... You're lying to me after all! Humph!"


He let out a breath and relaxed. He walked leisurely up the stairs, and when he got outside and was blown by the wind, his brain cleared up and his back felt cold."No, I’d better call to verify it."……"


While Jinjiang was making the call, the fiery red Ferrari LaFerrari had already brought Ye Yang and Fang Sijin to the nearby Peace Hotel.

After parking the car, they went in and went straight for the signature dishes.

Peace Hotel is also a relatively famous hotel.

The per capita consumption starts at two thousand yuan.

However, in the eyes of Ye Yang, who has recently been accustomed to eating in luxury restaurants and even state banquets, it is still a bit too simple.

While eating the dishes, talking and laughing, it can be said to be a happy experience.

Chatting and eating with beautiful women is naturally an extremely wonderful experience.

Just when they were chatting happily, a few middle-aged men in suits with big bellies came in at the door.

One of them was obviously a pony guy and was talking to the front desk with his teeth bared.

The lady at the front desk looked embarrassed.

The pony took out more than a dozen bundles of cash directly from his pocket, and his expression was quite arrogant and confident.

With Ye Yang's current hearing, he could naturally hear what the pony was saying.

"What's going on?"

Fang Sijin looked at the front desk clerk's embarrassed look and asked.

"Several real estate project managers have agreed to have a dinner party. The place is full, and they are discussing with the front desk to spend ten times the money to let a table of people give up the table to them."

Ye Yang sneered.

People who come here to eat are basically not short of money.

A meal costs tens of thousands of yuan, and ten times is only hundreds of thousands.

Who would be willing to be kicked out in the middle of a meal for this!?

Therefore, the front desk lady was also very embarrassed.

"Sir... our hotel really can't do this. We are a formal big hotel. If you can reach a private agreement with the guests dining here, we won't stop you."

The lady at the front desk could only smile.

"Bah! You are a guy who doesn't know how to do business!"

The thug saw that the receptionist couldn't be persuaded, so he could only look around the hotel with the money.

Only Yeyang's place had the best scenery and sunshine, so he also walked towards this place with his wallet in his pocket...

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