"Boss Ye... Boss Ye."

This panicked figure stumbled in.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the figure who stumbled over. He looked quite familiar.

"Yo? Isn't this the Jinjiang from before?

Fang Sijin looked Jinjiang up and down, raised her eyebrows, and saw that he looked embarrassed. She could tell that Jinjiang had obviously called the developer to confirm the information.

At this time, she also joked with a smile.

""Huh? Third Uncle!?"

Mr. Wang, who was embarrassed, scratched his head and rubbed his eyes, and finally confirmed that the man in front of him was indeed his Third Uncle.

Jin Jiang had always been good to him, and he was able to enter the real estate circle thanks to his

Third Uncle's guidance. Even the contract he celebrated today was obtained because of his Third Uncle's connections.

Although Jin Jiang was annoying because he bullied the weak and feared the strong, his ability to curry favor with people was outstanding.

""Huh? Why are you here?"

Jin Jiang glanced at Wang Sihai in surprise, then turned his head and forgot about him.

The most important purpose of coming here today was Ye Yang!

""Boss Ye, Boss Ye... I just confirmed with the developer... You are indeed the only owner of Linjiang Community now. I am blind and I was just asking for trouble by speaking disrespectfully to you!!!"

Jinjiang regretted it so much now.

The main reason was that this matter was really too absurd. Anyone would think that Ye Yang was playing a trick on him!

The entire school district community belongs to this young man alone!

What is this concept!?

Others may not know, but how could he, the property management company, not know?

Linjiang Community, if you calculate the market price, it will cost at least 30 to 50 billion to buy it all!

I don't know how many listed companies' market value is not enough to buy a fraction of this community!?

And to be qualified to buy a school district house, how much power does that have!?

It's terrifying to think about it, it's simply terrifying!

Thinking about how he just wanted to force such a super big shot to pay an excess property fee of one million...

He trembled all over.

Now, it's a small matter that his property has been replaced.

If Ye Yang holds a grudge against him, he may not be able to mix in the real estate circle of Shanghai in the future!

Now he is over 40 years old.

If he leaves his original circle, he is basically a useless person.……

"Really? Didn't you just say that you'll see me when you look up?"

Ye Yang joked,"Why are you acting like a grandson now?"

"Ah... I... I was just kidding... Please be merciful and let me go!"

Jin Jiang begged humbly.

"No, Uncle San, who is this guy? You are a well-known figure in the real estate industry. Is it necessary to treat him like this?"

Wang Sihai couldn't understand Jinjiang's current behavior at all.

""Shut up!"

Jin Jiang shouted angrily. The young man in front of him could make him lose his biggest source of income with just one sentence, and even make him get out of the real estate circle in Shanghai.

His nephew was young and hot-tempered. If he offended Mr. Ye by saying something unpleasant, he would have no hope at all.


Ye Yang smiled faintly:"But speaking of which, is this your nephew? You have raised a good nephew.……"

"Ah...ah! ?"

Jin Jiang was just worried that his arrogant and perverse nephew had offended Boss Ye before, and this really happened!

"Boss Ye, did this brat offend you? I'm going to teach him a lesson today!"

"He now owes me 40 million and wants to kick me out of this restaurant. How do we settle this account?"

Ye Yang sneered.


Jin Jiang's eyes almost popped out:"Why are you always looking for trouble with me, little brat!? Tell me! Why do you owe Mr. Ye 40 million! And you want to kick him out!? Are you so bold!?"

Wang Sihai's aggrieved face was twisted into a chrysanthemum

"Uncle San, it's not what you think.……"


Jinjiang slapped Wang Sihai in the face:"You dare to quibble!"

"Really not……"


Jinjiang slapped Wang Sihai twice more:"Do you know that Mr. Ye in front of you is the only owner of the entire Linjiang Community! ? The real estate alone is worth hundreds of billions! He is several times more awesome than your chairman!"

"Where the hell do you get the courage to provoke such a big shot!"

"You are simply blind!"

Wang Sihai felt very aggrieved at first, but after hearing what Jinjiang said, he was immediately frightened.

The real estate alone is worth hundreds of billions!?

The total assets must be hundreds of billions!?

Hundreds of billions of assets, definitely ranked among the best in China!

How could he show off his skills in front of such a terrifying big shot and stir up trouble!?

"Uncle San, I really don’t know… I just got the project, I’m happy, and I want to show off here, who knew I would meet such a big shot! ?"

Wang Sihai is now aggrieved to the bottom of his heart.

The diners around him are amazed.

"He is so young, but his real estate alone is worth tens of billions! ? No wonder he is so arrogant!"

"That's so awesome... I just thought he was a bit pretentious for spending over 4 million on a meal, but now it seems... he's just too low-key, right? ?"


"The only owner of the entire Linjiang community……"

Everyone present was amazed by Ye Yang's identity.


Jin Jiang saw that he had almost finished beating Wang Sihai, so he asked Wang Sihai to explain the whole process.

After listening, he was speechless.

You said you were showing off without even looking at your opponent! ?

At least take a look at the food on the other person's table before you say such harsh words! ?

Also, the level of your men is really rubbish, they have no sense at all...

He didn't think Wang Sihai's behavior was wrong at all, he was just angry that Wang Sihai had not learned the skill of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and he boasted without even checking whether he could afford to provoke the other party.

However, as he was scolding.

His face suddenly froze... So, didn't he make a mistake just now! ?

Now, scolding has brought himself into trouble.……

"You little brat, why don't you apologize to Mr. Ye!"

Jin Jiang slapped Wang Sihai's head.

"I was wrong, I was wrong...Mr. Ye……"

Wang Sihai bowed repeatedly, changing his previous arrogance

""Don't just talk?"

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Fang Sijin took out the card reader and smiled at Wang Sihai.

Fang Sijin was very beautiful and her smile was refreshing.

But now her smile looked like a monster that wanted to eat people in Wang Sihai's eyes.

"Uncle San, even if I sell my house, I can't raise 40 million.……"

He almost cried


The diners around all burst into laughter.

When he first came, he was so confident that I thought he was worth hundreds of millions. But he turned out to be a poor bastard who couldn't even afford ten meals even if he sold his house...

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