"No need to be so tense. I don't have anything that requires violence for the time being. You two just need to adapt to the environment of the villa first."

Ye Yang said with a smile


Xiao Qingxuan was concise and to the point. After exchanging a glance with Xiao Xiaozhu, they separated and began to investigate.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Yang asked, scratching his head.

"Check for potential safety hazards, draw up blueprints, and prepare to install security systems and measures in a short while, eliminate all assassination angles, mark possible ambush locations for snipers around, and plan a evacuation plan for emergencies……"

Xiao Xiaozhu explained as he searched.

"Anyway, there are many things to do. You won't understand even if I tell you.……"

Xiao Qingxuan added a knife lightly


Ye Yang spread his hands helplessly, but it was better to check it out, so he let them go.

Once they are familiar with the domestic environment and social stability, they should be able to relax, right? ?

During lunch, the beautiful bodyguard sisters finally completed all the surveys and arrangements, and came together���On the table

""Boss Ye, your villa is totally defenseless! Your security awareness is too poor! If I want to harm you, I can easily come up with ten thousand ways!"

Both sisters complained.


Ye Yang's face was filled with black lines. Actually, the villa had a security system, but in the eyes of these top professionals, it was no different from being completely defenseless.

"But we have solved all the problems for you. Next, we will protect your safety 24 hours a day."

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu said with a firm expression.

"Got it, got it, come eat, you've worked hard."

Ye Yang smiled and waved.

After the meal,

Yu Momo and the maids also got to know the two beautiful sisters.

"I'm going to a class reunion tonight, so I won't be back for dinner."

Ye Yang casually told Yu Momo

"Classmates reunion? Where? Do we need to go there in advance to scout and defuse the bomb?"

The Xiao sisters stood up and their occupational allergy came back.……

"No no no... no need……"

Ye Yang waved his hands repeatedly.

What kind of missions did these two sisters carry out before? Killing people, bomb disposal, and snipers were all they did.……

"All right……"

The sisters lost interest when they heard this.

Ye Yang rubbed their shoulders and said,"Don't be so tense all the time. You should enjoy life appropriately."

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were shocked and looked at Ye Yang. These words... were what they had never dared to hope for in all these years.

Having been adopted by Hurricane since childhood, and trained in cruel top security, and living in extremely high-pressure and dangerous situations, this kind of consideration and tenderness was invaluable to them.

"At least we have to be on guard and guard outside."

Xiao Qingxuan said after a pause.

"Well, it's up to you guys."

Ye Yang smiled and went to prepare for the class reunion tonight.

The reunion was dinner, but the class group was lively at this time.

"Everyone, get ready. Han Caili and I have confirmed that she has ordered dinner for 6pm. We can meet in front of Han Pavilion at 5:30pm."

Squad leader Yu Chenggong sent a message.

"Yeah, I can't wait, haha……"

"Okay, old squad leader.……"

A group of people were responding.

Today is Saturday, and most people have time tonight.

Ye Yang was moved, and sent a message to Zheng Xian:"What time do you get off work tonight? I'll pick you up."

As a programmer, 996 is inevitable. You have to work on Saturdays and have one day off on Sundays.

"Boss Ye, how dare I ask you to pick me up?"

"Okay, stop being polite to me!"

Ye Yang shrugged helplessly.

"I know that Boss Ye is good. I should be done by 4:30."

"So early?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised

"Well... Of course there is a special reason. When we meet later, I will say,"Boss Ye, I need to finish the work at hand first.""


After Ye Yang sent the message, he went to the garage to pick a car.

Today, he was going to take Zheng Xian and the bodyguard sisters with him, so he couldn't take a sports car with only two seats.

"Rolls-Royce Phantom, it's your choice."

After searching for a while, Ye Yang picked a car that he thought was a medium-priced car worth 60 million yuan. This would neither look too ostentatious nor lose face.

However, if his classmates knew about this idea, they would be shocked!

Less than half a year after graduation, except for those with rich families, few people in the class bought cars, let alone super luxury cars of this level!

"I'll be the driver! I'm a good driver!"

Xiao Xiaozhu is naturally very familiar with all kinds of luxury cars:"Is this the top-of-the-line Rolls-Royce Phantom? It's known as a small tank. If it can be modified and a few 50mm vehicle-mounted machine guns can be added, it will be perfect!"

"Well, it would be better if there was a self-testing anti-terrorist bomb system or something like that."

Xiao Qingxuan added seriously


Ye Yang trembled when he heard this. He finally understood that as long as these two guys were around, he would be living in the illusion of violence, terrorism and bomb threats at any time.……

"Ahem, there's no need for machine guns or anything like that. Just drive your car with peace of mind!"

Ye Yang said with a dark face.


Xiao Xiaozhu pouted:"But Xiaozhu still wants to complain! Boss, your safety awareness is too poor!"


Ye Yang nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:"You are right, as long as you don't install any machine guns on my car, it's up to you."

The sisters sat in the front row.

Ye Yang, like a big boss, lay back in the wide seat at the back.

He was not worried about Zheng Xian's character.

But if he got on the car and was judged as a dangerous person by Xiao Qingxuan, he would be searched and arrested. In order not to scare this best friend, he should let him sit in the same row with him.……


The Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at the entrance of the Empire State Building. The glittering golden man attracted envious glances from people around.

"Rolls-Royce Phantom! One car costs at least 20-30 million! ? I really don't know which chairman's car this is"

"Alas... You can't envy me. If you don't have this thing when you are born, you won't have to think about it for the rest of your life."


At this time, Zheng Xian also followed several colleagues out of the building. While chatting with his colleagues, he looked for the license plate number that Ye Yang mentioned.

"Holy shit! Little golden man!"

"It’s still a Phantom!"

Several colleagues saw this super luxury car as soon as they went out, and couldn’t help but exclaimed


After Zheng Xian compared it several times, he finally confirmed that this car was indeed Boss Ye's.

"……Hey, Jung Heon! Where are you going?"

"Do you want to take a photo with the luxury car? The owner seems to be still inside. This is too rude... Although we also want to go!"

Zheng Xian waved his hand with a smile and said casually:

"My friend is waiting for me in the car."


All the colleagues were confused, and then they seemed to remember something and suddenly realized:"Could it be him!?"

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