Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 493: Discussing the Script at Midnight

Soon, these foreign action movie bosses came to China on their own planes.

"Are you Mr. Ye?"

Most foreigners believe in the law of the jungle. Ye Yang defeated three of the top boxing champions in various boxing competitions in a row, and he had already conquered these kung fu superstars.

They knew that they could not defeat Ye Yang.

The main reason is to have a long experience and get to know Chinese Kung Fu again.

Ye Yang looked at these foreign action superstars with a faint smile.

All of them are familiar faces, such as Jason, Stallone, Longor, etc.


Ye Yang also nodded slightly and smiled lightly.

"If you want to have a deeper understanding of Chinese Kung Fu, you can find my bodyguard, but according to the agreement, I will still fight you personally first."

Ye Yang looked at the group of strong men in front of him who were obviously Lian Jiazi: "You guys, come together."

"Boss Ye, don't think we are just acting in movies, but we do have some kung fu backgrounds, and a few of them are underground black boxing champions. If we join together... it will be detrimental to you."

The foreigners were obviously outspoken and did not agree with the suggestion of beating.

"Haha, don't worry."

Ye Yang hooked his fingers.

"In that case, we won't be polite!"

Several international action superstars looked at each other and rushed forward.

He is also an action superstar, but his kung fu skills are also uneven.

The strong ones are even former underground black boxing bosses, while the weak ones just like to keep fit, are stronger than normal people, and move faster, but they don't actually have real fighting skills.

Ye Yang stepped on Bagua and swam around, keeping himself in a situation where he was facing only one person at the same time.

The fist types on the hands change the power.

Be careful not to accidentally use too much force and hurt the other person.

After all, he was eager to help him with the filming at a reasonable price. With his current strength, if he was a little harsher, the other party might have to lie in the hospital for a few months, and he would still be filming.

The body is like a ghost, and the fists are like rabbits.

Soon, the ground was filled with people lying everywhere.

In their respective movies, these action superstars were all knocked to the ground in a very short time!

"Are you okay?"

Ye Yang smiled and stretched out his hand to pull several foreigners up.

"I'm convinced! We're really convinced!"

"Although I have competed with Cheng in private before, I have to admit that this is the real killing move of Chinese martial arts! I just touched me a little and I lost my ability to resist. If the attack had been harder, I might have died just now. Not coming down anymore.”

Several foreigners were still frightened.

Ye Yang deliberately withheld his hand, so naturally he wanted them to see that he had kept his hand.

Only in this way can his level be revealed.

"We will abide by the agreement and do our best to perform this movie well."

Several kung fu superstars are doing it in succession.

As kung fu superstars, it is their job to learn the advantages of various boxing styles around the world and show their beauty and strength on the screen.

The Chinese Kung Fu displayed by Ye Yang amazed them again and again.

It was like opening the door to a new world. They were very satisfied to stay in China and make movies without requiring them to pay tuition.

How dare you ask for too high a salary!

Moreover, they had a premonition that this movie would probably not only be popular in China!

After all, when kung fu movies were the most popular, 90% of the box office was from the domestic market!

The biggest box office market for kung fu movies is overseas!

If it can really restore the grandeur of Kung Fu back then and trigger a movie-watching craze around the world, this will be another masterpiece that can be called a legend and famous in film history! ! !

They all believed in their own vision, and the contract given by Ye Yang also included a clause based on the final box office share.

If this movie can really become a super phenomenon-level work that detonated the world like "Avatar" back then.

So, even if they act for free for free, the final share of the box office will allow them to get a higher salary than any previous movie!

There was no Ye Yang on set in the past few days.

Ye Yang also looked for opportunities to discuss the script and acting skills with the actors.

During this discussion, many veteran actors were amazed by Ye Yang's acting theory, and expressed their anticipation for Ye Yang's performance.

Some relatively young actresses were so fascinated by Ye Yang's lectures that they often discussed scripts and explained acting skills with Ye Yang in the room until midnight.

They all expressed that they gained a lot and were surprised.

In this way, the filming of the movie proceeds step by step...

After the protagonist grows up, the filming of Ye Yang's appearance will start in about ten days.

Ye Yang was no longer anxious.

"After the salary was paid out, I signed up for a chain gym. I have been busy discussing the script these days, often working until midnight. My body also feels a little tired, so I just go to the gym to exercise!"

Although Ye Yang is now as strong as a superhero, he is not even inferior to a superhero.

But you must always pay attention to fitness and health, otherwise your body will be weak no matter how strong it is.

Driving a newly ordered Maserati MC33 worth 33 million, Ye Yang was speeding all the way.

With a beautiful flick, he stopped in the parking lot of the Magic City branch of the Welsh gym chain.

"Here, this is the Maserati MC33! This year's new model! The most expensive model Maserati has ever sold! Which super rich second-generation company can actually get this kind of magic car directly!"

"A luxury car worth more than 30 million yuan!"


The people who often come to the gym, apart from the elite, are the scumbag men and women who come in to pick up girls and flirt with men.

The latter's eyes lit up when he saw the 30 million luxury car.

"The layout is too small! He is Ye Shenhao! A car worth 30 million yuan is called low-key when he drives it!"

"That's right! Ye Shenhao has been very low-key recently! He used to drive a Koenigsegg One1 out for fun! At least he's a Lamborghini with a RMB 70-80 million price tag!"

"Perhaps you have become rich enough to return to your original nature and be simple and unpretentious!"

"You're so unpretentious, driving a 30 million Maserati is still called unpretentious! When will I be able to be so unpretentious!"

"Go ahead and dream, you still..."

"Ahem, let's stop talking. I'm going to punch a thousand sandbags today to vent my current jealousy!!!"


The crowd surrounding Maserati at the door was talking a lot.

Ye Yang turned the key and walked into the Welsh Gym.

As the largest gym chain in China with the largest number of chain stores, its head office in the Magic City area is doing extremely well.

Whether it is equipment or decoration environment.

All extremely high-end.

It is also equipped with special saunas, swimming pools and other facilities.

It can be said to be very considerate.

"Walk quickly, walk quickly, our gym's fitness champion is about to start showing off."

"Really, then you have to follow me quickly and take a look..."

(Second update)

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