"Useless! Capable of causing trouble but not capable of settling it!"

Jin Jiang sighed deeply, rolled his eyes, and took out his bank card:"Boss Ye, I, as his uncle, will have to pay off my nephew's debt!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

He was not unaware of what Jin Jiang was thinking. He gave him this money, firstly to resolve the previous unhappiness, and secondly to spend money to avoid disaster, so that he would not change the property management of Linjiang Community.


Jinjiang's hands were shaking, and his heart was in great pain.

Linjiang Community had never been fully occupied, and the property had only been opened for one or two years.

In total, he had only collected about 100 million yuan in property fees. After deducting the money he had paid to the boss behind the scenes, plus the money he had already spent, he only had about 50 million yuan in his hands.

He took away 40 million yuan in one go.

"Two years of hard work, all gone to this kid!"

He hated it in his heart...

But as long as he kept the qualification of this property, he would be able to make more in the future...

He made up his mind and directly swiped away 40 million.

Ye Yang also received the message and nodded with satisfaction:"You can go now"

""Hey, Boss Ye, that... property management thing?"

Jin Jiang asked cautiously.

"What I said will not change. Tomorrow, you will no longer be the property manager of Linjiang Community."

Ye Yang frowned and said,"I didn't expel you from the real estate circle of Magic City. This is already a kindness I gave you."


Jin Jiang's heart trembled, and his eyes dimmed.

He was a person who looked at people and treated them differently.

Ye Yang was someone he could not afford to offend. He was dismissed with just one word, legally and reasonably, and he had no way to deal with him.

Comparing power and secret means!?

The wealth is not in the same level, so the power and black hand behind him can be smaller?

To be honest, he was completely scared.

It was enough to avoid being excluded from the circle.

With his ability to make friends with everyone, he would not go hungry.

"Then, Mr. Ye, enjoy your meal. I will leave first.……"

Jin Jiang smiled and kicked Wang Sihai on the butt:"Get out of here!""

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Wang Sihai saw that his uncle, who had been in the real estate circle of Shanghai for 20 years, had to give in. Naturally, he himself had no choice but to run away in embarrassment.


The diners around watched the twists and turns, and secretly thought that today's meal was worth it!

The plots in the movies are not as exciting as this!

As expected, art comes from reality. In reality, the awesomeness and extravagance of these super rich people are beyond the imagination of the screenwriters, but they can do it.

"Finally left……"

Ye Yang smiled and turned his head:"Eat your meal in peace~"


Fang Sijin now completely worshipped Ye Yang, so she naturally obeyed his orders.

After eating, Ye Yang also swiped his card to transfer more than 4 million yuan.

"Ding! It is detected that you spent 418w on food consumption, and the reward is the world's first security company: Hurricane, 51% equity"


Ye Yang's mind moved.

Hurricane Security!?

He had never heard of this company.

But since it was rated as the best in the world by the system, it must be quite capable.

"I was just threatened by Jin Jiang, and I just wanted to find some security guards.……"

Ye Yang thought:"This reward is quite coincidental."

"Or...my previous judgment was incorrect."

"The system does not give rewards based on how much money you spend, but rather based on recent random events and inner needs! ?"


The specific reward mechanism can only be studied slowly in the future.

However, he was very satisfied with the security company rewarded today.

"Where is your home? I can take you back."

Ye Yang asked. Fang

Sijin smiled and said,"Then I'll have to trouble you, Boss Ye... The house I rented in Qingyuan Community"

"Rented house?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"You are a gold medal salesperson, and the money you earn is not enough to buy a house?"

Fang Sijin smiled bitterly:"It's difficult... You know the house prices in Shanghai, they are already sky-high. Tens of millions for a house, I have been a gold medal salesperson for three years, and I haven't earned enough to buy a third of the house."

"Sales is an unstable profession. You never know when you will not be able to pay back the mortgage with the down payment."


Ye Yang was also silent.

He thought of himself before he got the system.

At that time, he was just an ordinary software intern. After graduation, he was recruited into a company with the tide. He was busy working and didn't know where his future was.

Even after becoming a regular employee, with a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, he would have to starve for a hundred years to buy a house in Shanghai...

By the time he saves enough money without eating or drinking, he will be over 120 years old, right?!

Thinking of this, Ye Yang actually felt a little emotional.

Fortunately, everything has changed.

He patted Fang Sijin on the shoulder:"Pack up and move to Linjiang Community in a few days. The large flat in Building B is yours."

Fang Sijin is now his woman.

The woman of the super rich goes out to rent a house!?

It's too ridiculous.

He has thousands of houses in his hands, so it's natural to give one to his woman.

Moreover, the rental of the remaining 2,000 houses in the future will depend on her.

The most important thing is...

He found that collecting rent is really tiring!!!

This morning, he only visited dozens of houses!

If he were to go door to door to collect rent, it would be really a headache for him...

It would be convenient for Fang Sijin to live in Linjiang Community so that she can help him collect rent and run errands in the future.

"Boss Ye, you……"

Fang Sijin covered her mouth and looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

"Still calling me Boss Ye?"

Ye Yang smiled and patted Fang Sijin's face.

""Brother Yang!"

Fang Sijin shouted repeatedly.

Don't be fooled by her mature and capable appearance, like a queen, that's because she started working hard after graduating from high school.

Her maturity and competence are all cultivated in the social circle and through hard work!

In fact, according to her real age, she is still a junior in college, two years younger than Ye Yang.


Ye Yang nodded and said,"It's ready. Just ask the moving company to move it over. I'll prepare the keys for you later.""


Fang Sijin completely dropped all her defenses in front of Ye Yang, turning from a queen into a little sheep.


Ferrari LaFerrari sped through the bustling twilight of the Magic City, bringing with it the summer evening breeze and countless exclamations.

After racing with Fang Sijin for a long time, Ye Yang sent her back to Qingyuan Community:"Remember to move there as soon as possible!"

""I will!"

Fang Sijin nodded.

Watching the graceful figure walk upstairs,

Ye Yang withdrew his gaze and looked at the message on WeChat.

"Brother! We are free on Sunday. You promised me before! Go out with Xiao Zi on Sunday!"

It turned out to be a message from his younger sister Ye Xiao Zi.

Ye Yang felt a warm feeling in his heart.

"Okay, I'll give you a big surprise then."

"What a big surprise! /Confused"

Ye Xiaozi was intrigued.

"If I tell you in advance, is it still a surprise? /pig/roll eyes"

"Humph! You stinky old man! Xiao Zi has prepared a surprise for you too! Don't be startled when the time comes! /Tsundere"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"This little girl can actually prepare a surprise for me?"

He was also looking forward to it. What exactly is the surprise that his sister is talking about...

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