"Brother, I say you are lucky today!"

Ma Zai looked at Ye Yang and said with a look of alms.

Ye Yang glanced at Ma Zai and ignored him. After all, he already knew his intention.


Seeing that Ye Yang ignored him and left him there like a fool, Ma Zai suddenly lost his temper and said directly:"Our President Wang is happy today. If you can give this table to our President Wang, we will give you ten times the meal money!"

"If you spend 10,000 yuan on this meal, we will give you 100,000 yuan!"

"Spend money to buy happiness, both sides are happy."

Ye Yang sneered:"Happy? Do you think you are rich?"

At this time, Mr. Wang and others also came over, and happened to hear what Ye Yang said, and their brows all frowned:"I say this young man, don't be too arrogant! It seems that you have just entered the society? You are so sharp, and you will be beaten by the society sooner or later." Ye Yang smiled and complained in his heart, do you think this is a gangster TV series!?

Although he was also full of pride in his heart and wanted to reply to him: If you are not arrogant, can you still be called a young man...

But with a turn of his eyes, Ye Yang also thought of a more coquettish operation

"Are you sure you want to buy our table's bill?"

Ye Yang raised a playful smile.

"Yes, not only will I buy it, I will pay ten times the price."

The henchman patted his wallet arrogantly.

Seeing that Ye Yang finally showed signs of giving in, Mr. Wang's expression softened a little:"You're smart."


Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved to the waiter next to him.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?"

The waitress Xiaoya approached. She also hated these guys who forced people to pay and leave. She felt sorry for Ye Yang.

But seeing Ye Yang compromise for a little money, she felt a little sad.

However, as someone who worked outside, she also understood.

This society is dangerous, it is better to have less trouble than more.


She sighed silently for Ye Yang

"Come and count for me, how much is my table?"

Ye Yang casually ordered the dishes on the table and glanced at Mr. Wang next to him with a smile.

"Um, okay……"

Although Xiaoya was a little confused, she still did as she was told:"Nine-headed purple abalone, 5,000 each, two in total, a total of 10,000."


Ma Zai's heart trembled. This dish alone was about to exceed his budget...……

"Steamed golden rice, one ounce is one thousand, eight ounces in total, eight thousand"

"Tassel fruit mousse, 18,888"

"Immortal Eight Phase Soup, 6666……"

"Fishing at Jiangyutai, 13,000……"


As the counting sounded, Mr. Wang's faces became darker and darker...

The diners around also looked over...

You wouldn't know until you saw it. Xiaoya was counting and was numb.

This... is all the signature dishes of the Peace Hotel!

Usually, one dish of this kind on each table is a luxury!

This gentleman actually ordered all of them...

Gradually, a smile appeared on her lips. She knew Ye Yang's intention and looked at Mr. Wang and others beside her whose faces suddenly darkened with a smile, but she kept counting.

When she ordered the last item, Xiaoya was surprised and a little absent-minded...

But out of professionalism, she quickly calmed down and said with certainty:"Silent Ship Snow White Champagne, 1.88 million per bottle, two bottles... 3.76 million!!!"

Silence Ship Snow White Champagne is the signature wine of the Peace Hotel.

There are only 2,000 bottles in the world.

I don't know how much it cost to buy five bottles from outside, and only one bottle has been sold since the restaurant opened a hundred years ago.

This young man who looks so young actually ordered two bottles at once!!! ?

Fang Sijin covered her mouth with a look of shock.

Ye Yang ordered the meal just now. She had no idea that the champagne she just drank cost nearly two million! No wonder it tasted so good...

If she had known that this bottle of wine was so expensive, she would not dare to say anything! She just said shamelessly that she would treat Boss Ye to a meal...

Thinking of this, Fang Sijin smiled bitterly. The one million commission she was so proud of was not enough for the value of the bottle of champagne she was drinking now.……


"This guy actually ordered the Ship of Silence! ?"


"Invisible super rich man!!!"

"Are all rich people so low-key? Damn, they quietly ordered a meal worth millions.……"

"This, this, this...won't the owner of this restaurant come out and give some flattery?"

"The boss went abroad a few days ago, otherwise he would have been shocked just now……"

"I said……"

"Hahahaha, everyone look at that damn Mr. Wang, his face has turned green with fear"

"Do you dare to say you will pay ten times the money to get them out this time?!"

"If you pretend to be cool and meet a real rich man, you’d better lose your face!"


Mr. Wang's arrogant behavior had long attracted the attention of the people around him.

However, no one wanted to cause trouble just now, so no one dared to say anything.

As soon as they heard the price of the dishes, they knew that this young man was not simple.

The last two bottles of Ship of Silence were like depth charges, which directly made the entire Peace Hotel noisy.……

"Sir, your meal costs, minus the decimals, a total of... 418.8868.88 yuan."

Xiaoya was also shocked and numb.


Ye Yang looked at the two trembling young bosses beside him and said with a smile:"How is it? I won't bully you. I am very generous. So, I will give you the 88 cents? Pay it? Transfer or swipe the card?"


Mr. Wang's face turned red, then purple, then black, then green. He kept doubting his life.

He was arrogant and proud.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have done such a thing.

Unexpectedly, he met someone even more arrogant today...

A meal cost more than 4 million!

It was a question whether their project could make a net profit of 10 million!

"More than 40 million……"

Mr. Wang was so upset that he was vomiting blood. Even if he sold out the other small bosses, he still couldn't raise this much money! ?

"I've kindly given you the change, why, no money?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

"Fuck you, do you still have a conscience? You've rounded off 88 cents, which is also rounded off to zero.……"

Mr. Wang felt bitter, but he had nowhere to vent, so he could only tremble.

At this moment, Ye Yang's expression suddenly turned cold, and he shouted angrily:"Since you have no money, why are you still pretending to be so powerful!"

This sudden scolding made the knees of the few young managers who were already guilty go weak. If it weren't for the help of their followers, they would have almost knelt down on the ground.

"Wow! Too domineering!"


"Why are you showing off when you don’t have money? This is the super rich man!!!"


The diners around were all shouting with excitement. It was so satisfying to get slapped in the face!

Fang Sijin also looked at Ye Yang with admiration.

Although she was a strong woman, she could only be a little fangirl next to Ye Yang at this moment.

Just as Mr. Wang was panting heavily, as if he was about to have a heart attack, the door of the Peace Hotel was suddenly pushed open.

A big man in a suit rushed in in a panic and looked around.

When he saw Ye Yang's table, his eyes lit up and he ran over stumblingly...

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