After driving back to Yundingshan Villa in a sports car,

Ye Yang searched for Hurricane Security Company, but found that there was almost no introduction to this company on the Internet.

The only information was that it was an overseas security company jointly invested by multiple countries.

The company's headquarters was on an island in the high seas and was not subject to any legal control.

"It sounds awesome."

Ye Yang's heart trembled, and he felt the extraordinaryness of this Hurricane Security Company.

"Beep Beep……"

The phone rang.

Ye Yang looked at the overseas number on it and his heart was moved. This should be the call from Hurricane.


Ye Yang answered the phone

"Hello... Mr. Ye, we have received the news that from today on, you are our real boss... May I ask what you can do for me?" The foreign-style Chinese voice coming from the other end almost made Ye Yang laugh out loud.

It was obvious that a Chinese girl had been abroad for too long and suddenly spoke Chinese, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.


Ye Yang thought for a moment and said,"Send me the company's detailed information and send two beautiful bodyguards nearby. They must be the best ones."

"OK! Boss...we understand……"

The girl over there said

"That’s right."

Ye Yang reminded again:"Practice your Chinese fluently and stop speaking to me in such a strange tone.""


After confirming that Ye Yang did not have any other instructions, the girl hung up the phone.

"It seems that the bodyguards will be in place tomorrow."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Hurricane Security Company is rated as the world's number one security company by the system, so its efficiency should be quite high.

Before going to bed, Hurricane Security Company also sent the company information.

You won't know until you see it. You will be shocked when you see it.

"Oh my god... is it so mysterious! ?"

Ye Yang stared.

The entire Hurricane Security Company has a wide range of business, not limited to security business.

Among them, security, mercenaries, reconnaissance... almost all businesses related to violence are included.

In a country with a rule of law, they provide security and bodyguards. In a country in turmoil, they have countless forces and mercenaries waiting to be dispatched.

There is nothing they cannot reach, only things that do not exist in this world.

The heads of some medium-sized countries all ask their people to protect them.


After reading some of the history of this security company again,

Ye Yang was completely relieved.

Such a company, hidden in a corner of the world, radiates energy all over the world.

It is impossible to measure it with money.

If it is not a real big shot, I am afraid that he does not even have the qualifications to know the existence of the other party's company! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Yang fell asleep directly.

The next morning,

Ye Yang was awakened by the roar of a helicopter.


He walked out of the Yundingshan Villa and asked Yu Momo beside him:"What's going on?"

"A black helicopter has arrived. We don't know the details yet. It is now parked on the helipad in the backyard of Yundingshan Villa."

Yu Momo was also very confused and had no idea what was going on.


Ye Yang's heart moved, and he understood a little:"It should be the people from Hurricane who have arrived."

"What hurricane?"

Yu Momo had never heard of this company.

"You will know in a moment."

Ye Yang walked to the backyard.

He saw a pair of sisters coming down from the black helicopter.

One of the sisters was wearing a leather jacket, like an ice queen.

The other had a baby face, petite and cute, like the red-robed cheongsam swordswoman in the Japanese comics.

"You are Boss Ye, right?"

The sisters had obviously seen Ye Yang's photo beforehand, and when they saw Ye Yang, they called him Boss.

"Yes. You are the beautiful bodyguards sent by Hurricane?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly:"Not bad"

"You don't even know our strength, and you say we're pretty good?"

The Iceberg Leather Queen said coldly.

"I said she looks good."

Ye Yang smiled.


"You should already know my name, what are yours?"

Ye Yang asked.

"My name is Xiao Qingxuan."

The leather queen said coldly

"My name is Xiao Xiaozhu."

The girl in a red robe said

"Well, it seems that they are really sisters."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"Yes, boss, I am your elder sister!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said proudly

"You are my sister……!?"

Ye Yang blinked. Xiao Xiaozhu looked at the baby face. If she said she was 18 years old, people would believe her. She was actually the elder sister! ?

"Sister Xiaozhu is the best at disguising herself. Although she has a baby face, she has poisoned and assassinated countless top figures."

Xiao Qingxuan's words made Ye Yang shudder all over, and he had to re-examine Xiao Xiaozhu.

"Hey, you are our boss! We are 100% loyal to you!"

Xiao Xiaozhu waved his little fist, looking harmless no matter how you look at him.

"From now on, Sister Xiaozhu and I will be the one in the open and the other in the dark, one in literature and one in martial arts, and we can protect you 100%."

Xiao Qingxuan said coldly


Ye Yang was a little confused:"Aren't you security guards? Why do you have a document?’?"

"Is such that"

"Security is divided into civil and military lines. The military line is naturally pure physical strength. The civil line is a job that requires brains, such as poisoning, assassination, etc."

Xiao Qingxuan said these terrifying words lightly, as if these things were commonplace.


Ye Yang took a long time to force a smile:"Just now you said that Xiao Xiaozhu is an assassin, so you are a martial artist?"


Xiao Qingxuan looked at Ye Yang and said,"Boss, if you think I can't fight, you can find 20 strong men to fight me."

"Can you beat twenty strong men?"

Ye Yang exclaimed, the martial arts masters on TV are only like this, right?

"Within three minutes, I promise to make these twenty people breathless."

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly.


Ye Yang smiled bitterly:"Ahem... Is this the confidence of the world's top beauty bodyguard?……"

Xiao Qingxuan sighed, knowing that Ye Yang must think she was bragging.

She casually picked up a golf club beside her and twisted it into a twist without any effort.

Ye Yang's face showed a pained look. A golf club is not cheap. Although he is not short of money, he does not want to waste money for no reason.

However, the material of the golf club is very good, and it can be twisted into a twist.

At least in terms of strength, it is more than ten times that of ordinary people.

He is also proficient in Chinese martial arts, but he has not tried to twist the golf club.

Although he really wants to know who is stronger between him and Xiao Qingxuan, seeing that the other party wants to kill people at the slightest disagreement, he still restrained his thoughts.

"I guess this girl was under too much pressure from her previous tasks, and she needs to slowly adapt to the pace of daily life in modern society.……"

Ye Yang also understood.

Hurricane's field was on the chaotic side of the world. The two sisters were able to reach the level of top bodyguards, and everything they experienced was naturally beyond his imagination.

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